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Taking Care of our Veterans:
Serving in the United States military is one of the most noble and meaningful professions that any American man or woman can take on. Whether stationed overseas, in Montana, at Malmstrom Air Force Base or elsewhere, these individuals are performing an invaluable service to our nation.

I have tremendous gratitude for the service our veterans perform and believe it's essential for the United States to take care of them the way they have taken care of us. I have worked hard throughout my career to provide our veterans with the benefits and health care they need and deserve, and the recognition they've earned.

There are more than 100,000 veterans residing in Montana.  Protecting these heroes is of utmost importance to Senator Tester and myself and we will continue to do everything we can in Washington, D.C. and at home in Montana to fulfill this commitment

My Work on Veterans Issues:
I've consistently sponsored and supported legislation to assist the men and women who have served our nation, and protected the freedoms and ideals we hold dear.  Montana has contributed its share of men and women to the cause of freedom and I take our nation’s commitments to them seriously.

Getting Veterans the Tax Rebate They Deserved:
I was proud to have recently helped include 250,000 disabled veterans within the economic stimulus package passed by Congress this year.  Our Nation’s disabled veterans have sacrificed so much in service of our country—I did not think it was right to pass a stimulus bill that did not include them.  

GI Bill for the 21st Century:
Service to the United States doesn’t end when they leave the Armed Forces – veterans continue to play an important role in our society for the rest of their lives.  That’s why I fought hard for the Post 9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2007, also known as the GI Bill for the 21st Cenutry, which passed Congress this spring.  This bill makes it possible for thousands of veterans to go to college and increases benefits to adjust to the high cost of today’s universities.  In addition, the bill adds flexibility to those who wish to pursue a degree program while on active duty.  Men and women on active duty have the option to pursue programs on a half-time basis, to take on an apprenticeship, or to sign up for correspondence courses. It is crucial that those who have given so much to our country are granted their due benefits.

Helping Veterans Find Jobs Once they Return Home:
I fought hard to pass the Help Our Patriots Employment (HOPE) Act to provide incentives for employers to hire service-connected disabled veterans and to improve adjustment assistance and job-training transition for injured and disabled veterans. The legislation ensures that small businesses are eligible for tax breaks if they hire disabled veterans.

Increasing Funding for Health Care:
I understand that the VA in Montana is finding itself in an increasing financial pinch dealing with the growing numbers of veterans seeking care.  Each year I work together with the Senate Appropriations Committee to increase funding for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.  Last year I was proud that Congress passed the largest increase in funding for the VA in American history.  Though this is a positive first step, much more needs to be done.
It is of the utmost importance to ensure that those who have given so much to our country are granted their due benefits, and treated with respect.  I've continually backed legislation to make health care more accessible to veterans. And I voted to allow veterans who are eligible for Medicare to receive their health care at a Veterans Affairs (VA) facility. I'll continue to fight to see that our nation's vets have access to the quality health care and prescription drug benefits they need and deserve.

Expanding the Reach of Rural Clinics:
I realize that in many rural parts of the country the nearest VA medical facility is hundreds of miles away.  This can be a grueling trip, especially for older veterans. I’m proud to have worked with Senator Tester to help increase the mileage reimbursement paid to veterans from 11 cents to 28.5 cents a mile.  But I believe it is critical to help get the services veterans have earned closer to where they live.
I’ve been working hard to expand the locations and services of the VA primary care facilities in Montana. Veterans in both Lewistown and Cut Bank have recently received new Community Based Outpatient Clinics and a new clinic is planned for Havre. The VA Clinics in Kalispell, Anaconda, and Missoula have recently expanded to better serve veterans. VA Secretary Peake has recently pledged a new, expanded VA clinic in Billings as well. 
Although these changes are encouraging, they are not enough.  Enormous challenges remain which prevent veterans from accessing the care their service has earned them.  I’ll keep fighting to improve the VA services available to  Montana’s veterans.