U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works
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National Infrastructure and Public Works Accomplishments

“As a conservative I have always advocated a limited government role, but I believe the development, construction, and maintenance of infrastructure is an inherently governmental function. In addition to providing for the national defense, I believe the single greatest service we as the federal government can provide our citizens is the necessary infrastructure to enable the United States to remain the economic engine that drives the world's economy.” – Senator Inhofe


Major Legislation Enacted Into Law

H.R. 3 Safe Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU): Signed into Law, August 10, 2005: The bill provides badly-needed funding to improve and repair our bridges, roads and mass transit systems. SAFETEA-LU will help ensure that we have a safe, modern national transportation infrastructure, which is essential for maintaining the nation’s economy.  Further, this is a jobs bill that will create employment opportunities for millions of Americans. The Department of Transportation estimates that every $1 billion of federal money invested in highway improvements creates more than 47,500 jobs. SAFETEA-LU provides $286.4 billion in funding over the 2004-2009 period for the nation’s transportation infrastructure, which is by far the largest federal commitment to infrastructure and creates millions of job opportunities across the country. Learn More: Highway Bill for Oklahoma; Department of Transportation Summery 

 H.R. 1495 Water Resources Development Act of 2007 (WRDA): Enacted into Law, November 8, 2007: The passage of WRDA was one of my top priorities since becoming Chairman of the EPW Committee in 2003, and I am proud to have led the effort to ensure enactment of this critically important national infrastructure bill. WRDA is an authorization bill for the Army Corps of Engineers, largely authorizing construction of water resources projects.  The Army Corps of Engineers is tasked with managing the country’s water resources through navigation, flood damage reduction, hurricane and storm damage reduction, ecosystem restoration projects and others, as well and utilizing out water resources for strategic defense. Enactment of WRDA is a victory for addressing America's water resources needs in a fiscally responsible manner. The WRDA bill is not a spending bill; it is an authorizing bill. It simply sets out which projects and programs are allowed to get in line for future funding and sets the maximum amount of money that can be funded.

S.1134 The Economic Development Administration Reauthorization Act, Signed Into Law, October 27, 2004: One of the main programs of the Economic Development Administration (EDA) is a grants program to support efforts to attract new industry, encourage business expansion, diversify local economies, and generate or retain higher-skill, higher-wage jobs and investments by revitalizing, expanding, and upgrading physical infrastructure.  Examples of infrastructure and development facility investments supported by this program include water and sewer system improvements, skill-training facilities, industrial and business parks, industrial access roads, port and harbor improvements, business incubator facilities, multi-tenant manufacturing facilities, and tourism facilities. The EDA reauthorization bill not only reauthorized the programs for the entire country, but it ensured that the communities of Elgin and Durant will be able to move forward with infrastructure improvements that will support the attraction of private sector investment and the creation of jobs.  It will also result in much needed investment in Ottawa County, providing funding for the City of Miami – a city that has suffered economic hardship due to its proximity to a Superfund site. Additionally, the bill preserves the ability of Economic Development Districts to use planning funds to provide technical assistance and cover administrative costs.  This is especially important for the small, rural communities of Oklahoma that do not have the resources to maintain the professional and technical capacity needed to develop and implement comprehensive economic development strategies.  Economic Development Districts work to fill this hole and should not be prevented from doing so.

Oklahomans Praise Senator Inhofe For Leadership on Infrastructure and Public Works


From the Tulsa World:

“Jim Inhofe has waged a hard, perhaps even lonely, battle to get Congress to face up to transportation needs. Even the amounts he pushes for are small compared to the massive needs of the transportation system. Fortunately, it appears the majority of the U.S. Senate agrees with him.”  (Editorial: Road work, May 13, 2005)

“Hats off to U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe for staying the course and crafting a transportation bill that will net Oklahoma more highway money than ever before. The good news comes at a time when the state is growing increasingly desperate in its search for resources to address burgeoning transportation needs…    ‘This bill is historic for Oklahoma,’ said Inhofe. ‘I am extremely proud of the increase in funding the state will receive from this legislation.’ He should be. No other state leader has achieved such a feat in modern Oklahoma history.” (Editorial: Highways win, August 1, 2005) 

 “The federal money was acquired through the efforts of the state's congressional delegation, but especially because of the work of Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla. His seniority allowed him to obtain a much larger highway construction bill than the president wanted. In addition to I-44 work, there is another $200 million-plus in highway improvements for Oklahoma in the bill. For the first time, Oklahomans will get back a little more in highway funds than they pay out in federal fuel taxes. When it comes to federal funds for highways, it's "hats in the air" time in Tulsa.” (Editorial: No more obstacles, August 13, 2005)

“Thanks to the efforts of U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe and others, water development projects soon could be sprinkled throughout the state, vastly improving critically needed infrastructure, expanding and improving water supplies and irrigation sources, and opening the way for major lakeside developments that could bring new life to flagging communities…A former Tulsa mayor, Inhofe is keenly aware of the limited resources cities face, which no doubt is one reason he pushed this measure. Inhofe's conservative credentials surely are as good as anyone's, so the argument this bill is laden with unnecessary pork just doesn't hold water. (Sorry.) That won't stop the charges of the "born-again conservatives," as he describes them, who won't support these justifiable, much-needed infrastructure improvements. But we here in Tulsa, and Lawton, and Duncan, and Waurika, and Wilburton, and Bethany, and Woodward, and Disney, and Durant (etc., etc.) know better.” Water, Water Everywhere (Janet Pearson, Tulsa World, Sept. 30, 2007)


The Oklahoman:

There's no question the water bill contains money for important projects. As Casteel reports, Inhofe got $30 million included to complete relocation of Tar Creek-area residents, as well as a provision that would save Edmond $10 million in its Arcadia Lake dispute with the Corps of Engineers. The real issue is keeping worthy projects on track while weeding out those of questionable merit, an effort Inhofe believes will be hampered by an early, unsuccessful veto. We think he's right.” (Water Works: Ill-Timed Veto Might Backfire On Bush, September 26, 2007)

“SEN. Jim Inhofe said earlier this month that he didn’t think it was necessary for the state Department of Transportation to have two lobbyists in Washington as Congress worked on the next long-term highway bill. “They certainly don’t need to when I’m the chairman,” Inhofe said. “All they have to do is come talk to me.” Inhofe, R-Tulsa, proved his point. As chairman of the Environmental and Public Works Committee, he led the move to pass the Senate version of the new six-year bill. He also was cochairman and top senator on the conference committee that wrote the final version of the $286.4 billion highway bill that emerged late last week.” (Road bill great news for state)

Miami Mayor Brent Brassfield: “Sen. Inhofe has really stepped forward to help Miami, Ottawa County and northeast Oklahoma…We need to use these dollars prudently and work on multiplying this investment for our future. We want to continue creating jobs because having a job is what’s best for the residents of northeast Oklahoma.” (October 11, 2004, Miami News Record)


Mr. Rick Bourque, City Manager for Wewoka: “I would like to take this opportunity to thank Senator Inhofe and Senator Crapo for holding this hearing and for giving the City of Wewoka the chance to speak out on this very important issue. As Senator Inhofe knows from when he served as the Mayor of Tulsa, managing a city is never an easy task. Unlike the Federal Government, we do not have the capacity to run deficits. Our books must always balance. This is difficult enough in the best of times, but when outside factors like unfunded mandates come into play, it is almost impossible. This is especially true in a small town like Wewoka.”  Testimony from Mr. Rick Bourque, City Manager for Wewoka, July 7, 2004.


Praise For Senator Inhofe from Across the Country

National Stone, Sand and Gravel Association “Congressional Transportation Leaders Award”: “This award recognizes your important role in implementing the Safe, Accountable, Flexible Transportation Equity Act – a legacy for users (SAFETEA-LU). Combined with your concern for the soundness of the Highway Trust Fund and the future of transportation infrastructure in the United States, our association has been inspired to honor both your vision and your persuasive hard work. Your efforts in this area help build America’s economy by assuring that our people and our nation’s products are able to move safely and efficiently along environmental sensitive heights, in and out of air and seaports, and via inland waterways and rail.”   National Stone, Sand and Gravel Association  presented Senator Inhofe with their Congressional Transportation Leaders Award. 

National Rural Water Association Awards Sen. Inhofe “Green Key” Environmental Award:  “…no one in the country is more familiar with challenge of providing safe drinking water to rural communities, with limited economies, than Senator Inhofe…He knows that small towns with limited resources need common-sense assistance in a form they can understand and afford and that the best method for long-term protection is having the local people take responsibly for protecting their own resources. I know I speak for everyone of us who lives and believes in rural America when I thank you for standing up for rural America in the U.S. Senate. Millions of rural households have been provided safe water thanks to your work.”


National Association of Development Organizations Awards Senator Inhofe “Congressional Partnership Award”: “On behalf of the National Association of Development Organizations, thank you for your outstanding leadership in securing final passage of the Economic Development Administration reauthorization bill (S. 1134). This is an important jobs creation bill for distressed and undeserved communities throughout the nation.” (NADO October 12, 2004)

National Institutes for Water Resources Award: At its 2007 annual meeting, the National Institutes for Water Resources (NIWR) honored Senator Inhofe for his leadership and support for water resources research, education and training. In 2005 Senator Inhofe sponsored legislation to reauthorize the Water Resources Research Act (WRRA). The WRRA established a partnership among state universities, federal, state, and local governments, and stakeholders intended to solve water supply and water quality problems and to provide research and solutions to water managers and users. As Chairman of the Committee on Environment and Public Works, Senator Inhofe managed reauthorization legislation (Public Law 109-475) through committee, Floor consideration, and ultimately approval by the House and Senate in 2006. President Bush signed this legislation on January 11, 2007. The Oklahoma Water Resources Research Institute (OWRRI), located at Oklahoma State University, has been given responsibility by the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB) to gather public input for use in updating the Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan. The OWRRI has committed all of its WRRA-authorized research over the next four years to support the update of the comprehensive water plan.  This research will specifically address issues that arise during the planning process, such as the development of additional water supplies, regionalization of facilities, and infrastructure upgrades.


American Road and Transportation Builders Association 2004 “ARTBA Award”:  “In 1960 the ARTBA established the ARTBA Award to recognize individuals for outstanding contributions that have advanced the broad goals of the association. It is the highest honor the association bestows. Many distinguished members of the transportation construction industry receive the award, including more than a dozen U.S representatives and 11 U.S Senators, two U.S. secretaries of transportation and two state governors.” http://www.artba.org/pdf/2005_Award_Winning_Programs.pdf

 The American Shore & Beach Preservation Association (ASBPA) August 1, 2007: “The American Shore and Beach Preservation (ASBPA)….. commends Senator Boxer and Inhofe for the bipartisanship and unity they showed in crafting this excellent bill.”

 Ingram Barge Company, August 31, 2007: “I appreciate the perseverance and outstanding work of your colleagues and staff who have worked so diligently to get us to this stage of the process.  Your action on this piece of legislation will make a major impact in the future of the Commercial Towing Industry...”

Water Service Department, September 4, 2007: “The City of Kansas City has been very supportive if the reauthorization of the Water Resources Development Act each year since 2000 when the last version was passed.  We appreciate all the hard work you and your colleagues have devoted to this effort.”

Martin County Board of County Commissioners, October 2, 2007: “On behalf of the citizens of Martin County, Florida, we want to thank you for your leadership in securing the overwhelming passage of WRDA Conference Report.  Without your bipartisan spirit of cooperation, and that of your committee membership, such a great victory would not have been possible.”

National Construction Alliance, August 31, 2007: “Our three constituent unions, the Laborers, Operating Engineers and Carpenters, commend you both for your strong, bipartisan leadership throughout the lengthy legislative process on this important legislation…your bill will immeasurably strengthen America’s water resources.”


Related Records:

Recent Press Releases*

September 2008

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Recent Facts of the Day*

January 2008

December 2007

November 2007

October 2007

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Recent Speeches*

April 2008

September 2007

May 2007

July 2006

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Recent Blogs*

September 2008

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Recent Hearings

March 2008
[ Webcast ]
RESCHEDULED: Full Committee hearing entitled, “Examining the President’s Proposed Fiscal Year 2009 Budget for the Civil Works Program of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Implementation of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2007.”

**Please note that this hearing was originally scheduled for Tuesday, February 12th at 10am.**

February 2008
[ Webcast ]
Full Committee hearing entitled, “Perspectives on the Surface Transportation Commission Report.”

January 2008
[ Webcast ]
TIME CHANGED: Full Committee hearing entitled, “A Hearing to Receive the Report of the National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission.”

Start time for this hearing has been changed to 10:30am.

March 2007
[ Webcast ]
Subcommittee on Transportation and Infrastructure Hearing on Water Resources Needs and the President’s Budget Proposal for the Army Corps of Engineers for Fiscal Year 2008