For Immediate Release: June 7, 2007

Sutton Fights for Life-Saving Cures

Congresswoman Betty Sutton speaks out as House passes stem cell research bill

Washington, D.C. - Today, Congresswoman Betty Sutton spoke out passionately in favor of S. 5, the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act, urging her colleagues to vote in favor of the bill. This important legislation, almost identical to a bill passed by the House in January with Sutton's support, increases the number of embryonic stem cell lines eligible for federally funded research.

"We must do everything in our power to create solutions to find relief for the problems that plague our constituents. We must fight. We must work creatively. We must open doors and explore new avenues. And we must do everything in our power to relieve suffering, to bring relief, to create opportunity and to enhance lives," Sutton said. "Today, the House committed itself to continuing this mission by doing everything that we possibly can to relieve the suffering of the people of Ohio's 13th Congressional District, and of the citizens of every district across our nation."

"If we do not change our policies soon, we will continue to drive this cutting edge research overseas. Just this week, newspapers reported that British scientists are embarking on research that could deliver the world's first stem cell treatment for blindness within the next five years. The four million pounds that were donated to the project came from an anonymous American philanthropist. We cannot continue to lose the faith and support of our own citizens by driving this research to foreign nations. We cannot afford to be a hostile environment for scientific research and development."

"By passing this important legislation today, our researchers will no longer have to fight with one hand tied behind their backs. I believe that I have a duty to my constituents to do everything in my power to make their lives better, to relieve their suffering and to use our government and its resources to heal, help and explore."

"By passing the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act, we have told every man, woman and child suffering from a debilitating disease that we will do everything in our power to help them."

The House passed the legislation 247-176. In April, the Senate passed the bill 63-34. This common sense legislation allows for potentially life-saving research on embryonic stem cells derived from existing embryos that would otherwise be discarded and destroyed. As with previous stem cell research bills, President Bush has threatened to veto this legislation when it reaches his desk.

"Promoting stem cell research that can save lives and alleviate suffering is our obligation. I sincerely hope the President changes his mind and sides with the people of this great nation in their call for the research that can make great strides in developing these cures and treatments."

Contact: Ian Mandel at 202-225-3401