For Immediate Release: July 30, 2008

Sutton Helps Pass the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act Through House of Representatives

Legislation will help protect consumers from unsafe products and toys

WASHINGTON, DC - Today, with Congresswoman Betty Sutton's (D-OH) strong support, the House of Representatives passed the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act by a margin of 424 to 1. Congresswoman Sutton was a co-sponsor of the legislation and has been a staunch supporter of consumer product safety. Congresswoman Sutton gave the following statement on the House floor:

 "Consumer product safety is not an area that we can afford to ignore and this historic legislation that we're passing today is a tremendous victory for consumers.

 This year, dangerous toy and product recalls are happening at an unprecedented rate. I remember just a couple of months ago, reading a story in my local paper about possible lead contamination in the paint on plastic Easter eggs. That is unacceptable.

 For far too long, we have been reading story upon story about dangerous toys and contaminated food. Imports from foreign countries continue to grow and many manufacturers from foreign countries fail to adhere to even basic safety standards. The American people should not have to worry about the safety of the products they use or the toys they give their children to play with.

 Last year, more than 25 million toys were recalled in the U.S. and 80 percent of all toys sold in the United States are imported from China. This relationship between the growing import safety crisis and American trade policy is notable and requires us to strengthen our oversight here at home.

 To do that, the Consumer Product Safety Commission needs to have the resources to help protect our families and then they need to do it. Our bill strengthens the CPSC and ensures American families are protected from dangerous toys. And this legislation bans lead beyond a minute amount in many products, creating the toughest lead standard in the world.

 My constituents deserve to know that their government is doing everything it can to keep their families safe. Today, with passage of this bill, we are upholding that responsibility."

Click here to view Congresswoman Sutton's floor statement

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Contact: Erin Donar at 202-225-3401 or