United States Congressman Ander Crenshaw - Florida's 4th District
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Art Competitions

April 23, 2007
Jacksonville – Congressman Ander Crenshaw hosted his annual Congressional Art Competition Saturday at the Nathan H. Wilson Center for the Arts at Florida Community College at Jacksonville.  Students from across the 4th Congressional District entered their artworks for an opportunity to have it displayed in Washington, D.C., amongst pieces submitted by the nation’s most talented young artists.
“I have always been proud of the artistic accomplishments made by the students in Northeast Florida,” said Congressman Crenshaw.  “This competition gives them the opportunity to show their peers, our community, and the rest of the nation just what they can do.  I look forward to having visitors from all over the country and the world view the winning art piece hanging in the U.S. Capitol.”
Winners are as follows:
Grand Prize: John D. Taylor, Illusions, Columbia High School
Taylor will be flown to Washington, D.C., to attend a ribbon-cutting ceremony where artwork from other competitions throughout the country will be unveiled.  His digital photograph will be proudly displayed in the Cannon Walkway leading to the Capitol in Washington, D.C., where hundreds of visitors and tourists will have the opportunity to appreciate it on a daily basis.  Also, $500 will be donated to Taylor’s art class to purchase supplies.
Honorable Mentions:
Lizzy Cole, Untitled, The Bolles School
Kathryn D’Elia, Sick-never-more, Douglas Anderson School of the Arts
Justin Simmons, Self-Portrait, Columbia High School
Grant Morgan Kittrell, Wood, Fernandina Beach High School
Sarah Herrington, City Café, Baker County High School
The Congressional Art Competition was created to afford each Member of Congress an opportunity to hold individual art competitions to showcase the creative talents of high school students in their districts and acknowledge our nation’s gifted young artists.  All of this year’s entries will be on display on-line on Congressman Crenshaw’s website at http://crenshaw.house.gov/.

Art Competition Image Galleries