November 7, 2006




CLERK OF THE HOUSE OF Representatives

(Corrected to September 21, 2007)
(Number which precedes name of candidate designates Congressional District.)


For United States Representative

1 Vivian Sheffield Beckerle, Democrat 52,770
Jo Bonner, Republican 112,944
Write–in 127
2 Charles (Chuck) Dean James, Democrat 54,450
Terry Everett, Republican 124,302
Write–in 167
3 Greg A. Pierce, Democrat 63,559
Mike Rogers, Republican 98,257
Mark Edwin Layfield, Independent 3,414
Write–in 71
4 Barbara Bobo, Democrat 54,382
Robert B. Aderholt, Republican 128,484
Write–in 206
5 Robert E. (Bud) Cramer, Jr., Democrat 143,015
Write–in 2,540
6 Spencer Bachus, Republican 163,514
Write–in 2,786
7 Artur Davis, Democrat 133,870
Write–in 1,294

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Alabama

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Independent Write–in Total
1st district 52,770 112,944 .......... 127 165,841
2d district 54,450 124,302 .......... 167 178,919
3d district 63,559 98,257 3,414 71 165,301
4th district 54,382 128,484 .......... 206 183,072
5th district 143,015 .......... .......... 2,540 145,555
6th district .......... 163,514 .......... 2,786 166,300
7th district 133,870 .......... .......... 1,294 135,164
Total 502,046 627,501 3,414 7,191 1,140,152



For United States Representative at Large

Diane E. Benson, Democrat 93,879
Don Young, Republican 132,743
Alexander Crawford, Libertarian 4,029
Eva L. Ince, Green 1,819
William W. “Bill” Ratigan, Impeach Now 1,615
Write–in 560

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Alaska

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Libertarian Green Impeach Now Write–in Total
At Large 93,879 132,743 4,029 1,819 1,615 560 234,645



For United States Senator

Jim Pederson, Democrat 664,141
Jon Kyl, Republican 814,398
Richard Mack, Libertarian 48,231
Write–in 12
For United States Representative

1 Ellen Simon, Democrat 88,691
Rick Renzi, Republican 105,646
David Schlosser, Libertarian 9,802
2 John Thrasher, Democrat 89,671
Trent Franks, Republican 135,150
Powell Gammill, Libertarian 5,734
Write–in 5
3 Herb Paine, Democrat 72,586
John B. Shadegg, Republican 112,519
Mark Yannone, Libertarian 4,744
4 Ed Pastor, Democrat 56,464
Don Karg, Republican 18,627
Ronald Harders, Libertarian (Write–in) 2,770
5 Harry Mitchell, Democrat 101,838
J. D. Hayworth, Republican 93,815
Warren Severin, Libertarian 6,357
6 Jeff Flake, Republican 152,201
Jason M. Blair, Libertarian (Write–in) 51,285
7 Rau’l M. Grijalva, Democrat 80,354
Ron Drake, Republican 46,498
Joe Cobb, Libertarian (Write–in) 4,673
8 Gabrielle Giffords, Democrat 137,655
Randy Graf, Republican 106,790
Jay Quick, Independent 4,408
David F. Nolan, Libertarian 4,849
Write–in 18
Recapitulation of Votes in Arizona

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Independent Libertarian Libertarian
Write–in Total
1st district 88,691 105,646 .......... 9,802 .......... .......... 204,139
2d district 89,671 135,150 .......... 5,734 .......... 5 230,560
3d district 72,586 112,519 .......... 4,744 .......... .......... 189,849
4th district 56,464 18,627 .......... .......... 2,770 .......... 77,861
5th district 101,838 93,815 .......... 6,357 .......... .......... 202,010
6th district .......... 152,201 .......... .......... 51,285 .......... 203,486
7th district 80,354 46,498 .......... .......... 4,673 .......... 131,525
8th district 137,655 106,790 4,408 4,849 .......... 18 253,720
Total 627,259 771,246 4,408 31,486 58,728 23 1,493,150
Senator 664,141 814,398 .......... 48,231 .......... 12 1,526,782



For United States Representative

1 Marion Berry, Democrat 127,577
Mickey “Stubby” Stumbaugh, Republican 56,611
2 Vic Snyder, Democrat 124,871
Andy Mayberry, Republican 81,432
3 Woodrow Anderson, Democrat 75,885
John Boozman, Republican 125,039
4 Mike Ross, Democrat 128,236
Joe Ross, Republican 43,360
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Arkansas

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Total
1st district 127,577 56,611 184,188
2d district 124,871 81,432 206,303
3d district 75,885 125,039 200,924
4th district 128,236 43,360 171,596
Total 456,569 306,442 763,011



For United States Senator

Dianne Feinstein, Democrat 5,076,289
Richard “Dick” Mountjoy, Republican 2,990,822
Michael S. Metti, Libertarian 133,851
Todd Chretien, Green 147,074
Marsha Feinland, Peace and Freedom 117,764
Don J. Grundmann, American Independent 75,350
Write–in 326
For United States Representative

1 Mike Thompson, Democrat 144,409
John W. Jones, Republican 63,194
Pamela Elizondo, Green 6,899
Timothy J. Stock, Peace and Freedom 3,503
Write–in 39
2 A. J. Sekhon, Democrat 68,234
Wally Herger, Republican 134,911
E. Kent Hinesley, Libertarian 7,057
3 Bill Durston, Democrat 86,318
Daniel E. Lungren, Republican 135,706
Douglas Arthur Tuma, Libertarian 3,772
Michael Roskey, Peace and Freedom 2,370
4 Charlie Brown, Democrat 126,999
John T. Doolittle, Republican 135,818
Dan Warren, Libertarian 14,076
5 Doris O. Matsui, Democrat 105,676
Claire Yan, Republican 35,106
Jeff Kravitz, Green 6,466
John C. Reiger, Peace and Freedom 2,018
6 Lynn C. Woolsey, Democrat 173,190
Todd Hooper, Republican 64,405
Richard W. Friesen, Libertarian 9,028
Write–in 5
7 George Miller, Democrat 118,000
Camden McConnell, Libertarian 22,486
8 Nancy Pelosi, Democrat 148,435
Mike Denunzio, Republican 19,800
Philip Zimt Berg, Libertarian 2,751
Krissy Keefer, Green 13,653
9 Barbara Lee, Democrat 167,245
John “J.D.” Dendulk, Republican 20,786
James Eyer, Libertarian 5,655
10 Ellen O. Tauscher, Democrat 130,859
Darcy Linn, Republican 66,069
Write–in 50
11 Jerry McNerney, Democrat 109,868
Richard W. Pombo, Republican 96,396
12 Tom Lantos, Democrat 138,650
Mike Moloney, Republican 43,674
13 Fortney Pete Stark, Democrat 110,756
George I. Bruno, Republican 37,141
14 Anna G. Eshoo, Democrat 141,153
Rob Smith, Republican 48,097
Brian Holtz, Libertarian 4,692
Carol Brouillet, Green 4,633
15 Michael M. Honda, Democrat 115,532
Raymond L. Chukwu, Republican 44,186
16 Zoe Lofgren, Democrat 98,929
Charel Winston, Republican 37,130
17 Sam Farr, Democrat 120,750
Anthony R. De Maio, Republican 35,932
Write–in 2,611
18 Dennis A. Cardoza, Democrat 71,182
John A. Kanno, Republican 37,531
19 TJ Cox, Democrat 71,748
George Radanovich, Republican 110,246
20 Jim Costa, Democrat 61,120
21 Steven Haze, Democrat 42,718
Devin Nunes, Republican 95,214
John Roger Miller, Green 4,729
22 Sharon M. Beery, Democrat 55,226
Kevin McCarthy, Republican 133,278
23 Lois Capps, Democrat 114,661
Victor D. Tognazzini, Republican 61,272
24 Jill M. Martinez, Democrat 79,461
Elton Gallegly, Republican 129,812
Write–in 19
25 Robert Rodriguez, Democrat 55,913
Howard P. “Buck” McKeon, Republican 93,987
David W. Erickson, Libertarian 6,873
26 Cynthia Rodriguez Matthews, Democrat 67,878
David Dreier, Republican 102,028
Ted Brown, Libertarian 5,887
Elliott Graham, American Independent 3,351
27 Brad Sherman, Democrat 92,650
Peter Hankwitz, Republican 42,074
28 Howard L. Berman, Democrat 79,866
Stanley Kimmel Kesselman, Republican 20,629
Kelley L. Ross, Libertarian 3,679
Byron De Lear, Green 3,868
29 Adam B. Schiff, Democrat 91,014
William J. Bodell, Republican 39,321
Jim Keller, Libertarian 2,258
William M. Paparian, Green 8,197
Lynda L. Llamas, Peace and Freedom 2,599
30 Henry A. Waxman, Democrat 151,284
David Nelson Jones, Republican 55,904
Adele M. Cannon, Peace and Freedom 4,546
31 Xavier Becerra, Democrat 64,952
32 Hilda L. Solis, Democrat 76,059
Leland Faegre, Libertarian 15,627
33 Diane E. Watson, Democrat 113,715
34 Lucille Roybal-Allard, Democrat 57,459
Wayne Miller, Republican 17,359
Write–in 1
35 Maxine Waters, Democrat 82,498
Paul T. Ireland, Libertarian 7,665
Gordon Michael Mego, American Independent 8,343
36 Jane Harman, Democrat 105,323
Brian Gibson, Republican 53,068
Mike Binkley, Libertarian 3,170
James R. Smith, Peace and Freedom 4,592
37 Juanita Millender-McDonald, Democrat 80,716
Herb Peters, Libertarian 17,246
38 Grace F. Napolitano, Democrat 75,181
Sidney W. Street, Republican 24,620
39 Linda T. Sànchez, Democrat 72,149
James L. Andion, Republican 37,384
40 Florice Orea Hoffman, Democrat 46,418
Edward R. Royce, Republican 100,995
Philip H. Inman, Libertarian 3,876
41 Louie A. Contreras, Democrat 54,235
Jerry Lewis, Republican 109,761
Write–in 48
42 Gary G. Miller, Republican 129,720
43 Joe Baca, Democrat 52,791
Scott Folkens, Republican 29,069
44 Louis Vandenberg, Democrat 55,275
Ken Calvert, Republican 89,555
Kevin Akin, Peace and Freedom 4,486
45 David Roth, Democrat 64,613
Mary Bono, Republican 99,638
46 Jim Brandt, Democrat 71,573
Dana Rohrabacher, Republican 116,176
Dennis Chang, Libertarian 7,303
47 Loretta Sanchez, Democrat 47,134
Tan Nguyen, Republican 28,485
48 Steve Young, Democrat 74,647
John Campbell, Republican 120,130
Bruce Cohen, Libertarian 5,750
49 Jeeni Criscenzo, Democrat 52,227
Darrell E. Issa, Republican 98,831
Lars R. Grossmith, Libertarian 4,952
Write–in 127
50 Francine Busby, Democrat 96,612
Brian P. Bilbray, Republican 118,018
Paul King, Libertarian 4,119
Miriam E. Clark, Peace and Freedom 3,353
51 Bob Filner, Democrat 78,114
Blake L. Miles, Republican 34,931
Dan Litwin, Libertarian 2,790
Write–in 4
52 John Rinaldi, Democrat 61,208
Duncan Hunter, Republican 123,696
Michael Benoit, Libertarian 6,465
53 Susan A. Davis, Democrat 97,541
John “Woody” Woodrum, Republican 43,312
Ernie Lippe, Libertarian 3,534
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in California

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Libertarian Green Peace
and Freedom
Write–in Total
1st district 144,409 63,194 .......... 6,899 3,503 .......... 39 218,044
2d district 68,234 134,911 7,057 .......... .......... .......... .......... 210,202
3d district 86,318 135,709 3,772 .......... 2,370 .......... .......... 228,169
4th district 126,999 135,818 14,076 .......... .......... .......... .......... 276,893
5th district 105,676 35,106 .......... 6,466 2,018 .......... .......... 149,266
6th district 173,190 64,405 9,028 .......... .......... .......... 5 246,628
7th district 118,000 .......... 22,486 .......... .......... .......... .......... 140,486
8th district 148,435 19,800 2,751 13,653 .......... .......... .......... 184,639
9th district 167,245 20,786 5,655 .......... .......... .......... .......... 193,686
10th district 130,859 66,069 .......... .......... .......... .......... 50 196,978
11th district 109,868 96,396 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 206,264
12th district 138,650 43,674 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 182,324
13th district 110,756 37,141 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 147,897
14th district 141,153 48,097 4,692 4,633 .......... .......... .......... 198,575
15th district 115,532 44,186 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 159,718
16th district 98,929 37,130 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 136,059
17th district 120,750 35,932 .......... .......... .......... .......... 2,611 159,293
18th district 71,182 37,531 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 108,713
19th district 71,748 110,246 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 181,994
20th district 61,120 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 61,120
21st district 42,718 95,214 .......... 4,729 .......... .......... .......... 142,661
22d district 55,226 133,278 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 188,504
23d district 114,661 61,272 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 175,933
24th district 79,461 129,812 .......... .......... .......... .......... 19 209,292
25th district 55,913 93,987 6,873 .......... .......... .......... .......... 156,773
26th district 67,878 102,028 5,887 .......... .......... 3,351 .......... 179,144
27th district 92,650 42,074 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 134,724
28th district 79,866 20,629 3,679 3,868 .......... .......... .......... 108,042
29th district 91,014 39,321 2,258 8,197 2,599 .......... .......... 143,389
30th district 151,284 55,904 .......... .......... 4,546 .......... .......... 211,734
31st district 64,952 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 64,952
32d district 76,059 .......... 15,627 .......... .......... .......... .......... 91,686
33d district 113,715 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 113,715
34th district 57,459 17,359 .......... .......... .......... .......... 1 74,819
35th district 82,498 .......... 7,665 .......... .......... 8,343 .......... 98,506
36th district 105,323 53,068 3,170 .......... 4,592 .......... .......... 166,153
37th district 80,716 .......... 17,246 .......... .......... .......... .......... 97,962
38th district 75,181 24,620 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 99,801
39th district 72,149 37,384 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 109,533
40th district 46,418 100,995 3,876 .......... .......... .......... .......... 151,289
41st district 54,235 109,761 .......... .......... .......... .......... 48 164,044
42d district .......... 129,720 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 129,720
43d district 52,791 29,069 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 81,860
44th district 55,275 89,555 .......... .......... 4,486 .......... .......... 149,316
45th district 64,613 99,638 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 164,251
46th district 71,573 116,176 7,303 .......... .......... .......... .......... 195,052
47th district 47,134 28,485 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 75,619
48th district 74,647 120,130 5,750 .......... .......... .......... .......... 200,527
49th district 52,227 98,831 4,952 .......... .......... .......... 127 156,137
50th district 96,612 118,018 4,119 .......... 3,353 .......... .......... 222,102
51st district 78,114 34,931 2,790 .......... .......... .......... 4 115,839
52d district 61,208 123,696 6,465 .......... .......... .......... .......... 191,369
53d district 97,541 43,312 3,534 .......... .......... .......... .......... 144,387
Total 4,720,164 3,314,398 170,711 48,445 27,467 11,694 2,904 8,295,783
Senator 5,076,289 2,990,822 133,851 147,074 117,764 75,350 326 8,541,476



For United States Representative

1 Diana DeGette, Democrat 129,446
Thomas D. Kelly, Green 32,825
2 Mark Udall, Democrat 157,850
Rich Mancuso, Republican 65,481
J. A. Calhoun, Green 2,951
Norm Olsen, Libertarian 5,025
3 John T. Salazar, Democrat 146,488
Scott Tipton, Republican 86,930
Bert L. Sargent, Libertarian 4,417
Bruce E. Lohmiller, Green (Write–in) 23
4 Angie Paccione, Democrat 103,748
Marilyn N. Musgrave, Republican 109,732
Eric Eidsness, Reform 27,133
5 Jay Fawcett, Democrat 83,431
Doug Lamborn, Republican 123,264
Richard D. Hand, Republican (Write–in) 41
Gregory S. Hollister, Republican (Write–in) 8
Brian X. Scott, Democrat (Write–in) 12
6 Bill Winter, Democrat 108,007
Thomas G. Tancredo, Republican 158,806
Jack J. Woehr, Libertarian 4,093
Juan B. Botero, Republican (Write–in) 25
7 Ed Perlmutter, Democrat 103,918
Rick O’Donnell, Republican 79,571
Dave Chandler, Green 3,073
Roger McCarville, American Constitution Party 2,605
Steve Moore, Democrat (Write–in) 2
John Heckman, Concerns of the People (Write–in) 2
John David Sexton, Write–in 1
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Colorado

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Green Reform Libertarian American
Concerns of the
People (Write–in)
Write–in Total
1st district 129,446 .......... 32,825 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 162,271
2d district 157,850 65,481 2,951 .......... 5,025 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 231,307
3d district 146,488 86,930 .......... .......... 4,417 .......... .......... 23 .......... .......... .......... 237,858
4th district 103,748 109,732 .......... 27,133 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 240,613
5th district 83,431 123,264 .......... .......... .......... .......... 49 .......... 12 .......... .......... 206,756
6th district 108,007 158,806 .......... .......... 4,093 .......... 25 .......... .......... .......... .......... 270,931
7th district 103,918 79,571 3,073 .......... .......... 2,605 .......... .......... 2 2 1 189,172
Total 832,888 623,784 38,849 27,133 13,535 2,605 74 23 14 2 1 1,538,908



For United States Senator

Ned Lamont, Democrat 450,844
Alan Schlesinger, Republican 109,198
Joseph I. Lieberman, Connecticut for Lieberman 564,095
Ralph A. Ferrucci, Green 5,922
Timothy A. Knibbs, Concerned Citizens 4,638
Carl E. Vassar, Write–in 80
For United States Representative

1 John B. Larson, Democrat 154,539
Scott MacLean, Republican 53,010
Stephen Fournier, Write–in 43
2 Joe Courtney, Democrat 121,248
Rob Simmons, Republican 121,165
3 Rosa L. DeLauro, Democrat 150,436
Joseph Vollano, Republican 44,386
Daniel A. Sumrall, Green 3,089
4 Diane Farrell, Democrat 99,450
Christopher Shays, Republican 106,510
Philip Z. Maymin, Libertarian 3,058
Green 1
5 Nancy L. Johnson, Republican 94,824
Chris Murphy, Democrat, Working Families 122,980
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Connecticut

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Connecticut
for Lieberman
Working Families
Green Concerned
Libertarian Write–in Total
1st district 154,539 53,010 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 43 207,592
2d district 121,248 121,165 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 242,413
3d district 150,436 44,386 .......... .......... 3,089 .......... .......... .......... 197,911
4th district 99,450 106,510 .......... .......... 1 .......... 3,058 .......... 209,019
5th district .......... 94,824 .......... 122,980 .......... .......... .......... .......... 217,804
Total 525,673 419,895 .......... 122,980 3,090 .......... 3,058 43 1,074,739
Senator 450,844 109,198 564,095 .......... 5,922 4,638 .......... 80 1,134,777



For United States Senator

Thomas R. Carper, Democrat 170,567
Jan Ting, Republican 69,734
William E. Morris, Libertarian 2,671
For United States Representative at Large

Dennis Spivack, Democrat 97,565
Michael N. Castle, Republican 143,897
Karen M. Hartley-Nagle, Independent 5,769
Michael Berg, Green 4,463
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Delaware

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Independent Green Libertarian Total
At large 97,565 143,897 5,769 4,463 .......... 251,694
Senator 170,567 69,734 .......... .......... 2,671 242,972



For United States Senator

Bill Nelson, Democrat 2,890,548
Katherine Harris, Republican 1,826,127
Belinda Noah, No Party Affiliation 16,628
Brian Moore, No Party Affiliation 19,695
Floyd Ray Frazier, No Party Affiliation 16,628
Roy Tanner, No Party Affiliation 15,562
Lawrence Scott, Write–in 78
Bernard Senter, Write–in 16
For United States Representative

1 Joe Roberts, Democrat 62,340
Jeff Miller, Republican 135,786
2 Allen Boyd, Democrat (1)
3 Corrine Brown, Democrat (1)
4 Robert J. Harms, Democrat 61,704
Ander Crenshaw, Republican 141,759
John Blade, Write–in 16
5 John Russell, Democrat 108,959
Ginny Brown-Waite, Republican 162,421
6 David E. Bruderly, Democrat 91,528
Cliff Stearns, Republican 136,601
7 John F. Chagnon, Democrat 87,584
John L. Mica, Republican 149,656
8 Charlie Stuart, Democrat 82,526
Ric Keller, Republican 95,258
Wes Hoaglund, No Party Affiliation 2,640
D. J. Mauro, Write–in 17
Larry Sapp, Write–in 3
9 Phyllis Busansky, Democrat 96,978
Gus Michael Bilirakis, Republican 123,016
Andrew Pasayan, Write–in 19
10 Samm Simpson, Democrat 67,950
C. W. Bill Young, Republican 131,488
Salvatore A. Fiorella, Write–in 7
11 Kathy Castor, Democrat 97,470
Eddie Adams, Jr., Republican 42,454
Jim Greenwald, Write–in 13
R. J. Spencer, Write–in 5
12 Adam H. Putnam, Republican 124,452
Joe Viscusi, No Party Affiliation 34,976
Ed Bowlin, No Party Affiliation 20,636
13 Christine Jennings, Democrat 118,940
Vern Buchanan, Republican 119,309
14 Robert M. Neeld, Democrat 83,920
Connie Mack, Republican 151,615
Richard Grayson, Write–in 3
Dan, Write–in 1
15 Bob Bowman, Democrat 97,834
Dave Weldon, Republican 125,965
16 Tim Mahoney, Democrat 115,832
Joe Negron, Republican 111,415
Emmie Ross, No Party Affiliation 6,526
17 Kendrick B. Meek, Democrat 90,663
Eric Simpson, Write–in 23
18 David “Big Dave” Patlak, Democrat 48,499
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Republican 79,631
Margaret Trowe, Write–in 2
19 Robert Wexler, Democrat (1)
20 Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Democrat (1)
21 Frank J. Gonzalez, Democrat 45,522
Lincoln Diaz-Balart, Republican 66,784
22 Ron Klein, Democrat 108,688
E. Clay Shaw, Jr., Republican 100,663
Neil Evangelista, No Party Affiliation 4,254
23 Alcee L. Hastings, Democrat (1)
24 Clint Curtis, Democrat 89,863
Tom Feeney, Republican 123,795
25 Michael Calderin, Democrat 43,168
Mario Diaz-Balart, Republican 60,765
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Florida

Title of candidate Democratic Republican No Party
Write–in Total
1st district 62,340 135,786 .......... .......... 198,126
2d district (1) .......... .......... .......... (1)
3d district (1) .......... .......... .......... (1)
4th district 61,704 141,759 .......... 16 203,479
5th district 108,959 162,421 .......... .......... 271,380
6th district 91,528 136,601 .......... .......... 228,129
7th district 87,584 149,656 .......... .......... 237,240
8th district 82,526 95,258 2,640 20 180,444
9th district 96,978 123,016 .......... 19 220,013
10th district 67,950 131,488 .......... 7 199,455
11th district 97,470 42,454 .......... 18 139,942
12th district .......... 124,452 55,612 .......... 180,064
13th district 118,940 119,309 .......... .......... 238,249
14th district 83,920 151,615 .......... 4 235,539
15th district 97,834 125,965 .......... .......... 223,799
16th district 115,832 111,415 6,526 .......... 233,773
17th district 90,663 .......... .......... 23 90,686
18th district 48,499 79,631 .......... 2 128,132
19th district (1) .......... .......... .......... (1)
20th district (1) .......... .......... .......... (1)
21st district 45,522 66,784 .......... .......... 112,306
22d district 108,688 100,663 4,254 .......... 213,605
23d district (1) .......... .......... .......... (1)
24th district 89,863 123,795 .......... .......... 213,658
25th district 43,168 60,765 .......... .......... 103,933
Total 1,599,968 2,182,833 69,032 109 3,851,942
Senator 2,890,548 1,826,127 76,765 94 4,793,534
1 According to Florida law, the names of those with no opposition are not printed on the ballot.



For United States Representative

1 Jim Nelson, Democrat 43,668
Jack Kingston, Republican 94,961
2 Sanford D. Bishop, Jr., Democrat 88,662
Bradley C. Hughes, Republican 41,967
3 Mike McGraw, Democrat 62,371
Lynn Westmoreland, Republican 130,428
4 Henry C. “Hank” Johnson, Jr., Democrat 106,352
Catherine Davis, Republican 34,778
5 John Lewis, Democrat 122,380
6 Steve Sinton, Democrat 55,294
Tom Price, Republican 144,958
7 Allan Burns, Democrat 53,553
John Linder, Republican 130,561
8 Jim Marshall, Democrat 80,660
Mac Collins, Republican 78,908
9 John D. Bradbury, Democrat 39,240
Nathan Deal, Republican 128,685
10 Terry Holley, Democrat 57,032
Charlie Norwood, Republican 117,721
11 Patrick Samuel Pillion, Democrat 48,261
Phil Gingrey, Republican 118,524
12 John Barrow, Democrat 71,651
Max Burns, Republican 70,787
13 David Scott, Democrat 103,019
Deborah Travis Honeycutt, Republican 45,770
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Georgia

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Total
1st district 43,668 94,961 138,629
2d district 88,662 41,967 130,629
3d district 62,371 130,428 192,799
4th district 106,352 34,778 141,130
5th district 122,380 .......... 122,380
6th district 55,294 144,958 200,252
7th district 53,553 130,561 184,114
8th district 80,660 78,908 159,568
9th district 39,240 128,685 167,925
10th district 57,032 117,721 174,753
11th district 48,261 118,524 166,785
12th district 71,651 70,787 142,438
13th district 103,019 45,770 148,789
Total 932,143 1,138,048 2,070,191



For United States Senator

Daniel K. Akaka, Democrat 210,330
Cynthia Thielen, Republican 126,097
Lloyd Jeffrey Mallan, Libertarian 6,415
For United States Representative

1 Neil Abercrombie, Democrat 112,904
Richard (Noah) Hough, Republican 49,890
2 Mazie K. Hirono, Democrat 106,906
Bob Hogue, Republican 68,244
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Hawaii

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Libertarian Total
1st district 112,904 49,890 .......... 162,794
2d district 106,906 68,244 .......... 175,150
Total 219,810 118,134 .......... 337,944
Senator 210,330 126,097 6,415 342,842



For United States Representative

1 Larry Grant, Democrat 103,935
Bill Sali, Republican 115,843
Dave Olson, Independent 6,857
Paul Smith, Constitution 2,457
Andy Hedden-Nicely, Natural Law 2,882
2 Jim Hansen, Democrat 73,441
Michael K. Simpson, Republican 132,262
Cameron Forth, Independent 5,113
Travis J. Hedrick, Constitution 2,516
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Idaho

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Independent Constitution Natural Law Total
1st district 103,935 115,843 6,857 2,457 2,882 231,974
2d district 73,441 132,262 5,113 2,516 .......... 213,332
Total 177,376 248,105 11,970 4,973 2,882 445,306



For United States Representative

1 Bobby L. Rush, Democrat 146,623
Jason E. Tabour, Republican 27,804
2 Jesse L. Jackson, Jr., Democrat 146,347
Robert Belin, Republican 20,395
Anthony W. Williams, Libertarian 5,748
3 Daniel Lipinski, Democrat 127,768
Raymond G. Wardingley, Republican 37,954
4 Luis V. Gutierrez, Democrat 69,910
Ann Melichar, Republican 11,532
5 Rahm Emanuel, Democrat 114,319
Kevin Edward White, Republican 32,250
Write–in 12
6 L. Tammy Duckworth, Democrat 86,572
Peter J. Roskam, Republican 91,382
Write–in 3
7 Danny K. Davis, Democrat 143,071
Charles Hutchinson, Republican 21,939
Write–in 1
Melissa L. Bean, Democrat 93,355
David McSweeney, Republican 80,720
Write–in 9,319
9 Janice D. Schakowsky, Democrat 122,852
Michael P. Shannon, Republican 41,858
Write–in 3
10 Daniel J. Seals, Democrat 94,278
Mark Steven Kirk, Republican 107,929
Write–in 1
11 John Pavich, Democrat 88,846
Jerry Weller, Republican 109,009
12 Jerry F. Costello, Democrat 157,284
Write–in 7
13 Joseph Shannon, Democrat 85,507
Judy Biggert, Republican 119,720
Write–in 7
14 Jonathan “John” Laesch, Democrat 79,274
J. Dennis Hastert, Republican 117,870
15 David Gill, Democrat 86,025
Timothy V. Johnson, Republican 116,810
16 Richard D. Auman, Democrat 63,462
Donald A. Manzullo, Republican 125,508
Write–in 8,523
17 Phil Hare, Democrat 115,025
Andrea Zinga, Republican 86,161
18 Steve Waterworth, Democrat 73,052
Ray LaHood, Republican 150,194
19 Danny L. Stover, Democrat 92,861
John Shimkus, Republican 143,491
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Illinois

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Libertarian Write–in Total
1st district 146,623 27,804 .......... .......... 174,427
2d district 146,347 20,395 5,748 .......... 172,490
3d district 127,768 37,954 .......... .......... 165,722
4th district 69,910 11,532 .......... .......... 81,442
5th district 114,319 32,250 .......... 12 146,581
6th district 86,572 91,382 .......... 3 177,957
7th district 143,071 21,939 .......... 1 165,011
8th district 93,355 80,720 .......... 9,319 183,394
9th district 122,852 41,858 .......... 3 164,713
10th district 94,278 107,929 .......... 1 202,208
11th district 88,846 109,009 .......... .......... 197,855
12th district 157,284 .......... .......... 7 157,291
13th district 85,507 119,720 .......... 7 205,234
14th district 79,274 117,870 .......... .......... 197,144
15th district 86,025 116,810 .......... .......... 202,835
16th district 63,462 125,508 .......... 8,523 197,493
17th district 115,025 86,161 .......... .......... 201,186
18th district 73,052 150,194 .......... .......... 223,246
19th district 92,861 143,491 .......... .......... 236,352
Total 1,986,431 1,442,526 5,748 17,876 3,452,581



For United States Senator

Richard G. Lugar, Republican 1,171,553
Steve Osborn, Libertarian 168,820
Mark Pool, Independent (Write–in) 444
Jack H. Baldwin, Write–in 294
For United States Representative

1 Peter J. Visclosky, Democrat 104,195
Mark J. Leyva, Republican 40,146
Charles E. Barman, Independent 5,266
2 Joe Donnelly, Democrat 103,561
Chris Chocola, Republican 88,300
3 Thomas Hayhurst, Democrat 80,357
Mark E. Souder, Republican 95,421
4 David Sanders, Democrat 66,986
Steve Buyer, Republican 111,057
5 Katherine Fox Carr, Democrat 64,362
Dan Burton, Republican 133,118
Sheri Conover Sharlow, Libertarian 7,431
John Miller, Independent (Write–in) 18
6 Barry A. Welsh, Democrat 76,812
Mike Pence, Republican 115,266
7 Julia Carson, Democrat 74,750
Eric Dickerson, Republican 64,304
8 Brad Ellsworth, Democrat 131,019
John N. Hostettler, Republican 83,704
9 Baron P. Hill, Democrat 110,454
Michael E. Sodrel, Republican 100,469
D. Eric Schansberg, Libertarian 9,893
Donald W. Mantooth, Republican (Write–in) 33
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Indiana

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Independent Libertarian Independent
Write–in Total
1st district 104,195 40,146 5,266 .......... .......... .......... .......... 149,607
2d district 103,561 88,300 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 191,861
3d district 80,357 95,421 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 175,778
4th district 66,986 111,057 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 178,043
5th district 64,362 133,118 .......... 7,431 18 .......... .......... 204,929
6th district 76,812 115,266 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 192,078
7th district 74,750 64,304 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 139,054
8th district 131,019 83,704 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 214,723
9th district 110,454 100,469 .......... 9,893 .......... 33 .......... 220,849
Total 812,496 831,785 5,266 17,324 18 33 .......... 1,666,922
Senator .......... 1,171,553 .......... 168,820 444 .......... 294 1,341,111



For United States Representative

1 Bruce Braley, Democrat 114,322
Mike Whalen, Republican 89,729
James F. Hill, Pirate 2,201
Albert W. Schoeman, Nominated by Petition 1,226
2 Dave Loebsack, Democrat 107,683
James A. Leach, Republican 101,707
3 Leonard L. Boswell, Democrat 115,769
Jeff Lamberti, Republican 103,722
Helen Meyers, Socialist Workers 3,591
4 Selden E. Spencer, Democrat 90,982
Tom Latham, Republican 121,650
5 Joyce Schulte, Democrat 64,181
Steve King, Republican 105,580
Roy Nielsen, Nominated by Petition 8,159
Cheryl L. Brodersen, Nominated by Petition 2,479
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Iowa

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Socialist
Pirate Nominated by
1st district 114,322 89,729 .......... 2,201 1,226 207,478
2d district 107,683 101,707 .......... .......... .......... 209,390
3d district 115,769 103,722 3,591 .......... .......... 223,082
4th district 90,982 121,650 .......... .......... .......... 212,632
5th district 64,181 105,580 .......... .......... 10,638 180,399
Total 492,937 522,388 3,591 2,201 11,864 1,032,981



For United States Representative

1 John Doll, Democrat 39,781
Jerry Moran, Republican 156,728
Sylvester Cain, Reform 2,869
2 Nancy Boyda, Democrat 114,139
Jim Ryun, Republican 106,329
Roger D. Tucker, Reform 5,094
3 Dennis Moore, Democrat 153,105
Chuck Ahner, Republican 79,824
Robert A. Conroy, Reform 4,051
4 Garth J. McGinn, Democrat 62,166
Todd Tiahrt, Republican 116,386
Joy R. Holt, Reform 4,655
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Kansas

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Reform Total
1st district 39,781 156,728 2,869 199,378
2d district 114,139 106,329 5,094 225,562
3d district 153,105 79,824 4,051 236,980
4th district 62,166 116,386 4,655 183,207
Total 369,191 459,267 16,669 845,127



For United States Representative

1 Tom Barlow, Democrat 83,865
Ed Whitfield, Republican 123,618
2 Mike Weaver, Democrat 95,415
Ron Lewis, Republican 118,548
3 John Yarmuth, Democrat 122,489
Anne M. Northup, Republican 116,568
Donna Walker Mancini, Libertarian 2,134
W. Ed Parker, Constitution 774
4 Ken Lucas, Democrat 88,822
Geoff Davis, Republican 105,845
Brian Houillion, Libertarian 10,100
5 Kenneth Stepp, Democrat 52,367
Harold Rogers, Republican 147,201
6 Ben Chandler, Democrat 158,765
Paul Ard, Libertarian 27,015
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Kentucky

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Libertarian Constitution Total
1st district 83,865 123,618 .......... .......... 207,483
2d district 95,415 118,548 .......... .......... 213,963
3d district 122,489 116,568 2,134 744 241,965
4th district 88,822 105,845 10,100 .......... 204,767
5th district 52,367 147,201 .......... .......... 199,568
6th district 158,765 .......... 27,015 .......... 185,780
Total 601,723 611,780 39,249 774 1,253,526



For United States Representative1

1 David Gereighty, Democrat 10,919
Stacey Tallitsch, Democrat 5,025
Bobby Jindal, Republican 130,508
Peter Beary, Libertarian 1,676
2 Scott Barron, Democrat 621
Regina Bartholomew, Democrat 1,125
Karen Carter, Democrat 27,011
Troy “C” Carter, Democrat 11,304
Deven “D. C.” Collins, Democrat 121
John Edwards, Democrat 675
William J. Jefferson, Democrat 35,153
M. V. “Vinny” Mendoza, Democrat 402
Derrick Shepherd, Democrat 16,799
Eric T. Bradley, Republican 1,159
Joseph “Joe” Lavigne, Republican 12,511
Lawrence William “Lance” von Uhde III, Republican 258
Gregory W. “Rhumbline” Kahn, Libertarian 404
3 Olangee “OJ” Breech, Democrat 4,190
Charlie Melancon, Democrat 75,023
Craig Romero, Republican 54,950
James Lee Blake, Jr., Libertarian 2,168
4 Artis R. Cash, Sr., Democrat 22,757
Patti Cox, Democrat 17,788
Chester T. Kelley, Republican 16,649
Jim McCrery, Republican 77,078
5 Gloria Williams Hearn, Democrat 33,233
Rodney Alexander, Republican 78,211
Brent Sanders, Libertarian 1,876
John Watts, Other 1,262
6 Richard H. Baker, Republican 94,658
Richard M. Fontanesi, Libertarian 19,648
7 Mike Stagg, Democrat 47,133
Charles W. Boustany, Jr., Republican 113,720
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Louisiana

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Libertarian Other Total
1st district 15,944 130,508 1,676 .......... 148,128
2d district 93,211 13,928 404 .......... 107,543
3d district 79,213 54,950 2,168 .......... 136,331
4th district 40,545 93,727 .......... .......... 134,272
5th district 33,233 78,211 1,876 1,262 114,582
6th district .......... 94,658 19,648 .......... 114,306
7th district 47,133 113,720 .......... .......... 160,853
Total 309,279 579,702 25,772 1,262 916,015
1In Louisiana, the congressional election of November 7, 2006, was an open (nonpartisan) primary. To be elected, candidates had to receive a majority of the vote.



For United States Senator

Jean M. Hay Bright, Democrat 113,131
Olympia J. Snowe, Republican 405,596
William H. Slavick, Independent (Unenrolled) 26,222
Other 179
For United States Representative

1 Thomas H. Allen, Democrat 170,949
Darlene J. Curley, Republican 88,009
Dexter J. Kamilewicz, Independent (Unenrolled) 22,029
2 Michael H. Michaud, Democrat 179,772
Laurence S. D’Amboise, Republican 75,156
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Maine

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Independent
Other Total
1st district 170,949 88,009 22,029 .......... 280,987
2d district 179,772 75,156 .......... .......... 254,928
Total 350,721 163,165 22,029 .......... 535,915
Sentator 113,131 405,596 26,222 179 545,128



For United States Senator

Benjamin L. Cardin, Democrat 965,477
Michael S. Steele, Republican 787,182
Kevin Zeese, Green 27,564
Lih Young, Democrat (Write–in) 120
Write–in 796
For United States Representative

1 Jim Corwin, Democrat 83,738
Wayne T. Gilchrest, Republican 185,177
Write–in 232
2 C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger, Democrat 135,818
Jimmy Mathis, Republican 60,195
Write–in 215
3 John P. Sarbanes, Democrat 150,142
John White, Republican 79,174
Charles Curtis McPeek, Sr., Libertarian 4,941
Write–in 229
4 Albert Russell Wynn, Democrat 141,897
Michael Moshe Starkman, Republican 32,792
Write–in 1,214
5 Steny H. Hoyer, Democrat 168,114
Steve Warner, Green 33,464
Peter Kuhnert, Constitution 635
Write–in 1,110
6 Andrew Duck, Democrat 92,030
Roscoe G. Bartlett, Republican 141,200
Robert E. Kozak, Green 6,095
Write–in 128
7 Elijah E. Cummings, Democrat 158,830
Write–in 3,147
8 Chris Van Hollen, Democrat 168,872
Jeffrey M. Stein, Republican 48,324
Gerard P. Giblin, Green 3,298
Write–in 191
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Maryland

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Green Libertarian Constitution Democrat
Write–in Total
1st district 83,738 185,177 .......... .......... .......... .......... 232 269,147
2d district 135,818 60,195 .......... .......... .......... .......... 215 196,228
3d district 150,142 79,174 .......... 4,941 .......... .......... 229 234,486
4th district 141,897 32,792 .......... .......... .......... .......... 1,214 175,903
5th district 168,114 .......... 33,464 .......... 635 .......... 1,110 203,323
6th district 92,030 141,200 6,095 .......... .......... .......... 128 239,453
7th district 158,830 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 3,147 161,977
8th district 168,872 48,324 3,298 .......... .......... .......... 191 220,685
Total 1,099,441 546,862 42,857 4,941 635 .......... 6,466 1,701,202
Senator 965,477 787,182 27,564 .......... .......... 120 796 1,781,139



For United States Senator

Edward M. Kennedy, Democrat 1,500,738
Kenneth G. Chase, Republican 661,532
Blank/Scattering 78,345
Other 3,220
For United States Representative

1 John W. Olver, Democrat 158,057
William H. Szych, Unenrolled 48,574
Blank/Scattering 13,048
Other 253
2 Richard E. Neal, Democrat 164,939
Other 2,254
Blank/Scattering 47,746
3 James P. McGovern, Democrat 166,973
Other 1,983
Blank/Scattering 46,145
4 Barney Frank, Democrat 176,513
Other 2,730
Blank/Scattering 47,671
5 Martin T. Meehan, Democrat 159,120
Other 3,152
Blank/Scattering 54,560
6 John F. Tierney, Democrat 168,056
Richard W. Barton, Republican 72,997
Other 572
Blank/Scattering 11,659
7 Edward J. Markey, Democrat 171,902
Other 2,889
Blank/Scattering 51,339
8 Michael E. Capuano, Democrat 125,515
Laura Garza, Socialist Workers 12,449
Other 491
Blank/Scattering 20,970
9 Stephen F. Lynch, Democrat 169,420
Jack E. Robinson, Republican 47,114
Other 502
Blank/Scattering 17,469
10 William D. Delahunt, Democrat 171,812
Jeffrey K. Beatty, Republican 78,439
Peter A. White, Independent 16,808
Other 143
Blank/Scattering 9,571
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Massachusetts

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Independent Unenrolled Socialist Workers Blank/
Other Total
1st district 158,057 .......... .......... 48,574 .......... 13,048 253 219,932
2d district 164,939 .......... .......... .......... .......... 47,746 2,254 214,939
3d district 166,973 .......... .......... .......... .......... 46,145 1,983 215,101
4th district 176,513 .......... .......... .......... .......... 47,671 2,730 226,914
5th district 159,120 .......... .......... .......... .......... 54,560 3,152 216,832
6th district 168,056 72,997 .......... .......... .......... 11,659 572 253,284
7th district 171,902 .......... .......... .......... .......... 51,339 2,889 226,130
8th district 125,515 .......... .......... .......... 12,449 20,970 491 159,425
9th district 169,420 47,114 .......... .......... .......... 17,469 502 234,505
10th district 171,812 78,439 16,808 .......... .......... 9,571 143 276,773
Total 1,632,307 198,550 16,808 48,574 12,449 320,178 14,969 2,243,835
Senator 1,500,738 661,532 .......... .......... .......... 78,345 3,220 2,243,835



For United States Senator

Debbie Stabenow, Democrat 2,151,278
Michael Bouchard, Republican 1,559,597
Leonard Schwartz, Libertarian 27,012
David Sole, Green 23,890
W. Dennis FitzSimons, U.S. Taxpayers 18,341
Bret McAtee, Write–in 24
For United States Representative

1 Bart Stupak, Democrat 180,448
Don Hooper, Republican 72,753
Ken Proctor, Libertarian 2,196
David J. Newland, Green 2,252
Joshua J. Warren, U.S. Taxpayers 2,278
2 Kimon Kotos, Democrat 86,950
Peter Hoekstra, Republican 183,006
Steven Van Til, Libertarian 2,718
Ronald E. Graeser, U.S. Taxpayers 2,720
3 James R. Rinck, Democrat 93,846
Vernon J. Ehlers, Republican 171,212
Jeff A. Steinport, Libertarian 3,702
Rodger Gurk, Green 2,592
4 Mike Huckleberry, Democrat 100,260
Dave Camp, Republican 160,041
Allitta Hren, Libertarian 1,941
John Emerick, U.S. Taxpayers 2,003
5 Dale E. Kildee, Democrat 176,171
Eric J. Klammer, Republican 60,967
Steve Samoranski II, Libertarian 2,259
Ken Mathenia, Green 2,294
6 Kim Clark, Democrat 88,978
Fred Upton, Republican 142,125
Kenneth E. Howe, Libertarian 3,480
7 Sharon Marie Renier, Democrat 112,665
Tim Walberg, Republican 122,348
Robert L. Hutchinson, Libertarian 3,788
David Horn, U.S. Taxpayers 3,611
Joe Schwarz, Write–in 2,614
8 Jim Marcinkowski, Democrat 122,107
Mike Rogers, Republican 157,237
Dick Gach, Libertarian 2,765
Aaron Stuttman, Green 2,362
9 Nancy Skinner, Democrat 127,620
Joe Knollenberg, Republican 142,390
Adam Goodman, Libertarian 3,702
Matthew R. Abel, Green 2,468
10 Robert Denison, Democrat 84,689
Candice S. Miller, Republican 179,072
Mark Byrne, Libertarian 2,875
Candace Ruth Caveny, Green 1,897
Richard F. Gualdoni, U.S. Taxpayers 1,888
11 Tony Trupiano, Democrat 114,248
Thaddeus G. McCotter, Republican 143,658
John T. Tatar, Libertarian 4,340
Charles E. Tackett, U.S. Taxpayers 3,538
12 Sander M. Levin, Democrat 168,494
Randell J. Shafer, Republican 62,689
Andy Lecureaux, Libertarian 3,259
Art Myatt, Green 1,735
Jerome S. White, No Party Affiliation 1,862
13 Carolyn C. Kilpatrick, Democrat 126,308
John Davenport, Write–in 15
14 John Conyers, Jr., Democrat 158,755
Chad Miles, Republican 27,367
15 John D. Dingell, Democrat 181,946
Gregory Stempfle, Libertarian 8,410
Aimee Smith, Green 9,447
Robert F. Czak, U.S. Taxpayers 7,064
Mario Fundarski, Write–in 1
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Michigan

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Libertarian Green U.S. Tax payers No Party
Write–in Total
1st district 180,448 72,753 2,196 2,252 2,278 .......... .......... 259,927
2d district 86,950 183,006 2,718 .......... 2,720 .......... .......... 275,394
3d district 93,846 171,212 3,702 2,592 .......... .......... .......... 271,352
4th district 100,260 160,041 1,941 .......... 2,003 .......... .......... 264,245
5th district 176,171 60,967 2,259 2,294 .......... .......... .......... 241,691
6th district 88,978 142,125 3,480 .......... .......... .......... .......... 234,583
7th district 112,665 122,348 3,788 .......... 3,611 .......... 2,614 245,026
8th district 122,107 157,237 2,765 2,362 .......... .......... .......... 284,471
9th district 127,620 142,390 3,702 2,468 .......... .......... .......... 276,180
10th district 84,689 179,072 2,875 1,897 1,888 .......... .......... 270,421
11th district 114,248 143,658 4,340 .......... 3,538 .......... .......... 265,784
12th district 168,494 62,689 3,259 1,735 .......... 1,862 .......... 238,039
13th district 126,308 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 15 126,323
14th district 158,755 27,367 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 186,122
15th district 181,946 .......... 8,410 9,447 7,064 .......... 1 206,868
Total 1,923,485 1,624,865 45,435 25,047 23,102 1,862 2,630 3,646,426
Senator 2,151,278 1,559,597 27,012 23,890 18,341 .......... 24 3,780,142



For United States Senator

Amy Klobuchar, Democratic–Farmer–Labor 1,278,849
Mark R. Kennedy, Republican 835,653
Robert Fitzgerald, Independence 71,194
Michael James Cavlan, Green 10,714
Ben Powers, Constitution 5,408
Write–in 954
For United States Representative

1 Tim Walz, Democratic-Farmer-Labor 141,556
Gil Gutknecht, Republican 126,486
Write–in 379
2 Coleen Rowley, Democratic-Farmer-Labor 116,343
John Kline, Republican 163,269
Douglas Williams, Independence 10,802
Write–in 126
3 Wendy Wilde, Democratic-Farmer-Labor 99,588
Jim Ramstad, Republican 184,333
Write–in 323
4 Betty McCollum, Democrat 172,096
Obi Sium, Republican 74,797
Write–in 573
5 Keith Ellison, Democratic-Farmer-Labor 136,060
Alan Fine, Republican 52,263
Tammy Lee, Independence 51,456
Jay Pond, Green 4,792
Write–in 334
6 Patty Wetterling, Democratic-Farmer-Labor 127,144
Michele Bachmann, Republican 151,248
John Paul Binkowski, Independence 23,557
Write–in 239
7 Collin C. Peterson, Democrat 179,164
Michael J. Barrett, Republican 74,557
Ken Lucier, Constitution 3,303
Write–in 170
8 James L. Oberstar, Democrat 180,670
Rod Grams, Republican 97,683
Harry Welty, Unity 5,508
Write–in 155
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Minnesota

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Independence Green Constitution Unity Write–in Total
1st district 141,556 126,486 .......... .......... .......... .......... 379 268,421
2d district 116,343 163,269 10,802 .......... .......... .......... 126 290,540
3d district 99,588 184,333 .......... .......... .......... .......... 323 284,244
4th district 172,096 74,797 .......... .......... .......... .......... 573 247,466
5th district 136,060 52,263 51,456 4,792 .......... .......... 334 244,905
6th district 127,144 151,248 23,557 .......... .......... .......... 239 302,188
7th district 179,164 74,557 .......... .......... 3,303 .......... 170 257,194
8th district 180,670 97,683 .......... .......... .......... 5,508 155 284,016
Total 1,152,621 924,636 85,815 4,792 3,303 5,508 2,299 2,178,974
Senator 1,278,849 835,653 71,194 10,714 5,408 .......... 954 2,202,772



For United States Senator

Erik R. Fleming, Democrat 213,000
Trent Lott, Republican 388,399
Harold M. Taylor, Libertarian 9,522
For United States Representative

1 James K. (Ken) Hurt, Democrat 49,174
Roger F. Wicker, Republican 95,098
2 Bennie G. Thompson, Democrat 100,160
Yvonne R. Brown, Republican 55,672
3 Charles W. “Chip” Pickering, Republican 125,421
Jim Giles, Independent 25,999
Lamonica L. Magee, Reform 10,060
4 Gene Taylor, Democrat 110,996
Randy McDonnell, Republican 28,117
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Minnesota

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Independence Reform Libertarian Total
1st district 49,174 95,098 .......... .......... .......... 144,272
2d district 100,160 55,672 .......... .......... .......... 155,832
3d district .......... 125,421 25,999 10,060 .......... 161,480
4th district 110,996 28,117 .......... .......... .......... 139,113
Total 260,330 304,308 25,999 10,060 .......... 600,697
Senator 213,000 388,399 .......... .......... 9,522 610,921



For United States Senator

Claire McCaskill, Democrat 1,055,255
James M. Talent, Republican 1,006,941
Frank Gilmour, Libertarian 47,792
Lydia Lewis, Progressive 18,383
Write–in 88
For United States Senator

1 Wm. Lacy Clay, Democrat 141,574
Mark J. Byrne, Republican 47,893
Robb E. Cunningham, Libertarian 4,768
2 George D. Weber, Democrat 105,242
W. Todd Akin, Republican 176,452
Tamara A. Millay, Libertarian 5,923
3 Russ Carnahan, Democrat 145,219
David Bertelsen, Republican 70,189
R. Christophel, Libertarian 4,213
David Sladky, Progressive 1,827
4 Ike Skelton, Democrat 159,303
James A. (Jim) Noland, Republican 69,254
Bryce A. Holthouse, Libertarian 4,479
Melinda (Mel) Ivey, Progressive 2,459
Write–in 30
5 Emanuel Cleaver, Democrat 136,149
Jacob Turk, Republican 68,456
Randall David (Randy) Langkraehr, Libertarian 7,314
6 Sara Jo Shettles, Democrat 87,477
Sam Graves, Republican 150,882
Erik Buck, Libertarian 4,757
Shirley A. Yurkonis, Progressive 1,679
7 Jack Truman, Democrat 72,592
Roy Blunt, Republican 160,942
Kevin Craig, Libertarian 7,566
Write–in 23
8 Veronica J. Hambacker, Democrat 57,557
Jo Ann Emerson, Republican 156,164
Branden C. McCullough, Libertarian 4,268
9 Duane N. Burghard, Democrat 87,145
Kenny C. Hulshof, Republican 149,114
Steven R. Hedrick, Libertarian 3,925
Bill Hastings, Progressive 2,487
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Missouri

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Libertarian Progressive Write–in Total
1st district 141,574 47,893 4,768 .......... .......... 194,235
2d district 105,242 176,452 5,923 .......... .......... 287,617
3d district 145,219 70,189 4,213 1,827 .......... 221,448
4th district 159,303 69,254 4,479 2,459 30 235,525
5th district 136,149 68,456 7,314 .......... .......... 211,919
6th district 87,477 150,882 4,757 1,679 .......... 244,795
7th district 72,592 160,942 7,566 .......... 23 241,123
8th district 57,557 156,164 4,268 .......... .......... 217,989
9th district 87,145 149,114 3,925 2,487 .......... 242,671
Total 992,258 1,049,346 47,213 8,452 53 2,097,322
Senator 1,055,255 1,006,941 47,792 18,383 88 2,128,459



For United States Senator

Jon Tester, Democrat 199,845
Conrad Burns, Republican 196,283
Stan Jones, Libertarian 10,377
For United States Representative at Large

Monica J. Lindeen, Democrat 158,916
Dennis R. Rehberg, Republican 239,124
Mike Fellows, Libertarian 8,085
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Montana

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Libertarian Total
At Large 158,916 239,124 8,085 406,125
Senator 199,845 196,283 10,377 406,505



For United States Senator

E. Benjamin Nelson, Democrat 378,388
Pete Ricketts, Republican 213,928
For United States Representative

1 Maxine B. Moul, Democrat 86,360
Jeff Fortenberry, Republican 121,015
2 Jim Esch, Democrat 82,504
Lee Terry, Republican 99,475
3 Scott Kleeb, Democrat 93,046
Adrian Smith, Republican 113,687
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Nebraska

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Total
1st district 86,360 121,015 207,375
2d district 82,504 99,475 181,979
3d district 93,046 113,687 206,733
Total 261,910 334,177 596,087
Senator 378,388 213,928 592,316



For United States Senator

Jack Carter, Democrat 238,796
John Ensign, Republican 322,501
David K. Schumann, Independent American 7,774
Brendan Trainor, Libertarian 5,269
Other 8,232
For United States Representative

1 Shelley Berkley, Democrat 85,025
Kenneth Wegner, Republican 40,917
Darnell Roberts, Independent American 2,339
Jim Duensing, Libertarian 2,843
2 Jill Derby, Democrat 104,593
Dean Heller, Republican 117,168
Daniel Rosen, Independent 5,524
James C. Kroshus, Independent American 5,439
3 Tessa M. Hafen, Democrat 98,261
Jon C. Porter, Republican 102,232
Joshua Hansen, Independent American 5,329
Joseph P. Silvestri, Libertarian 5,157
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Nevada

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Independent Independent
Libertarian Other Total
1st district 85,025 40,917 .......... 2,339 2,843 .......... 131,124
2d district 104,593 117,168 5,524 5,439 .......... .......... 232,724
3d district 98,261 102,232 .......... 5,329 5,157 .......... 210,979
Total 287,879 260,317 5,524 13,107 8,000 .......... 574,827
Senator 238,796 322,501 .......... 7,774 5,269 8,232 582,572



For United States Representative

1 Carol Shea-Porter, Democrat 100,691
Jeb Bradley, Republican 95,527
Scattering 159
2 Paul W. Hodes, Democrat 108,743
Charles F. Bass, Republican 94,088
“Ken” Blevens, Libertarian 3,305
Scattering 156
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in New Hampshire

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Libertarian Scattering Total
1st district 100,691 95,527 .......... 159 196,377
2d district 108,743 94,088 3,305 156 206,292
Total 209,434 189,615 3,305 315 402,669



For United States Senator

Robert Menendez, Democrat 58,333
Thomas H. Kean, Jr., Republican 41,998
Len Flynn, Libertarian 345
Gregory Pason, Socialist Party USA 47
J. M. Carter, God We Trust 395
Edward Forchion, Legalize Marijuana (G.R.I.P.) 336
Daryl Mikell Brooks, Poor People’s Campaign 263
N. Leonard Smith, Solidarity, Defend Life 166
Angela L. Lariscy, Socialist Workers 90
For United States Representative

1 Robert E. Andrews, Democrat 140,110
2 Viola Thomas-Hughes, Democrat 64,277
Frank A. LoBiondo, Republican 111,245
Robert E. Mullock, Preserve Green Space 3,071
Lynn Merle, A New Direction 992
Thomas Fanslau, We the People 603
Willie Norwood, Socialist Party USA 385
3 Rich Sexton, Democrat 86,113
Jim Saxton, Republican 122,559
Ken Feduniewicz, The Patriot Movement 1,179
4 Carol E. Gay, Democrat 62,905
Christopher H. Smith, Republican 124,482
Richard Edgar, Libertarian 1,539
Louis B. Wary, Jr., Remove Medical Negligence 614
5 Paul Aronsohn, Democrat 89,503
Scott Garrett, Republican 112,142
R. Matthew Fretz, An Independent Voice 2,597
6 Frank Pallone, Jr., Democrat 98,615
Leigh-Ann Bellew, Republican 43,539
Herbert L. Tarbous, Diversity Is Strength 1,619
7 Linda Stender, Democrat 95,454
Mike Ferguson, Republican 98,399
Darren Young, Libertarian 2,046
Thomas D. Abrams, Withdraw Troops Now 3,176
8 Bill Pascrell, Jr., Democrat 97,568
Jose M. Sandoval, Republican 39,053
Lou Jasikoff, Libertarian 1,018
9 Steven R. Rothman, Democrat 105,853
Vincent Micco, Republican 40,879
Michael Jarvis, The Moderate Choice 1,363
10 Donald M. Payne, Democrat 90,264
11 Tom Wyka, Democrat 74,414
Rodney P. Frelinghuysen, Republican 126,085
Richard S. Roth, Libertarian 1,730
John Mele, Constitution 842
12 Rush D. Holt, Democrat 125,468
Joseph S. Sinagra, Republican 65,509
13 Albio Sires, Democrat 77,238
John J. Guarini, Republican 19,284
Brian Williams, Socialist Workers Party 1,049
Herbert H. Shaw, Politicians Are Crooks 998
Dick Hester, Pro Life Conservative 586
Esmat Zaklama, The American Party 475
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in New Jersey

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Libertarian Withdraw
Troops Now
Green Space
An Independent
Diversity is
The Moderate
The Patriot
Workers Party
Are Crooks
A New
Constitution Remove Medical
the People
Pro Life
The American
Party USA
We Trust
Marijuana (G.R.I.P.)
Poor People’s
Defend Life
1st district 140,110 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 140,110
2d district 64,277 111,245 .......... .......... 3,071 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 992 .......... .......... 603 .......... .......... 385 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 180,573
3d district 86,113 122,559 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 1,179 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 209,851
4th district 62,905 124,482 1,539 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 614 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 189,540
5th district 89,503 112,142 .......... .......... .......... 2,597 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 204,242
6th district 98,615 43,539 .......... .......... .......... .......... 1,619 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 143,773
7th district 95,454 98,399 2,046 3,176 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 199,075
8th district 97,568 39,053 1,018 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 137,639
9th district 105,853 40,879 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 1,363 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 148,095
10th district 90,264 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 90,264
11th district 74,414 126,085 1,730 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 842 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 203,071
12th district 125,468 65,509 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 190,977
13th district 77,238 19,284 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 1,049 998 .......... .......... .......... .......... 586 475 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 99,630
Total 1,207,782 903,176 6,333 3,176 3,071 2,597 1,619 1,363 1,179 1,049 998 992 842 614 603 586 475 385 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 2,136,840
Senator 58,333 41,998 345 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 47 395 336 263 166 90 101,973



For United States Senator

Jeff Bingaman, Democrat 394,365
Allen W. McCulloch, Republican 163,826
Orlin G. Cole, Republican (Write–in) 359
For United States Representative

1 Patricia A. Madrid, Democrat 105,125
Heather Wilson, Republican 105,986
2 Albert D. Kissling, Democrat 63,119
Stevan Pearce, Republican 92,620
C. Dean Burk, Democrat (Write–in) 135
3 Tom Udall, Democrat 144,880
Ronald M. Dolin, Republican 49,219
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in New Mexico

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Republican
1st district 105,125 105,986 .......... .......... 211,111
2d district 63,119 92,620 .......... 135 155,874
3d district 144,880 49,219 .......... .......... 194,099
Total 313,124 247,825 .......... 135 561,084
Senator 394,365 163,826 359 .......... 558,550



For United States Senator

Hillary Rodham Clinton, Democrat 2,698,931
  Working Families 148,792
  Independence 160,705
John Spencer, Republican 1,212,902
  Conservative 179,287
Howie Hawkins, Green 55,469
Jeffrey T. Russell, Libertarian 20,996
Roger Calero, Socialist Workers 6,967
William Van Auken, Socialist Equality 6,004
Blank/Scattering 210,579
For United States Representative

1 Timothy H. Bishop, Democrat 92,546
Working Families 4,346
Independence 7,468
Italo A. Zanzi, Republican 54,044
Conservative 9,284
Blank/Scattering 11,425
2 Steve Israel, Democrat 94,100
Working Families 3,733
Independence 7,443
John W. Bugler, Republican 37,671
Conservative 6,541
Blank/Scattering 14,101
3 David L. Mejias, Democrat 76,169
Working Families 3,674
Peter T. King, Republican 86,918
Conservative 9,656
Independence 5,213
Blank/Scattering 11,289
4 Carolyn McCarthy, Democrat 93,041
Working Families 3,911
Independence 4,909
Martin W. Blessinger, Republican 48,121
Conservative 6,929
Blank/Scattering 13,729
5 Gary L. Ackerman, Democrat 70,033
Working Families 3,273
Independence 3,884
Blank/Scattering 41,337
6 Gregory W. Meeks, Democrat 69,405
Blank/Scattering 29,705
7 Joseph Crowley, Democrat 60,266
Working Families 3,731
Kevin Brawley, Republican 10,402
Conservative 1,818
Blank/Scattering 23,073
8 Jerrold Nadler, Democrat 96,115
Working Families 12,421
Eleanor Friedman, Republican 17,413
Dennis E. Adornato, Conservative 1,673
Blank/Scattering 14,906
9 Anthony D. Weiner, Democrat 67,040
Working Families 4,722
Blank/Scattering 36,301
10 Edolphus Towns, Democrat 72,171
Jonathan H. Anderson, Republican 4,666
Ernest Johnson, Conservative 1,470
Blank/Scattering 24,723
11 Yvette D. Clarke, Democrat 75,520
Working Families 12,814
Stephen Finger, Republican 6,776
Libertarian 671
Marianna Blume, Conservative 1,325
Ollie M. McClean, Freedom 996
Blank/Scattering 15,710
12 Nydia M. Velàzquez, Democrat 55,674
Working Families 7,173
Allan Romaguera, Republican 6,143
Conservative 1,039
Blank/Scattering 14,317
13 Stephen A. Harrison, Democrat 42,229
Working Families 2,902
Vito Fossella, Republican 49,818
Conservative 5,849
Independence 3,667
Blank/Scattering 11,586
14 Carolyn B. Maloney, Democrat 107,095
Working Families 8,100
Independence 4,387
Danniel Maio, Republican, Let’s Do It 21,969
Blank/Scattering 12,332
15 Charles B. Rangel, Democrat 93,857
Working Families 10,059
Edward Daniels, Republican 6,592
Blank/Scattering 18,681
16 José E. Serrano, Democrat 53,179
Working Families 2,945
Ali Mohamed, Republican 2,045
Conservative 714
Blank/Scattering 14,479
17 Eliot L. Engel, Democrat 88,714
Working Families 4,900
Jim Faulkner, Republican 22,608
Conservative 3,769
Independence 2,465
Blank/Scattering 19,499
18 Nita M. Lowey, Democrat 119,041
Working Families 5,215
Richard A. Hoffman, Republican 45,472
Conservative 5,978
Blank/Scattering 23,567
19 John Hall, Democrat 100,119
Sue W. Kelly, Republican 79,545
Conservative 9,677
Independence 6,137
Blank/Scattering 14,013
20 Kirsten E. Gillibrand, Democrat 116,416
Working Families 8,752
John E. Sweeney, Republican 94,093
Conservative 9,869
Independence 6,592
Blank/Scattering 14,579
21 Michael R. McNulty, Democrat 139,997
Conservative 8,336
Working Families 6,770
Independence 12,501
Warren Redlich, Republican 46,752
Blank/Scattering 17,554
22 Maurice D. Hinchey, Democrat 104,423
Working Families 7,316
Independence 9,944
Blank/Scattering 73,962
23 Robert J. Johnson, Democrat 58,859
Working Families 3,459
John M. McHugh, Republican 89,482
Conservative 7,326
Independence 9,973
Blank/Scattering 15,845
24 Michael A. Arcuri, Democrat 96,093
Working Families 6,544
Independence 7,049
Raymond A. Meier, Republican 83,228
Conservative 8,276
Michael J. Sylvia III, Libertarian 2,134
Blank/Scattering 11,641
25 Dan Maffei, Democrat 100,605
Working Families 6,503
James T. Walsh, Republican 91,187
Conservative 11,634
Independence 7,704
Blank/Scattering 9,678
26 Jack Davis, Democrat 85,145
Working Families 6,582
Independence 9,187
Thomas M. Reynolds, Republican 94,157
Conservative 15,100
Blank/Scattering 13,793
27 Brian Higgins, Democrat 116,935
Working Families 8,930
Independence 14,162
Michael J. McHale, Republican 36,614
28 Louise McIntosh Slaughter, Democrat 98,382
Working Families 5,936
Independence 7,068
John E. Donnelly, Republican 33,361
Conservative 7,483
Blank/Scattering 14,335
29 Eric J. Massa, Democrat 94,609
Working Families 5,435
John R. “Randy” Kuhl, Jr., Republican 91,383
Conservative 9,420
Independence 5,274
Blank/Scattering 10,659
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in New York

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Conservative Working Families Independence Green Libertarian Republican,
Let’s Do It
Socialist Workers Socialist
Freedom Blank/
1st district 92,546 54,044 9,284 4,346 7,468 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 11,425 179,113
2d district 94,100 37,671 6,541 3,733 7,443 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 14,101 163,589
3d district 76,169 86,918 9,656 3,674 5,213 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 11,289 192,919
4th district 93,041 48,121 6,929 3,911 4,909 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 13,729 170,640
5th district 70,033 .......... .......... 3,273 3,884 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 41,337 118,527
6th district 69,405 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 29,705 99,110
7th district 60,266 10,402 1,818 3,731 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 23,073 99,290
8th district 96,115 17,413 1,673 12,421 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 14,906 142,528
9th district 67,040 .......... .......... 4,722 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 36,301 108,063
10th district 72,171 4,666 1,470 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 24,723 103,030
11th district 75,520 6,776 1,325 12,814 .......... .......... 671 .......... .......... .......... 996 15,710 113,812
12th district 55,674 6,143 1,039 7,173 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 14,317 84,346
13th district 42,229 49,818 5,849 2,902 3,667 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 11,586 116,051
14th district 107,095 .......... .......... 8,100 4,387 .......... .......... 21,969 .......... .......... .......... 12,332 153,883
15th district 93,857 6,592 .......... 10,059 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 18,681 129,189
16th district 53,179 2,045 714 2,945 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 14,479 73,362
17th district 88,714 22,608 3,769 4,900 2,465 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 19,499 141,955
18th district 119,041 45,472 5,978 5,215 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 23,567 199,273
19th district 100,119 79,545 9,677 .......... 6,137 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 14,013 209,491
20th district 116,416 94,093 9,869 8,752 6,592 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 14,579 250,301
21st district 139,997 46,752 8,336 6,770 12,501 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 17,554 231,910
22d district 104,423 .......... .......... 7,316 9,944 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 73,962 195,645
23d district 58,859 89,482 7,326 3,459 9,973 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 15,845 184,944
24th district 96,093 83,228 8,276 6,544 7,049 .......... 2,134 .......... .......... .......... .......... 11,641 214,965
25th district 100,605 91,187 11,634 6,503 7,704 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 9,678 227,311
26th district 85,145 94,157 15,100 6,582 9,187 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 13,793 223,964
27th district 116,935 36,614 .......... 8,930 14,162 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 176,641
28th district 98,382 33,361 7,483 5,936 7,068 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 176,641
29th district 94,609 91,383 9,420 5,435 5,274 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 10,659 216,780
Total 2,537,778 1,138,491 143,166 160,146 135,027 .......... 2,805 21,969 .......... .......... 996 546,819 4,687,197
Senator 2,698,931 1,212,902 179,287 148,792 160,705 55,469 20,996 .......... 6,967 6,004 .......... 210,579 4,7007632



For United States Representative

1 G. K. Butterfield, Democrat 82,510
2 Bob Etheridge, Democrat 85,993
Dan Mansell, Republican 43,271
3 Craig Weber, Democrat 45,458
Walter B. Jones, Republican 99,519
4 David E. Price, Democrat 127,340
Steve Acuff, Republican 68,599
5 Roger Sharpe, Democrat 72,061
Virginia Foxx, Republican 96,138
6 Rory Blake, Democrat 44,661
Howard Coble, Republican 108,433
7 Mike McIntyre, Democrat 101,787
Shirley Davis, Republican 38,033
8 Larry Kissell, Democrat 60,597
Robin Hayes, Republican 60,926
9 Bill Glass, Democrat 53,437
Sue Wilkins Myrick, Republican 106,206
10 Richard Carsner, Democrat 58,214
Patrick T. McHenry, Republican 94,179
11 Heath Shuler, Democrat 124,972
Charles H. Taylor, Republican 107,342
12 Melvin L. Watt, Democrat 71,345
Ada M. Fisher, Republican 35,127
13 Brad Miller, Democrat 98,540
Vernon Robinson, Republican 56,120
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in North Carolina

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Total
1st district 82,510 .......... 82,510
2d district 85,993 43,271 129,264
3d district 45,458 99,519 144,977
4th district 127,340 68,599 195,939
5th district 72,061 96,138 168,199
6th district 44,661 108,433 153,094
7th district 101,787 38,033 139,820
8th district 60,597 60,926 121,523
9th district 53,437 106,206 159,643
10th district 58,214 94,179 152,393
11th district 124,972 107,342 232,314
12th district 71,345 35,127 106,472
13th district 98,540 56,120 154,660
Total 1,026,915 913,893 1,940,808



For United States Senator

Kent Conrad, Democrat 150,146
Dwight Grotberg, Republican 64,417
Roland Riemers, Independent 2,194
James Germalic, Independent 1,395
For United States Representative at Large

Earl Pomeroy, Democrat 142,934
Matt Mechtel, Republican 74,687
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in North Dakota

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Independent Total
At large 142,934 74,687 .......... 217,621
Senator 150,146 64,417 3,589 218,152



For United States Senator

Sherrod Brown, Democrat 2,257,369
Mike DeWine, Republican 1,761,037
Richard Duncan, Nonpartisan (Write–in) 830
For United States Representative

1 John Cranley, Democrat 96,584
Steve Chabot, Republican 105,680
2 Victoria Wulsin, Democrat 117,595
Jean Schmidt, Republican 120,112
Nathan Noy, Nonpartisan (Write–in) 298
James J. Condit, Jr., Nonpartisan (Write–in) 76
3 Richard Chema, Democrat 90,650
Michael R. Turner, Republican 127,978
4 Richard E. Siferd, Democrat 86,678
Jim Jordan, Republican 129,958
5 Robin Weirauch, Democrat 98,544
Paul E. Gillmor, Republican 129,813
6 Charles A. Wilson, Jr., Democrat 135,628
Chuck Blasdel, Republican 82,848
7 William R. Conner, Democrat 89,579
David L. Hobson, Republican 137,899
8 Mort Meier, Democrat 77,640
John A. Boehner, Republican 136,863
9 Marcy Kaptur, Democrat 153,880
Bradley S. Leavitt, Republican 55,119
10 Dennis J. Kucinich, Democrat 138,393
Michael D. Dovilla, Republican 69,996
11 Stephanie Tubbs Jones, Democrat 146,799
Lindsey N. String, Republican 29,125
12 Bob Shamansky, Democrat 108,746
Patrick J. Tiberi, Republican 145,943
13 Betty Sutton, Democrat 135,639
Craig Foltin, Republican 85,922
14 Lewis R. Katz, Democrat 97,753
Steven C. LaTourette, Republican 144,069
Werner J. Lange, Nonpartisan 8,500
15 Mary Jo Kilroy, Democrat 109,659
Deborah Pryce, Republican 110,714
Bill Buckel, Nonpartisan (Write–in) 194
16 Thomas Shaw, Democrat 97,955
Ralph Regula, Republican 137,167
17 Tim Ryan, Democrat 170,369
Don Manning II, Republican 41,925
18 Zack T. Space, Democrat 129,646
Joy Padgett, Republican 79,259
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Ohio

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Nonpartisan Nonpartisan
(Write in)
1st district 96,584 105,680 .......... .......... 202,264
2d district 117,595 120,112 .......... 374 238,081
3d district 90,650 127,978 .......... .......... 218,628
4th district 86,678 129,958 .......... .......... 216,636
5th district 98,544 129,813 .......... .......... 228,357
6th district 135,628 82,848 .......... .......... 218,476
7th district 89,579 137,899 .......... .......... 227,478
8th district 77,640 136,863 .......... .......... 214,503
9th district 153,880 55,119 .......... .......... 208,999
10th district 138,393 69,996 .......... .......... 208,389
11th district 146,799 29,125 .......... .......... 175,924
12th district 108,746 145,943 .......... .......... 254,689
13th district 135,639 85,922 .......... .......... 221,561
14th district 97,753 144,069 8,500 .......... 250,322
15th district 109,659 110,714 .......... 194 220,567
16th district 97,955 137,167 .......... .......... 235,122
17th district 170,369 41,925 .......... .......... 212,294
18th district 129,646 79,259 .......... .......... 208,905
Total 2,081,737 1,870,390 8,500 568 3,961,195
Senator 2,257,369 1,761,037 .......... 830 4,019,236



For United States Representative

1 Alan Gentges, Democrat 56,724
John Sullivan, Republican 116,920
Bill Wortman, Independent 10,085
2 Dan Boren, Democrat 122,347
Patrick K. Miller, Republican 45,861
3 Sue Barton, Democrat 61,749
Frank D. Lucas, Republican 128,042
4 Hal Spake, Democrat 64,775
Tom Cole, Republican 118,266
5 David Hunter, Democrat 67,293
Mary Fallin, Republican 108,936
Matthew Horton Woodson, Independent 4,196
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Oklahoma

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Independent Total
1st district 56,724 116,920 10,085 183,729
2d district 122,347 45,861 .......... 168,208
3d district 61,749 128,042 .......... 189,791
4d district 64,775 118,266 .......... 183,041
5th district 67,293 108,936 4,196 180,425
Total 372,888 518,025 14,281 905,194



For United States Representative

1 David Wu, Democrat 169,409
Derrick Kitts, Republican 90,904
Dean Wolf, Constitution 4,370
Drake Davis, Libertarian 4,497
Other 447
2 Carol Voisin, Democrat 82,484
Greg Walden, Republican 181,529
Jack Alan Brown, Jr., Constitution 7,193
Other 513
3 Earl Blumenauer, Democrat 186,380
Bruce Broussard, Republican 59,529
David Brownlow, Constitution 7,003
Other 698
4 Peter A. DeFazio, Democrat 180,607
Jim Feldkamp, Republican 109,105
Other 532
5 Darlene Hooley, Democrat 146,973
Mike Erickson, Republican 116,424
Douglas Patterson, Constitution 4,160
Paul Aranas, Pacific Green 4,194
Other 483
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Oregon

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Constitution Libertarian Pacific
Other Total
1st district 169,409 90,904 4,370 4,497 .......... 447 269,627
2d district 82,484 181,529 7,193 .......... .......... 513 271,719
3d district 186,380 59,529 7,003 .......... .......... 698 253,610
4th district 180,607 109,105 .......... .......... .......... 532 290,244
5th district 146,973 116,424 4,160 .......... 4,194 483 272,234
Total 765,853 557,491 22,726 4,497 4,194 2,673 1,357,434



For United States Senator

Bob Casey, Jr., Democrat 2,392,984
Rick Santorum, Republican 1,684,778
Write–in 3,281
For United States Representative

1 Robert A. Brady, Democrat 137,987
Write–in 12
2 Chaka Fattah, Democrat 165,867
Michael Gessner, Republican 17,291
David G. Baker, Green 4,125
3 Steven Porter, Democrat 85,110
Phil English, Republican 108,525
Timothy J. Hagberg, Constitution 8,706
Write–in 177
4 Jason Altmire, Democrat 131,847
Melissa A. Hart, Republican 122,049
Write–in 188
5 Donald L. Hilliard, Democrat 76,456
John E. Peterson, Republican 115,126
Write–in 145
6 Lois Murphy, Democrat 117,892
Jim Gerlach, Republican 121,047
7 Joe Sestak, Democrat 147,898
Curt Weldon, Republican 114,426
Write–in 110
8 Patrick J. Murphy, Democrat 125,656
Michael G. Fitzpatrick, Republican 124,138
Write–in 23
9 Tony Barr, Democrat 79,610
Bill Shuster, Republican 121,069
Write–in 141
10 Christopher Carney, Democrat 110,115
Don Sherwood, Republican 97,862
Write–in 196
11 Paul E. Kanjorski, Democrat 134,340
Joseph F. Leonardi, Republican 51,033
Write–in 40
12 John P. Murtha, Democrat 123,472
Diana Irey, Republican 79,612
Write–in 79
13 Allyson Y. Schwartz, Democrat 147,368
Raj Peter Bhakta, Republican 75,492
14 Michael F. Doyle, Democrat 161,075
Titus North, Green 17,720
Write–in 606
15 Charles Dertinger, Democrat 86,186
Charles W. Dent, Republican 106,153
Greta Browne, Green 5,802
Write–in 32
16 Lois K. Herr, Democrat 80,915
Joseph R. Pitts, Republican 115,741
John A. Murphy, Independent 7,958
Write–in 55
17 Tim Holden, Democrat 137,253
Matthew A. Wertz, Republican 75,455
Write–in 69
18 Chad Kluko, Democrat 105,419
Tim Murphy, Republican 144,632
Write–in 189
19 Philip J. Avillo, Jr., Democrat 74,625
Todd Russell Platts, Republican 142,512
Derf W. Maitland, Green 5,640
Write–in 121
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Pennsylvania

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Independent Green Constitution Write–in Total
1st district 137,987 .......... .......... .......... .......... 12 137,999
2d district 165,867 17,291 .......... 4,125 .......... .......... 187,283
3d district 85,110 108,525 .......... .......... 8,706 177 202,518
4th district 131,847 122,049 .......... .......... .......... 188 254,084
5th district 76,456 115,126 .......... .......... .......... 145 191,727
6th district 117,892 121,047 .......... .......... .......... .......... 238,939
7th district 147,898 114,426 .......... .......... .......... 110 262,434
8th district 125,656 124,138 .......... .......... .......... 23 249,817
9th district 79,610 121,069 .......... .......... .......... 141 200,820
10th district 110,115 97,862 .......... .......... .......... 196 208,173
11th district 134,340 51,033 .......... .......... .......... 40 185,413
12th district 123,472 79,612 .......... .......... .......... 79 203,163
13th district 147,368 75,492 .......... .......... .......... .......... 222,860
14th district 161,075 .......... .......... 17,720 .......... 606 179,401
15th district 86,186 106,153 .......... 5,802 .......... 32 198,173
16th district 80,915 115,741 7,958 .......... .......... 55 204,669
17th district 137,253 75,455 .......... .......... .......... 69 212,777
18th district 105,419 144,632 .......... .......... .......... 189 250,240
19th district 74,625 142,512 .......... 5,640 .......... 121 222,898
Total 2,229,091 1,732,163 7,958 33,287 8,706 2,183 4,013,388
Senator 2,392,984 1,684,778 .......... .......... .......... 3,281 4,081,043



For United States Senator

Sheldon Whitehouse, Democrat 206,043
Lincoln Chafee, Republican 178,950
For United States Representative

1 Patrick J. Kennedy, Democrat 124,634
Jonathan P. Scott, Republican 41,836
Kenneth A. Capalbo, Independent 13,634
2 James R. Langevin, Democrat 140,315
Rod Driver, Independent 52,729
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Rhode Island

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Independent Total
1st district 124,634 41,836 13,634 180,104
2d district 140,315 .......... 52,729 193,044
Total 264,949 41,836 66,363 373,148
Senator 206,043 178,950 .......... 384,993



For United States Representative

1 Henry E. Brown, Jr., Republican 115,766
Randy Maatta, Democrat, Working Families 73,218
James E. Dunn, Green 4,287
Nonpartisan Write–in 104
2 Michael Ray Ellisor, Democrat 76,090
Joe Wilson, Republican 127,811
Nonpartisan Write–in 151
3 J. Gresham Barrett, Republican 111,882
Lee Ballenger, Democrat, Working Families 66,039
Nonpartisan Write–in 67
4 William Griff Griffith, Democrat 57,490
Bob Inglis, Republican 115,553
C. Faye Walters, Green 2,336
John Cobin, Libertarian 4,467
Nonpartisan Write–in 85
5 John M. Spratt, Jr., Democrat 99,669
Ralph Norman, Republican 75,422
Nonpartisan Write–in 63
6 James E. Clyburn, Democrat 100,213
Gary McLeod, Republican 53,181
Antonio Williams, Green 2,224
Nonpartisan Write–in 88
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in South Carolina

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Democrat,
Working Families
Green Libertarian Non-partisan
1st district .......... 115,766 73,218 4,287 .......... 104 193,375
2d district 76,090 127,811 .......... .......... .......... 151 204,052
3d district .......... 111,882 66,039 .......... .......... 67 177,988
4th district 57,490 115,553 .......... 2,336 4,467 85 179,931
5th district 99,669 75,422 .......... .......... .......... 63 175,154
6th district 100,213 53,181 .......... 2,224 .......... 88 155,706
Total 333,462 599,615 139,257 8,847 4,467 558 1,086,206



For United States Representative at Large

Stephanie Herseth, Democrat 230,468
Bruce W. Whalen, Republican 97,864
Larry Rudebusch, Libertarian 5,230
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in South Dakota

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Libertarian Total
At Large 230,468 97,864 5,230 333,562



For United States Senator

Harold E. Ford, Jr., Democrat 879,976
Bob Corker, Republican 929,911
Ed Choate, Independent 10,831
David Gatchell, Independent 3,746
Emory “Bo” Heyward, Independent 3,580
Gary Keplinger, Independent 3,033
Christopher Joseph Lugo, Independent 2,589
James Anthony Gray, Independent 14
John Jay Hooker, Independent 13
Gloria D. Reagon Price, Independent 1
Mary Taylor Shelby, Independent 1
For United States Representative

1 Rick Trent, Democrat 65,538
David Davis, Republican 108,336
Robert N. Smith, Independent 1,024
James W. Reeves, Independent 1,003
Michael Peavler, Independent 966
Mahmood (Michael) Sabri, Independent 411
2 John Greene, Democrat 45,025
John J. Duncan, Jr., Republican 157,095
3 Brent Benedict, Democrat 68,324
Zach Wamp, Republican 130,791
4 Lincoln Davis, Democrat 123,666
Kenneth Martin, Republican 62,449
5 Jim Cooper, Democrat 122,919
Thomas F. Kovach, Republican 49,702
Ginny Welsch, Independent 3,766
Scott Knapp, Independent 1,755
6 Bart Gordon, Democrat 129,069
David R. Davis, Republican 60,392
Robert L. Garrison, Independent 2,035
Norman R. Saliba, Independent 884
7 Bill Morrison, Democrat 73,369
Marsha Blackburn, Republican 152,288
Kathleen A. Culver, Independent 1,806
James B. “Mickey” White, Independent 898
William J. Smith, Independent 848
John L. Rimer, Independent 710
Gayl G. Pratt, Independent 663
8 John S. Tanner, Democrat 129,610
John Farmer, Republican 47,492
James Hart, Independent (Write in) 6
9 Steve Cohen, Democrat 103,341
Mark White, Republican 31,002
Jake Ford, Independent 38,243
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Tennessee

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Independent Independent
(Write in)
1st district 65,538 108,336 3,404 .......... 177,278
2d district 45,025 157,095 .......... .......... 202,120
3d district 68,324 130,791 .......... .......... 199,115
4th district 123,666 62,449 .......... .......... 186,115
5th district 122,919 49,702 5,521 .......... 178,142
6th district 129,069 60,392 2,919 .......... 192,380
7th district 73,369 152,288 4,925 .......... 230,582
8th district 129,610 47,492 .......... 6 177,108
9th district 103,341 31,002 38,243 .......... 172,586
Total 860,861 799,547 55,012 6 1,715,426
Senator 879,976 929,911 23,808 .......... 1,833,695



For United States Senator

Barbara Ann Radnofsky, Democrat 1,555,202
Kay Bailey Hutchison, Republican 2,661,789
Scott Lanier Jameson, Libertarian 97,672
For United States Representative

(Special Election–November 7, 2006)1,2

15 Rube’n Hinojosa, Democrat 43,236
Paul B. Haring, Republican 16,601
Eddie Zamora, Republican 10,150
21 John Courage, Democrat 49,957
Gene Kelly, Democrat 18,355
Lamar S. Smith, Republican 122,486
Tommy Calvert, Independent 5,280
James Lyle Peterson, Independent 2,189
Mark J. Rossano, Independent 1,439
James Arthur Strohm, Libertarian 4,076
22 Don Richardson, Republican 7,405
Shelley Sekula Gibbs, Republican 76,924
Bob Smither, Libertarian 23,425
Steve Stockman, Republican 13,600
Giannibicego Hoa Tran, Republican 2,568
23 Ciro D. Rodriguez, Democrat 24,594
Albert Uresti, Democrat 14,552
Lukin Gilliland, Democrat 13,728
August G. “Augie” Beltran, Democrat 2,647
Rick Bolanos, Democrat 2,564
Adrian DeLeon, Democrat 2,198
Henry Bonilla, Republican 60,175
Craig T. Stephens, Independent 3,341
25 Lloyd Doggett, Democrat 109,911
Grant Rostig, Republican 42,975
Brian Parrett, Independent 3,596
Barbara Cunningham, Libertarian 6,942
28 Henry Cuellar, Democrat 52,574
Frank Enriquez, Democrat 15,798
Ron Avery, Conservative 9,383

(General Election)2

1 Roger L. Owen, Democrat 46,303
Louie Gohmert, Republican 104,099
Donald Perkison, Libertarian 2,668
2 Gary E. Binderim, Democrat 45,080
Ted Poe, Republican 90,490
Justo J. Perez, Libertarian 2,295
3 Dan Dodd, Democrat 49,529
Sam Johnson, Republican 88,690
Christopher J. Claytor, Libertarian 3,662
4 Glenn Melancon, Democrat 55,278
Ralph M. Hall, Republican 106,495
Kurt G. Helm, Libertarian 3,496
5 Charlie Thompson, Democrat 50,983
Jeb Hensarling, Republican 88,478
Mike Nelson, Libertarian 3,791
6 David T. Harris, Democrat 56,369
Joe Barton, Republican 91,927
Carl Nulsen, Libertarian 3,740
7 Jim Henley, Democrat 64,514
John Abney Culberson, Republican 99,318
Drew Parks, Libertarian 3,953
8 James “Jim” Wright, Democrat 51,393
Kevin Brady, Republican 105,665
9 Al Green, Democrat 60,253
10 Ted Ankrum, Democrat 71,415
Michael T. McCaul, Republican 97,726
Michael Badnarik, Libertarian 7,614
11 K. Michael Conaway, Republican 107,268
12 John R. Morris, Democrat 45,676
Kay Granger, Republican 98,371
Gardner Osborne, Libertarian 2,888
13 Roger J. Waun, Democrat 33,460
Mac Thornberry, Republican 108,107
Jim Thompson, Libertarian 3,829
14 Shane Sklar, Democrat 62,429
Ron Paul, Republican 94,380
16 Silvestre Reyes, Democrat 61,116
Gordon R. Strickland, Libertarian 16,572
17 Chet Edwards, Democrat 92,478
Van Taylor, Republican 64,142
Guillermo Acosta, Libertarian 2,504
18 Sheila Jackson-Lee, Democrat 65,936
Ahmad Hassan, Republican 16,448
Patrick Warren, Libertarian 3,667
19 Robert Ricketts, Democrat 41,676
Randy Neugebauer, Republican 94,785
Fred C. Jones, Libertarian 3,349
Mike Sadler, Write–in 197
20 Charles A. Gonzalez, Democrat 68,348
Michael Idrogo, Libertarian 9,897
22 Nick Lampson, Democrat 76,775
Bob Smither, Libertarian 9,009
Shelley Sekula Gibbs, Write–in 61,938
Don Richardson, Write–in 428
Joe Reasbeck, Write–in 89
24 Gary R. Page, Democrat 52,075
Kenny Marchant, Republican 83,835
Mark Frohman, Libertarian 4,228
26 Tim Barnwell, Democrat 58,271
Michael C. Burgess, Republican 94,219
Rich Haas, Libertarian 3,993
27 Solomon P. Ortiz, Democrat 62,058
Wm. “Willie” Vaden, Republican 42,538
Robert Powell, Libertarian 4,718
29 Gene Green, Democrat 37,174
Eric Story, Republican 12,347
Clifford Lee Messina, Libertarian 1,029
30 Eddie Bernice Johnson, Democrat 81,348
Wilson Aurbach, Republican 17,850
Ken Ashby, Libertarian 2,250
31 Mary Beth Harrell, Democrat 60,293
John R. Carter, Republican 90,869
Matt McAdoo, Libertarian 4,221
32 Will Pryor, Democrat 52,269
Pete Sessions, Republican 71,461
John B. Hawley, Libertarian 2,922

(Runoff Election–December 12, 2006)4

23 Ciro D. Rodriguez, Democrat 38,256
Henry Bonilla, Republican 32,217
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Texas

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Independent Libertarian Write–in Total
1st district 46,303 104,099 .......... 2,668 .......... 153,070
2d district 45,080 90,490 .......... 2,295 .......... 137,865
3d district 49,529 88,690 .......... 3,662 .......... 141,881
4th district 55,278 106,495 .......... 3,496 .......... 165,269
5th district 50,983 88,478 .......... 3,791 .......... 143,252
6th district 56,369 91,927 .......... 3,740 .......... 152,036
7th district 64,514 99,318 .......... 3,953 .......... 167,785
8th district 51,393 105,665 .......... .......... .......... 157,058
9th district 60,253 .......... .......... .......... .......... 60,253
10th district 71,415 97,726 .......... 7,614 .......... 176,755
11th district .......... 107,268 .......... .......... .......... 107,268
12th district 45,676 98,371 .......... 2,888 .......... 146,935
13th district 33,460 108,107 .......... 3,829 .......... 145,396
14th district 62,429 94,380 .......... .......... .......... 156,809
15th district 1 43,236 26,751 .......... .......... .......... 69,987
16th district 61,116 .......... .......... 16,572 .......... 77,688
17th district 92,478 64,142 .......... 2,504 .......... 159,124
18th district 65,936 16,448 .......... 3,667 .......... 86,051
19th district 41,676 94,785 .......... 3,349 197 140,007
20th district 68,348 .......... .......... 9,897 .......... 78,245
21st district 1 68,312 122,486 8,908 4,076 .......... 203,782
22d district 2,3 76,775 .......... .......... 9,009 62,455 148,239
23rd district 1,4 38,256 32,217 .......... .......... .......... 70,473
24th district 52,075 83,835 .......... 4,228 .......... 140,138
25th district 109,911 42,975 3,596 6,942 .......... 163,424
26th district 58,271 94,219 .......... 3,993 .......... 156,483
27th district 62,058 42,538 .......... 4,718 .......... 109,314
28th district 1 68,372 .......... .......... .......... .......... 68,372
29th district 37,174 12,347 .......... 1,029 .......... 50,550
30th district 81,348 17,850 .......... 2,250 .......... 101,448
31st district 60,293 90,869 .......... 4,221 .......... 155,383
32d district 52,269 71,461 .......... 2,922 .......... 126,652
Total 1,830,586 2,093,937 12,504 117,313 62,652 4,116,992
Senator 1,555,202 2,661,789 .......... 97,672 .......... 4,314,663

1 A special election was held for the office of U.S. Representative for redrawn congressional districts (15, 21, 23, 25, and 28), pursuant to section 204.021 of the Texas Election Code.
2A special election was held in the Twenty-Second District to fill the unexpired term of Tom DeLay. Don Richardson and Shelley Sekula Gibbs ran as Republicans in the special election and as Write–in candidates in the general election for the Twenty-Second District.
3The recapitulation reflects votes cast in the general election.
4The recapitulation reflects votes in the runoff election held on December 12, 2006.



For United States Senator

Pete Ashdown, Democrat 177,459
Orrin G. Hatch, Republican 356,238
Scott N. Bradley, Constitution 21,526
David Starr Seely, Libertarian 4,428
Roger I. Price, Personal Choice 9,089
Julian Hatch, Desert Greens 2,512
For United States Representative

1 Steven Olsen, Democrat 57,922
Rob Bishop, Republican 112,546
Mark Hudson, Constitution 5,539
Lynn Badler, Libertarian 2,467
2 Jim Matheson, Democrat 133,231
LaVar Christensen, Republican 84,234
W. David Perry, Constitution 3,395
Austin Sherwood Lett, Libertarian 1,620
Bob Brister, Green 3,338
3 Christian Burridge, Democrat 53,330
Chris Cannon, Republican 95,455
Jim Noorlander, Constitution 14,533
Philip Lear Hallman, Libertarian 2,080
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Utah

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Constitution Libertarian Personal
Green Desert Greens Total
1st district 57,922 112,546 5,539 2,467 .......... .......... .......... 178,474
2d district 133,231 84,234 3,395 1,620 .......... 3,338 .......... 225,818
3d district 53,330 95,455 14,533 2,080 .......... .......... .......... 165,398
Total 244,483 292,235 23,467 6,167 .......... 3,338 .......... 569,690
Senator 177,459 356,238 21,526 4,428 9,089 .......... 2,512 571,252



For United States Senator

Rich Tarrant, Republican 84,924
Bernard Sanders, Independent 171,638
Cris Ericson, Independent 1,735
Craig Hill, Vermont Green 1,536
Pete Diamondstone, Liberty Union 801
Peter Moss, Anti-Bushist Candidate 1,518
Write–in 267
For United States Representative at Large

Peter Welch, Democrat 139,815
Martha Rainville, Republican 117,023
Jerry Trudell, Independent 1,013
Keith Stern, Independent 963
Bruce R. Marshall, Vermont Green 994
Jane Newton, Liberty Union 721
Dennis Morrisseau, Impeach Bush Now 1,390
Chris Karr, We the People 599
Write–in 208
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Vermont

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Independent Vermont
Bush Now
We the
Write–in Total
At large 139,815 117,023 1,976 994 721 .......... 1,390 599 208 262,726
Senator .......... 84,924 173,373 1,536 801 1,518 .......... .......... 267 262,419



For United States Senator

James H. “Jim” Webb, Jr., Democrat 1,175,606
George Allen, Republican 1,166,277
Glenda Gail Parker, Independent Green 26,102
Write–in 2,460
For United States Representative

1 Shawn M. O”Donnell, Democrat 81,083
Jo Ann Davis, Republican 143,889
Marvin F. Pixton III, Independent 3,236
Write–in 326
2 Philip J. Kellam, Democrat 83,901
Thelma D. Drake, Republican 88,777
Write–in 481
3 Robert C. Scott, Democrat 133,546
Write–in 5,448
4 J. Randy Forbes, Republican 150,967
Albert P. Burckard, Jr., Independent Green 46,487
Write–in 886
5 Al C. Weed II, Democrat 84,682
Virgil H. Goode, Jr., Republican 125,370
Joseph P. Oddo, Independent Green 1,928
Write–in 99
6 Bob Goodlatte, Republican 153,187
Barbara Jean Pryor, Independent 25,129
Andre D. Peery, Independent 24,731
Write–in 948
7 James M. Nachman, Democrat 88,206
Eric Cantor, Republican 163,706
W. Brad Blanton, Independent 4,213
Write–in 272
8 James P. Moran, Democrat 144,700
Tom M. O‘Donoghue, Republican 66,639
James T. “Jim” Hurysz, Independent 6,094
Write–in 476
9 Rick Boucher, Democrat 129,705
C. W. “Bill” Carrico, Republican 61,574
Write–in 136
10 Judy M. Feder, Democrat 98,769
Frank R. Wolf, Republican 138,213
Neeraj C. Nigam, Independent 1,851
Wilbur N. Wood III, Libertarian 2,107
Write–in 194
11 Andrew L. Hurst, Democrat 102,511
Tom Davis, Republican 130,468
Ferdinando C. Greco, Independent Green 2,042
Write–in 259
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Virginia

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Independent Independent
Libertarian Write–in Total
1st district 81,083 143,889 3,236 .......... .......... 326 228,534
2d district 83,901 88,777 .......... .......... .......... 481 173,159
3d district 133,546 .......... .......... .......... .......... 5,448 138,994
4th district .......... 150,967 .......... 46,487 .......... 886 198,340
5th district 84,682 125,370 .......... 1,928 .......... 99 212,079
6th district .......... 153,187 49,860 .......... .......... 948 203,995
7th district 88,206 163,706 4,213 .......... .......... 272 256,397
8th district 144,700 66,639 6,094 .......... .......... 476 217,909
9th district 129,705 61,574 .......... .......... .......... 136 191,415
10th district 98,769 138,213 1,851 .......... 2,107 194 241,134
11th district 102,511 130,468 .......... 2,042 .......... 259 235,280
Total 947,103 1,222,790 65,254 50,457 2,107 9,525 2,297,236
Senator 1,175,606 1,166,277 .......... 26,102 .......... 2,460 2,370,445



For United States Senator

Maria Cantwell, Democrat 1,184,659
Mike McGavick, Republican 832,106
Robin Adair, Independent 16,384
Bruce Guthrie, Libertarian 29,331
Aaron Dixon, Green 21,254
For United States Representative

1 Jay Inslee, Democrat 163,832
Larry W. Ishmael, Republican 78,105
2 Rick Larsen, Democrat 157,064
Doug Roulstone, Republican 87,730
3 Brian Baird, Democrat 147,065
Michael Messmore, Republican 85,915
4 Richard Wright, Democrat 77,054
Doc Hastings, Republican 115,246
5 Peter J. Goldmark, Democrat 104,357
Cathy McMorris, Republican 134,967
6 Norman D. Dicks, Democrat 158,202
Doug Cloud, Republican 65,883
7 Jim McDermott, Democrat 195,462
Steve Beren, Republican 38,715
Linnea S. Noreen, Independent 11,956
8 Darcy Burner, Democrat 122,021
David G. Reichert, Republican 129,362
9 Adam Smith, Democrat 119,038
Steven C. Cofchin, Republican 62,082
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Washington

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Independent Libertarian Green Total
1st district 163,832 78,105 .......... .......... .......... 241,937
2d district 157,064 87,730 .......... .......... .......... 244,794
3d district 147,065 85,915 .......... .......... .......... 232,980
4th district 77,054 115,246 .......... .......... .......... 192,300
5th district 104,357 134,967 .......... .......... .......... 239,324
6th district 158,202 65,883 .......... .......... .......... 224,085
7th district 195,462 38,715 11,956 .......... .......... 246,133
8th district 122,021 129,362 .......... .......... .......... 251,383
9th district 119,038 62,082 .......... .......... .......... 181,120
Total 1,244,095 798,005 11,956 .......... .......... 2,054,056
Senator 1,184,659 832,106 16,384 29,331 21,254 2,083,734



For United States Senator

Robert C. Byrd, Democrat 159,154
John R. Raese, Republican 47,408
For United States Representative

1 Alan B. Mollohan, Democrat 100,939
Chris Wakim, Republican 55,963
Write–in 98
2 Mike Callaghan, Democrat 70,470
Shelley Moore Capito, Republican 94,110
3 Nick J. Rahall II, Democrat 92,413
Kim Wolfe, Republican 40,820
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in West Virginia

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Write– Total
1st district 100,939 55,963 98 157,000
2d district 70,470 94,110 .......... 164,580
3d district 92,413 40,820 .......... 133,233
Total 263,822 190,893 98 454,813
Senator 159,154 47,408 .......... 206,562



For United States Senator

Herb Kohl, Democrat 1,439,214
Robert Gerald Lorge, Republican 630,299
Ben J. Glatzel, Independent 25,096
Rae Vogeler, Wisconsin Green 42,434
Scattering 1,254
For United States Representative

1 Jeffrey C. Thomas, Democrat 95,761
Paul Ryan, Republican 161,320
Scattering 515
2 Tammy Baldwin, Democrat 191,414
Dave Magnum, Republican 113,015
Scattering 259
3 Ron Kind, Democrat 163,322
Paul R. Nelson, Republican 88,523
Scattering 242
4 Gwen Moore, Democrat 136,735
Perfecto Rivera, Republican 54,486
Scattering 521
5 Bryan Kennedy, Democrat 112,451
F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr., Republican 194,669
Robert R. Raymond, Independent 3,525
Bob Levis, Wisconsin Green 4,432
Scattering 103
6 Thomas E. Petri, Republican 201,367
Scattering 2,190
7 David R. Obey, Democrat 161,903
Nick Reid, Republican 91,069
Mike Miles, Wisconsin Green 7,391
Scattering 65
8 Steven L. Kagen, Democrat 141,570
John Gard, Republican 135,622
Scattering 943
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Wisconsin

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Independent Wisconsin
Scattering Total
1st district 95,761 161,320 .......... .......... 515 257,596
2d district 191,414 113,015 .......... .......... 259 304,688
3d district 163,322 88,523 .......... .......... 242 252,087
4d district 136,735 54,486 .......... .......... 521 191,742
5th district 112,451 194,669 3,525 4,432 103 315,180
6th district .......... 201,367 .......... .......... 2,190 203,557
7th district 161,903 91,069 .......... 7,391 65 260,428
8th district 141,570 135,622 .......... .......... 943 278,135
Total 1,003,156 1,040,071 3,525 11,823 4,838 2,063,413
Senator 1,439,214 630,299 25,096 42,434 1,254 2,138,297



For United States Senator

Dale Groutage, Democrat 57,671
Craig Thomas, Republican 135,174
Under Votes 3,019
Over Votes 60
Write–in 291
For United States Representative at Large

Gary Trauner, Democrat 92,324
Barbara Cubin, Republican 93,336
Thomas R. Rankin, Libertarian 7,481
Under Votes 2,722
Over Votes 124
Write–in 228
Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Wyoming

Title of candidate Democratic Republican Libertarian Under Votes Over Votes Write– Total
At Large 92,324 93,336 7,481 2,722 124 228 196,215
Senator 57,671 135,174 .......... 3,019 60 291 196,215



For Delegate

Eni F. H. Faleomavaega, Democrat 5,195
Amata Aumua, Republican 4,493
Ae Ae Muavaefaatasi, Jr., Independent 1,345
Total 11,033



For Delegate

Eleanor Holmes Norton, Democrat 111,726
Write–in 3,051
Total 114,777



For Delegate

Madeleine Z. Bordallo, Democrat 32,677
Write–in 1,201
Total 33,878



For Delegate

Donna M. Christensen, Democrat 19,593
Warren B. Mosler, Independent 4,447
Write–in 7
Total 24,047