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Senator Dorgan’s Energy Plan for North Dakota

North Dakota is poised to play a vital role in reducing our dependence on foreign sources of energy, and Senator Dorgan has led the push to diversify our energy portfolio and to help achieve energy security.

As chairman of two key energy subcommittees, Dorgan has worked in Congress to help increase production of oil and natural gas in the western part of North Dakota, bringing increased economic activity and good–paying jobs to the region. He has also worked to help encourage new ethanol, biodiesel and wind production. This expansion of North Dakota’s energy portfolio has helped to spur North Dakota’s overall economic growth.

Dorgan conceived of the Energy Corridor to help expand development of the state’s vast and diverse energy resources. Modeled after his successful Red River Valley Research Corridor, Dorgan believes that we can attract businesses and investment, while helping to achieve our national goal of energy independence.

As part of the Energy Corridor initiative, Dorgan convened the first-ever Great Plains Energy Expo on October 29–30, 2007, at the Bismarck Civic Center Exhibition Hall. U.S. Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman was the keynote speaker. Featuring seminars, a trade show and other speakers from across the country, the Energy Expo highlighted new, innovative energy technology being developed in North Dakota that will help the state capitalize on its diverse energy resources.