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Congressman Jim Moran, Representing the 8th District of Virginia
Alexandria, Arlington Fairfax County, Falls Church, Reston


Congressman Jim Moran is a strong supporter of the public education system. One of his top priorities is to push for the “No Child Left Behind” law to be fully funded at the level authorized by Congress and promised by the President. Since its passage, Congressman Moran has worked closely with local educators and the U.S. Department of Education to ensure that Northern Virginia’s diverse school systems are granted the necessary flexibility to comply with this law.

Universal pre-Kindergarten is another issue Congressman Moran’s feels strongly about. Through his work, the Congressman has met with countless educators touting the many positive short-term and long-term effects associated with a pre-K program. These benefits include greater school readiness, increased high school completion rates, increased career earnings, less criminal activity and reduced reliance on the welfare system.

Congressman Moran supports measures to protect the right of disabled children to receive a quality public education, to strengthen and support the Head Start program and to recruit and retain more qualified math and science teachers. Through his position on the Appropriations Committee, Congressman Moran has brought home millions of federal dollars for Northern Virginia educational programs including the Adventures of the American Mind project. This innovative pilot program trains Northern Virginia teachers how to harness the Library of Congress’ vast resources and mold them into an age-appropriate classroom curriculum.