U.S. Senate Committee On
Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs

534 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
P: (202) 224-7391
F: (202) 224-5137

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September 2007 Statements  « August | October »     « 2006 | 2008 » 
  • 28th - Senate Banking Chairman Dodd Urges New IMF Director to Ensure China’s Compliance with Exchange Rate Obligations
  • 27th - Statement of Senator Dodd, Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, on Release of Recent Economic Reports
  • 26th - Dodd Calls For Swift Action Against Iran, Sudan
  • 25th - Chairman Dodd Presses Commerce Department to Ensure Iran Does Not Obtain Sensitive U.S. Technology
  • 24th - Chairman Dodd Questions HUD Approach to Public Housing Demolition in New Orleans
  • 21st - Statement by Chairman Dodd on Dubai-Nasdaq Deal
  • 20th - Statement of Chairman Dodd on House Passage of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Revision and Extension Act
  • 19th - Statement of Chairman Dodd on Today’s Decision by OFHEO to Modify Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Portfolio Caps
  • 19th - Committee Passes Dodd’s Bill to Help Families Keep and Buy Their Homes
  • 18th - Statement of Chairman Dodd in reaction to Secretary Paulson’s remarks yesterday
  • 18th - Statement of Chairman Dodd on Fed Interest Rate Decision
  • 12th - Dodd, Bond Secure Senate Approval for Funding to Help American Homeowners Struggling with Foreclosure
  • 10th - Statement of Chairman Dodd on Today’s SEC Senior Summit
  • 7th - Statement of Chairman Dodd on Labor Department August Employment Report
  • 6th - Statement of Chairman Dodd on Foreclosures in Second Quarter