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Typical Day

During a typical day, I do a number of different things. When I'm at the Capitol in Washington D.C., I might go to the Senate floor to debate a bill. I attend committee meetings with other senators. I am a member of three Senate Committees: the Appropriations Committee, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee. In my committee meetings, I work with other senators to find solutions to problems such as the future of Social Security, the reform of our intelligence agencies and the future of NASA programs like Hubble.

Sometimes, I host meetings with my constituents and local officials so that I can hear their views on issues they find important. I also speak on radio or television so that Marylanders can learn about what I'm doing to fight for them.

When I'm not in Washington, I like to travel around Maryland to meet with my constituents: small business owners, groups of parents and their children, high school and college students, or residents of retirement homes. I meet with veterans, federal employees and executives from biotech and homeland security companies that support the operations of our military.

Being a senator can be very difficult, but with the great challenges come many great rewards. I get to meet with and help people from all over Maryland.

My professional career began as a social worker in Baltimore. I worked with members of my community to stop a federal highway project from destroying our historic East Baltimore neighborhoods. I work in the Senate today to continue the fight for Maryland's great neighborhoods and communities.

As a Senator for Maryland, I have fought for laws that strengthen our fight against crime, provide jobs for our residents and improve the quality of education for the next generation. I am so grateful to the citizens of Maryland for giving me the opportunity to serve them for more than 30 years. I look forward to continuing the fight for Marylanders and Americans here in the United States Senate.