Services > Academy Nominations

Every year, Congressman Dennis Moore is proud to nominate area high school students for entrance into U.S. Service Academies.

Nominees will be selected using a competitive, merit-based system to create a list of ten unranked names per vacancy that will be submitted to each academy. Congressman Moore and the members of his Academy Screening Board, which is comprised of Third District citizens, will interview and evaluate all applicants for nomination on the basis of character, scholarship, leadership, physical aptitude, medical fitness, goals and motivation.

To begin the process, the applicant must write to Congressman Moore's Overland Park office requesting that a nomination file be established. After this letter is received, a packet of information will be sent to the applicant. This packet includes important forms, as well as instructions for completion of the final application, which includes the following items/steps:

  • A letter or e-mail requesting a nomination should be sent to Congressman Moore at the Overland Park office (8417 Santa Fe Drive, #101, Overland Park, KS 66212) or
  • The Congressional application form
  • A short handwritten statement (less than 500 words) on why you want to attend an Academy.
  • Two letters of recommendation from people not related to you.
  • A recent photo (does not have to be a professional photo).
  • Deliver the high school counselor's form to your counselor and ask for a letter of recommendation sent directly from the counselor to Congressman Moore's Overland Park office.
  • Request a transcript of your grades (this must be sent directly to Congressman Moore's Overland Park office by your high school).
  • A copy of your ACT or SAT scores; your highest score will be considered if you take either of these tests more than once.
  • All eligible applicants will be required to appear before a Third District Screening Board, which will evaluate your overall qualifications. You will be notified of the date of your interview after November 3, 2008.

In order to be considered for a possible nomination, the above must all be completed and received in Moore's office at 8417 Santa Fe Drive, #101, Overland Park, KS 66212 by November 3, 2008, at 5 p.m. No exceptions will be allowed.

To be nominated by Congressman Moore, applicants must be a resident of the Third Congressional District of Kansas. Applicants must be unmarried, not pregnant, have no legal obligation to support children or other dependents and be at least 17 years old, but not have passed their 23rd birthday. If not a U.S. Citizen, applicants must have obtained citizenship by July 1, 2008.


  • SCHOLARSHIP: Evaluation of academic records will include class standing in a high school college preparatory curriculum, college records, if applicable, and scores obtained on either the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or the American College Test (ACT).
  • LEADERSHIP: Applicants should have outstanding records of extracurricular activities. Quality of involvement is stressed over the number of activities.
  • CHARACTER/MOTIVATION: Judged from recommendations, content of essay and quality of interview.
  • MEDICAL/PHYSICAL: The academies schedule medical and physical fitness examinations. You will be notified by the appropriate academies with information regarding when and where to report for these tests.


Congressional appointments are made to the academies listed below. Your high school counselor will have catalogues and cards to be mailed to the academies to make them aware of your interest, receive their questionnaire and begin their application process.

Congressional appointments are not made to the Coast Guard Academy. If you are interested in attending, please contact the Director of Admissions, U.S. Coast Guard Academy - New London, CT 06320

Mike Peterson, Academy Coordinator
Office of Congressman Dennis Moore
8417 Santa Fe Drive #101
Overland Park, KS 66212
Phone: 913-383-2013