
Our nation’s servicemen and women are the most important component of our military.  At a time when America’s forces are being asked to do more with less, the Congressman remains committed to honoring our soldiers by increasing health care, educational benefits, and economic opportunities.  The Congressman continues to work to ensure that our armed forces and veterans will receive the treatment and benefits they have been promised.

Oregon is home to award-winning VA medical centers in Roseburg, White City, and Portland that serve the state’s 350,000 veterans.  Congressman Blumenauer helps connect these groups by offering assistance and information to individuals.  The Congressman employs a Military Affairs caseworker and periodically holds Veterans forums in his Portland office.  Any resident of the Third Congressional District may contact the office for help resolving concerns with VA claims, the VA Medical Center, or military records and medals.

Help with the Veterans Administration

Health Care


Health Care

Like millions of Americans, veterans all too often are not getting the heath care they need.  Congressman Blumenauer has voiced his concerns about the impact of shortfalls in veterans’ health care funding and has consistently pushed Congress to provide the resources to keep pace with the increasing cost of health care.

The Congressman staunchly supports funding research initiatives and treatment programs, and empowering families to better care for their loved ones.  Congressman Blumenauer has used his voice in Congress to support improved VA outreach, increased mental health support, and adequate funding for veterans’ hospitals and health care.  Most recently, the Congressman has voiced concerns about the quality of healthcare for our soldiers returning from duty in Iraq and Afghanistan.  He has spoken out against funding cuts and the closure of veterans’ hospitals and voiced strong concerns about increased reliance on fee-based care and longer waiting periods for primary care.  

Congressman Blumenauer has supported efforts to establish a VA system that treats the full breath and depth of modern military trauma and will continue to fight to ensure that those returning home receive the health care they deserve.


As with health care, Congressman Blumenauer has worked to ensure that the benefits promised to military families are there when they are needed. 

Congressman Blumenauer has supported increases in survivor benefits, an expanded GI Bill for the latest generation of soldiers, and benefits for the National Guard and Reserve befitting their greater military role.  From his seat on the Ways and Means Committee, the Congressman has focused his efforts on behalf of America’s armed forces.  Congressman Blumenauer has supported a range of tax measures to assist veterans and military personnel and has been active in the effort to expand the Oregon Veteran’s Home Loan Program.

It is Congress’ first responsibility to provide for the common defense, and taking care of America’s veterans is an integral part of fulfilling that responsibility.  As a staunch advocate for fair military pay, educational assistance, and increased economic opportunity, Congressman Blumenauer will continue to honor those who have served.