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Enron Investigation

The sudden collapse of Enron Corporation -- formerly the seventh-largest company in the country, with 2000 revenues of over $100 billion -- has raised a number of questions. Serious allegations of fraud and self-dealing have been made against Enron’s officers and directors, who reportedly sold over $1 billion worth of stock in the company from October 1998 through November 2001. Questions have also been raised about the company’s close relationship to the Bush Administration.

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Monday, January 14, 2002

Letter to Card, Lindsey, and White Seeking Information about Enron Contacts

Rep. Waxman writes to White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card, White House Assistant for Economic Affairs Larry Lindsey, and Secretary of the Army Thomas White asking for information on their contacts with Enron.

Saturday, January 12, 2002

Letter to Enron Chairman for Information about E-mails

Rep. Waxman asks Enron chairman Kenneth Lay to verify and explain two e-mails Mr. Lay purportedly sent to employees in August 2001 reassuring them about the company’s prospects and stock price.

Friday, January 11, 2002

Letter to Secretaries O'Neill and Evans for Information about Enron Contacts

In a letter to Secretaries O'Neill and Evans, Rep. Waxman asks for details about their contacts with Enron and for a full explanation of why they decided to take no action to protect Enron employees and shareholders.

Thursday, January 10, 2002

Rep. Waxman Releases Enron Statement

Rep Waxman issues a statement in response to news reports that the Bush Administration had prior knowledge of the Enron collapse.

Thursday, January 10, 2002

Letter to Attorney General Ashcroft about Association with Enron

Rep. Waxman writes Attorney General Ashcroft about the political support he has received from Enron, and whether this will affect the AG's involvement in the criminal investigation of Enron.

Tuesday, January 08, 2002

Letter to Vice President Cheney about Additional Information on Enron Contacts

Responding to Rep. Waxman's December 4 letter, the White House reveals repeated contacts between Enron executives and the White House energy task force. Rep. Waxman writes Vice President Cheney to seek information about the topics discussed during the six meetings with Enron executives disclosed by the White House.

Tuesday, December 04, 2001

Letter to Vice President Cheney Requesting Details about Enron Contacts

Rep. Waxman writes the Vice President asking that he disclose details about contacts between his energy task force and Enron Corp., in light of the company’s recent financial collapse and press reports suggesting that Enron had extensive dealings with the task force.

Tuesday, June 05, 2001

Letter to Chairman Burton on Enron and the White House Energy Task Force

Rep. Waxman writes Chairman Burton to ask that the Committee hold a hearing to answer questions about the White House Energy Task Force, particulary regarding the participation of "big donors" such as Enron Corporation.

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