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Email Congressman Space


Nationally, 45 million Americans do not have health insurance, while according to Families USA, 1 out of 10 Ohioans are uninsured and over 80% of those uninsured employees are employed. Congress has an obligation to attack this challenge, not ignore it.

Health Care for Children

Congressman Space supports initiatives to renew the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), which insures 145,000 low income children in Ohio alone. Last year, Congressman Space voted repeatedly for legislation that would renew the program and offer quality health insurance to 10 million children nationwide that would not otherwise have it because of financial constraints. Unfortunately, the President vetoed this legislation, and Congress fell short on attempts to override this veto. 

Congressman Space will continue to support legislation to renew SCHIP throughout the 110th Congress until every Ohio child from working families has access to quality health care.

Health Care for Seniors

Congressman Space is an avid supporter of granting power to the federal government to negotiate with prescription drug companies for lower prices on behalf of Medicare Part D beneficiaries. For this reason, he was an original cosponsor of HR 4, the Medicare Prescription Drug Price Negotiation Act of 2007, which passed the House of Representatives resoundingly in January, 2007.

The relationship between doctors and patients is a sacred one that must be preserved to ensure the trust necessary to deliver quality care. Time and again, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has threatened to undermine this relationship by making dangerous reductions in the reimbursements doctors receive for treating Medicare beneficiaries. Congressman Space has voted to stop these cuts time and again, and will fight to preserve the right of seniors to have access to the doctors that they preserve.

Health Care for Small Businesses

Congressman Space supports legislation to give small businesses and the self-employed the ability to enter into state-wide pooling arrangements or buy into a national health insurance plan similar to the federal employees’ health insurance system. Such legislation will reduce health cost for small business and the self-employed. At the same time, it will move toward the goal of making sure that all Americans have the quality health insurance they need and can afford.