Illegal Immigration

Illegal Immigration

Illegal immigration is one of the most serious issues facing Congress, and yet, unfortunately, the extremes on either side of this issue are using it as a pawn for political gain.  Everyday Congress fails to act on illegal immigration, our nation suffers: our porous borders issue a direct invitation to terrorists seeking to take American lives; employer-sanctions laws have created social and economic upheaval.  The bottom line is that the United States lacks enough legal workers to do some low-skilled jobs.  Employers need labor and are willing to look the other way and hire workers they suspect to be illegal. 

On one side of the issue are lawmakers who will not accept any immigration proposal that does not include citizenship because they hope to secure a solid, dependable voting block.  On the other, lawmakers who will not accept any proposal that does not call for the immediate deportation of all illegal immigrants because they fear that the immigrant population will not assimilate and respect our values: democracy, freedom, individual responsibility.
In the meantime, before a final solution is reached, we must stop the hemorrhaging.  We should create a temporary status for non-citizens so we can identify the illegals who are here, require background checks, deport those with criminal records, and secure our border.

I am strongly opposed to both illegal immigration and a repeat of the 1986 amnesty.  Throughout my time in Congress, I have consistently supported efforts to tighten border security, enforce and strengthen existing immigration laws, and require the federal government to cover the costs illegal immigration inflicts on Arizona.  Illegal immigration poses a serious threat to national security and exacerbates problems for hospitals, schools, and law enforcement agencies.  We are a free nation, governed by the rule of law.  We must not send the message to our nation and the world that there are no consequences for breaking our laws.

Related Documents:

Opinion Pieces - Combination of solutions needed to stem the tide of illegal border crossers 5.18.2008

Opinion Pieces - Shadegg Arizona Republic Op-Ed: Power-hungry are exploiting illegal-migrant problem 2.10.2008

Press Release - Shadegg Applauds Senate’s Rejection of Flawed Immigration Legislation 6.28.2007

Opinion Pieces - Shadegg Arizona Republic Op-Ed: Heated Emotions Won’t Solve Immigration Crisis 6.3.2007

Press Release - Shadegg: Pelosi/Kennedy Backed Immigration Bills Can't Pass Congress 4.9.2007

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