Health Care

Health Care

The healthcare system in this country is in trouble because insurance companies, employers, and other third parties, rather than patients and doctors, are making healthcare decisions.  We are on the brink of major changes that I believe would further damage an already struggling system.  Government controlled and bureaucrat run, universal healthcare programs would make the current situation worse and drastically reduce the quality of health care services in America.  Individual choice and free market competition, which do not exist in the current system, are the solutions to our healthcare problems.   

I have introduced the Health Care Choice Act, H.R. 4460, a bill which would empower consumers by allowing them to purchase an affordable health insurance policy with a range of options.  The Health Care Choice Act will break down state-imposed barriers to insurance and allow individuals to purchase health insurance, in much the same way as they currently purchase auto or homeowner’s insurance, from states outside the one in which they reside.  Ultimately, this would force the health care industry to price plans more competitively, meaning lower prices and better care for the consumer.  Under these improved circumstances, more Americans would purchase healthcare coverage, thereby reducing the strain on taxpayers. 

The Patient’s Health Care Reform Act is another piece of legislation which I have introduced while in Congress.  This bill targets the uninsured population by creating tax credits for the purchase of health insurance.  For individuals and families burdened by chronic diseases or other health problems, this bill authorizes grants for states to set up high-risk insurance pools, a safety net for our sickest citizens so that no one is denied coverage.  Since the credits are refundable, even low-income Americans that do not have a federal tax liability will benefit. In addition, this act increases healthcare options for Americans by authorizing Individual Membership Associations.  These associations enable individuals to purchase health insurance through member groups, such as university alumni associations and civic organizations.

These pieces of legislation are immediate, common sense measures to give consumers more choices, and to help millions of uninsured Americans get health coverage.  I will vehemently oppose any and all legislation that seeks to establish a government-owned, government-run healthcare system.

Related Documents:

Press Release - Shadegg Opens Congressional Health Care Debate 4.28.2008

Press Release - Shadegg Introduces Health Care Choice Act 12.12.2007

News Article - Going Out of State 5.10.2006

News Article - Health Insurance Showdown 5.9.2006

Opinion Pieces - Competition is the way 5.1.2006

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