Environment/ Natural Resources

Environment/ Natural Resources

Americans have been blessed with a beautiful country and abundant natural resources.  Natural resources provide a basis for economic development, job growth, and tourism throughout the great state of Arizona and our nation.  As a life-long Arizonan, I fully appreciate the need to maintain sites, like the Grand Canyon, for current and future generations to enjoy.  I believe however, that we can strike a balance between preserving the environment and allowing positive growth free from overzealous regulations.
I support a multiple-use approach to federal land management.  This approach balances economic needs, related to both industry and tourism, and the responsible maintenance of the environment.   

As the Ranking Member on the Subcommittee on Environment and Hazardous Materials and a member on the Select Committee on Climate Change, I am committed to protecting Americans from harmful or destructive side effects which could result from climate change.  Given the uncertainty however, among leading members of the scientific community regarding global warming, I believe that it is necessary to obtain more conclusive research before enacting broad reaching climate change related legislation.  Extreme measures and overreactions could have drastic economic consequences and pose a greater threat to our nation than global warming itself.

There is no doubt that the well-being of our nation is dependent upon the preservation of our environment.  I am confident that through American ingenuity we will make significant technological and scientific progress and continue to find solutions which will allow our great nation to maintain its beauty and prosper.

Related Documents:

Press Release - Shadegg Protects American Energy from Frivolous Lawsuits 9.12.2008

Press Release - Shadegg Leads Trip to ANWR 8.18.2008

Press Release - Shadegg Opposes Tax Increases in Congressional Democrats so-called Renewable Energy and Job Creation Act 5.21.2008

Press Release - Congressman Shadegg Fights for American Consumers 4.1.2008

Press Release - Shadegg Makes Case for Hydropower 3.6.2008

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  • Washington Office

  • 306 Cannon House Office Building
  • U.S. House, Washington D.C. 20515
  • p. 202-225-3361
  • f. 202-225-3462
  • District Office

  • 301 East Bethany Home Road
  • Suite C-178
  • Phoenix, AZ 85012
  • p. 602-263-5300
  • f. 602-248-7733
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