What is an Advisor?

PLWeb Turbo features tools called advisors, which serve as online assistants. As part of the feedback searching process, you can use the advisors to gain added insight into the nature of a database's contents. In addition, you can use advisor results to refine your current query.

The Relate Advisor can suggest appropriate search terms that you might never have considered. It produces a list of words that, in the context of the database, are related to the words in your current query.

The Dictionary Advisor can verify the existence of a query word and/or its variants within a database. With this advisor, you can decide if a word might yield good results, or if it should be excluded.

The Fuzzy Match Advisor scans the database for words with spelling similar to that of a query term. It can identify correct spelling--if you're in doubt about yours--and instances where scanned material has been incorrectly interpreted during OCR (optical character recognition) processing.

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