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Congresswoman Thelma Drake Radio Address
  September 12, 2008

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Hello, this is Thelma Drake, and I have the honor of representing Virginia’s 2nd Congressional District, which is home to more active duty military than any other congressional district, and boasts America’s third largest population of veterans.

Yesterday, I joined with them and my colleagues in the House and Senate to pray for the comfort of those who loved ones lost their lives in the September 11th terrorist attacks. Amid the tragedy of that day, a new resolve to defend our nation and defeat our enemies was born, and it is always with us.

The topic at the top of Congress’s agenda right now, of course, is energy.

Last month, I had the great privilege to join more than 135 of my House Republican colleagues who refused to stop fighting for lower gas prices and took to a dimly lit House floor to talk about meaningful energy solutions while Democrats were on a five-week vacation. It now appears our coast-to-coast grassroots efforts are paying off.
It was only a matter of weeks ago that Speaker Nancy Pelosi called domestic offshore energy production a “hoax.” But now, because the American people’s frustrations are being heard loud and clear, the Speaker is at least rhetorically considering legislation that may include a drilling component.
But this may turn out to be just words. You see, this new energy bill does not allow coastal states like mine to share in the revenues generated by new offshore energy production. The Speaker’s proposal would create an economic double-standard, giving states like Virginia who would like to produce offshore zero incentive to do so.

Here are some other ways this new Democrat energy bill fails the American people:

It leaves vast American resources under lock and key.

It does not allow access to the estimated 2 trillion barrels of oil across the United States.

It does not allow access to Alaska’s nearly ten and half billion barrels of Coastal Plain oil.

It makes no mention of emission-free nuclear power.

It makes no mention of clean coal technologies.
It would impose a massive energy tax hike on American consumers.

And it would create a government-mandated, one-size-fits-all electricity standard which will punish consumers and hike energy prices, particularly in the South and Midwest
This bill is the wrong prescription for American families. There are far too many omissions, and not nearly enough solutions.

The people that I represent in the Hampton Roads region and on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, like Americans everywhere, want their leaders in Washington to check politics at the Capitol door and pass the American Energy Act, an “all of the above” solution that will lower gas prices, create good paying American jobs, invest in alternatives and renewables, and make us less dependent on foreign nations for the lifeblood of our economy.
This is Congresswoman Thelma Drake. Thanks for listening.