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September 2008

9-11-08 Legislative Text to the “Energy Independence and Investment Act of 2008”

Staff Summary of the “Energy Independence and Investment Act of 2008”

Estimated Revenue Effects of the “Energy Independence and Investment Act of 2008”

9-10-08 Legislative Text of the “International Intellectual Property Protection and Enforcement Act of 2008’’

Section-by-section of the “International Intellectual Property Protection and Enforcement Act of 2008’’

9-10-08 Chairman's Mark to Improved Adoption Incentives and Relative Guardianship Support Act of 2008

Modification to Chairman's Mark

9-10-08 Chairman's Mark to the Patient Safety and Abuse Prevention Act of 2008

Modification to Chairman's Mark

9-10-08 Chairman's Mark to the Elder Justice Act

August 2008

8-01-08 Legislative Text of “The Comparative Effectiveness Research Act of 2008”

Section-by-section of “The Comparative Effectiveness Research Act of 2008”

July 2008

7-30-08 Legislative language for the new McConnell/Grassley/Kyl/Hatch tax extenders bill, S. 3098

7-30-08 Chairman’s Mark in the nature of a substitute to S. 1577, the “Patient Safety and Abuse Prevention Act of 2008”.

7-30-08 Chairman’s Mark in the nature of a substitute to S.1070, the “Elder Justice Act of 2008”

7-30-08 Chairman’s Mark in the nature of a substitute to S. 3038, the “Improved Adoption Incentives and Relative Guardianship Support Act of 2008”

7-24-08 Legislative Text to S. 3335, the “Jobs, Energy, Families, and Disaster Relief Act of 2008”

Staff Summary of S. 3335, the “Jobs, Energy, Families, and Disaster Relief Act of 2008”

Estimated Revenue Effects of S. 3335, the “Jobs, Energy, Families, and Disaster Relief Act of 2008

7-14-08 Legislative text of the Senate-passed housing bill, H.R. 3221

June 2008

6-19-08 Legislative Text to the Tax Title of the "Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008"

Estimated Revenue Effects of the Tax Title to the “Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008”

Staff Summary to the Tax Title of the “Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008”

6-18-08 Chairman’s Modification to the “Iran Sanctions Act of 2008.”

6-13-08 Description of "Iran Sanctions Act of 2008"

Legislative Text to SJR. Res. 38 Waiving Certain Provisions of the Trade Act of 1974

6-12-08 Legislative Text to the “Energy Independence and Tax Relief Act of 2008”

Estimated Revenue Effects of the “Energy Independence and Tax Relief Act of 2008”

Staff Summary of S. 3125 the “Energy Independence and Tax Relief Act of 2008"

6-06-08 Section-By-Section Summary of the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008


May 2008

5-22-08 Heroes Earnings Assistance and Relief Tax Act of 2008

Staff Summary of the “Heroes Earnings Assistance and Relief Tax Act of 2008”

5-12-08 Summary of the Conference Agreement for the Tax and Trade Title to H.R. 2419, the "Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008"

Estimated Revenue Effects of Title XV of H.R. 2419

Conference Report to Accompany Title XV of H.R. 2419

Legislative Text to Title XV of H.R. 2419


April 2008

4-30-08 Summary of Senate Finance Committee Title to FAA Reauthorization and Transportation Infrastructure Legislation

Estimated Budget Effects of the FAA Reauthorization and Transportation Infrastructure Legislation

4-17-08 Legislative text to the “Alternative Minimum Tax and Extenders Tax Relief Act of 2008”

Summary of the "Alternative Minimum Tax and Extenders Tax Relief Act of 2008"

4-3-08 Legislative Language to the "Foreclosure Prevention Act of 2008"

Revenue Estimate Requests for the Tax Provisions of the “Foreclosure Prevention Act of 2008”

March 2008

February 2008

2-25-08 Text of Administration Legislation in Response to the Medicare Funding Warning

Summary of Administration Legislation in Response to the Medicare Funding Warning

2-7-08 Legislative Text of H.R. 5140 as amended and passed by the Senate

Finance Committee Staff Summary of H.R. 5140 as amended and passed by the Senate

Distribution Effects of H.R. 5140 as amended and passed by the Senate

Score of H.R. 5140 as amended and passed by the Senate

2-5-08 Side-by-Side of Senate and House Farm Bills

2-5-08 Legislative Text of Amendment to H.R. 5140

Distributional Effects Of the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008


January 2008

1-31-08 Legislative Text of the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008

Finance Committee Staff Summary of the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008

1-30-08 Description of the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008

Finance Committee Staff Summary of the Chairman's Mark of the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008

Score of the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008

1-30-08 Description of the Chairman's Modification to the Provisions of the Economic Stimulus Act Of 2008

Estimated Budget Effects Of The Chairman's Modification To the Economic Stimulus Act Of 2008

Senate Finance Committee Clarification to A.3.

1-30-08 Draft of Open Executive Session Transcript

Additional Member Statements for the Record


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