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Just as railroads in the 19th century and electricity in the 20th brought about revolutions in the way our economy functioned, broadband internet technology represents the breakthrough of tomorrow and today.

This is not a technology just aimed at allowing our teenagers to play computer games on the internet or to purchase groceries from your home. It is much, much more than that. It is the fundamental piece of infrastructure that will ensure that our region can compete in the new century – that we can bring new industry and new jobs into southeastern Ohio.

The reality is that businesses are unlikely to come here unless we have an extensive broadband network in place. Our region already starts off at a disadvantage because, as has been the history of Appalachia, we are on the wrong side of the “digital divide.”

Congressman Space introduced legislation to improve federal loan programs that help broadband providers offer service to underserved rural areas. The legislation would require the United States Department of Agriculture to reduce the paperwork requirements for broadband providers applying for loans, as well as expand the amortization period of the loan to make them more affordable for smaller providers. Parts of this legislation were included in the version of the Farm Bill to pass the House after easily passing the House Committee on Agriculture, and the paperwork reduction provision was included in the conference report passed by the House and the Senate.

However, reforming federal loan programs will not create universal access to broadband alone. Congressman Space also introduced legislation to authorize grants to public-private partnerships created by states to expand access to broadband by more accurately mapping existing access and driving consumer education at the local level with community action teams. This legislation was included in the version of the Farm Bill to pass the Senate.

To stay informed on this rapidly changing field, Congressman Space formed the Appalachian Ohio Broadband Task Force. Composed of elected officials, representatives of government agencies, industry professionals, and interested citizens, this task force will continue to keep Congressman Space up to speed on changes in broadband technology.

Additionally, Congressman Space has been named to Governor Strickland’s Ohio Broadband Council. In this capacity, Congressman Space will continue to work with the state as it implements its Connect Ohio initiative, which will work towards universal access to broadband for all Ohioans.