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Email Congressman Space

Illegal Immigration

Congressman Space believes that for too long the issue of illegal immigration has not been properly addressed by Congress, and addressing this issue is one of his top priorities to ensure that illegal immigrants are not taking advantage of taxpayer services.

Congressman Space believes:
  • We must secure our borders by further constructing the border fence, hiring additional Border Patrol Agents, and utilizing the most recent technology. The free flow of illegal immigrants across our borders must be stopped. Congressman Space’s trip to the southern border last year enforced his views on the need for stronger border protection
  • Amnesty approach is absolutely wrong for the millions of illegal immigrants already in our country. He believes that we should not be in the business of rewarding those who break our country’s laws with citizenship.
  • We should crack down on employers who knowingly employ illegal immigrants.

Legislative record: Congressman Space has a strong legislative record regarding support for border security initiatives.

Congressman Space is an original co-sponsor because he believes the SAVE Act effectively tackles the immigration problem by increasing our border security, tightening employer verification standards, and better enforcing our nation’s existing immigration laws. The SAVE Act calls for additional Border Patrol agents and better recruitment incentives, improves the existing e-verify system and makes identification checks mandatory, and increases Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents.

He feels that the SAVE Act will create a better method of employee immigration status verification, thereby protecting employers from unknowingly employing illegal immigrants. The program is not intended to impinge on the rights of U.S. citizens or those who are pursuing immigration legally, but to ensure that we are not unknowingly employing or supporting illegal immigrants.

Congressman Space is a cosponsor of H. Res. 499, a bill demanding that the Administration enforce all existing immigration laws and improve border security. He also cosponsored H.R. 563, which would pardon Border Patrol Agents Ramos and Compean, who were imprisoned for taking on an illegal drug smuggler.

He’s voted in favor of the US-VISIT program which collects biometric data from foreign travelers when they enter and exit the U.S. He also supported a measure to establish a plan to add and retain thousands of Border Patrol Agents so that we can increase the number of Americans protecting our borders. Additionally, Congressman Space supported funding for grants to states to prevent terrorists or other individuals from fraudulently obtaining and using state-issued identification cards.

He’s also supported measures that prevented primary residential mortgages from being provided to any individuals who do not have a valid Social Security number. It also requires owners and renters of housing built by funds from the affordable housing fund to present secure IDs to prove legal residence. This is just one additional deterrent for illegal immigrants hoping to put down roots in the U.S.

In the 110th Congress, he is working to reduce the incentives for illegal immigration, protect American jobs, and decrease the possibility of illegal immigrants entering the country by strengthening our borders.