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America’s veterans are some of the most courageous individuals in our country and I praise them for putting their lives on the line in times of unrest. It is important that when our troops return from the battlefield they receive the appropriate amount of heath care and benefits. Let it be known that I fully support efforts to improve health care benefits and retirement plans for our veterans. The 110th Congress is responsible for one of the largest increases in veteran’s health care funding in the history of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The funding is greater than what the president requested, but was necessary in order to treat the more than 5.8 billion patients in 2008 and the 263,345 veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Additional funding will go to reducing the VA casework backlog and the average wait time for veterans by hiring 1,800 new claims processors.

I, along with my fellow Democrats have also increased efforts to improve the quality of living for all current military families. The 110th Congress passed legislation to give troops a pay raise of 3.5 percent and to conduct oversight of the Walter Reed Army Medical Center and care for soldiers at inadequate medical facilities nationwide. We are also working to continue to improve veteran’s facilities by strengthening Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) care at military facilities and preventing TRICARE fee increases.

Additionally, as a Member of Congress with Fort Gillem in my district, I understand the importance of keeping a commissary in the Metro Atlanta area. I have advocated for the commissary at Fort Gillem to remain open despite the Defense Base Closure and Realignment (BRAC) Commission's recommendation for its closure. I have written letters to the Secretary of Defense voicing my and my constituent’s concern for this facility.

Currently Cosponsored Veterans Legislation:

H.R. 690: Legislation aiming to reduce the Minimum age for receipt of military retired pay for non-regular service from 60 to 55.

H.R. 303 The Retired Pay Restoration Act: Legislation that would allow the receipt of both military retired pay and veterans' disability compensation with respect to any service-connected disability.

H.R. 3793 Veterans Guaranteed Bonus Act of 2007: Legislation that would require the Secretary of Defense to continue to pay to a member of the Armed Forces who is retired or suffers from a combat-related injury, certain bonuses that the member was entitled to before the retirement.

Related Documents:

Press Release - U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Set to Open Vet Center in Cobb County 7.9.2008

Press Release - 5.2 Million Eligible Retirees and Veterans Can Still Receive a Stimulus Rebate 6.27.2008

Press Release - Congressman Scott Votes to Extend Unemployment Benefits and Create New Veteran Benefits 5.15.2008

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Related Files:

2008-09 Service Academy Application

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