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Email Congressman Space

Second Amendment Rights

As a gun owner and as a member of the NRA, Congressman Space believes the Second Amendment and the right to bear arms is a cornerstone of the Bill of Rights.  The right to bear arms was clearly outlined in our Constitution by our Founding Fathers over two centuries ago, and laws that threaten the Second Amendment are threats to our Constitution and our democracy.

Congressman Space introduced H.R. 4900, a bill to limit the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE)’s jurisdiction. This legislation currently has over 150 cosponsors and would:

  • Ban the federal background check tax
  • Limit availability of electronic records in order to protect law-abiding citizens’ privacy
  • Provide more flexibility in punishing those who violate gun sales laws, better define the “willful violation of the law”
  • Create specific sentencing guidelines for felons convicted of a gun offense
  • Ease the restriction on the importation of replacement parts for military-style semiautomatic rifles

Congressman Space will act to prevent Congress and Washington bureaucrats from carving away at the Second Amendment and will oppose legislation to create stricter gun laws that would threaten our fundamental civil liberties.