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Sept. 11th: One Year Later
Sep 9, 2002  - There are some events that so strongly stand out in our memories that we will always remember exactly where we were and what we were doing at the moment they occurred. The explosion of the space shuttle Challenger, the assassination of President Kennedy - these events never fade from our memories. I... More

Blind Zeal for Draining Lake Powell Twists Facts
Jul 13, 2002  - In the June 17 article "Dams' role in flux for urban West," Lisa Force, program director of Living Rivers, attacked Glen Canyon Dam and Lake Powell. Force asserted that the ecosystem of the Grand Canyon "is on the brink of collapse" and disputed the critical importance of Glen Canyon's water storage... More

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Contact Information

  • Washington Office

  • 306 Cannon House Office Building
  • U.S. House, Washington D.C. 20515
  • p. 202-225-3361
  • f. 202-225-3462
  • District Office

  • 301 East Bethany Home Road
  • Suite C-178
  • Phoenix, AZ 85012
  • p. 602-263-5300
  • f. 602-248-7733
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