Speeches and Floor Statements

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Iraq Debate: Floor Speech #4
Feb 15, 2007  - Mr. Speaker, I yield 10 1/2 minutes to the former veteran of the Arizona National Guard, Mr. Shadegg. Mr. SHADEGG. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman for yielding. And just to follow up, I was going to actually begin my remarks tonight by noting the tremendous speech I thought that was given by ... More

Iraq Debate: Floor Speech #3
Feb 14, 2007  -   Mr. SHADEGG. I thank the gentleman for yielding, and I rise to discuss a part of this debate that relates to the Intelligence Committee, and I think it is important that I thank them for yielding me time.    Mr. Speaker, I have argued on this floor that this discussion and debate ought to be ab... More

Iraq Debate: Floor Speech #2
Feb 13, 2007  -     Mr. SHADEGG. Madam Speaker, I thank the gentleman for yielding. And I have listened to his eloquent words today about the radical threat we face. I have a fundamental question for the other side. I thought our colleague from New York did a superb job of acknowledging the good intentions of... More

Iraq Debate: Floor Speech #1
Feb 13, 2007  -   Mr. SHADEGG. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentlewoman for yielding. I rise in opposition to House Concurrent Resolution 63, the resolution that calls on us to disapprove of the increase in troops in Iraq. I rise to oppose it, and I urge my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to carefully reflect on... More

Remarks by Congressman John Shadegg to the Republican Study Committee Retreat
Feb 3, 2006  - Note: Congressman Shadegg’s speech was based on the following draft, although his comments included some extemporaneous remarks not included here.     Thank you for having me here today. One of the greatest honors I have had in my service as a Congressman was the two-and-a-half years I served as... More

Congressman Charlie Bass's Remarks on Shadegg's Nomination for House Majority Leader
Feb 2, 2006  - Just over 11 years ago, I came to Washington as part of the reform class of 1994. We sat in this very room those first few days and adopted plans to enact the blueprint of our success. We were here then to “restore accountability to Congress and end its cycle of scandal and disgrace. To make us a... More

Congressman Paul Ryan's Remarks Seconding the Nomination of Shadegg for Majority Leader
Feb 2, 2006  - This is my 8th year here, and I’ve often heard people say about some vote or position that, “This could cost us the majority.” Well, I never really put much stock into those comments. I never thought we were in any real danger as a majority. Not this time. Friends, we are in trouble. If you come... More

Congressman Mark Souder's Speech Nominating Shadegg for Majority Leader
Feb 2, 2006  - What I am going to say is hard for me to say.  I have to admit to being somewhat fearful of retribution.  At best, we as republicans are drifting.  The issues we face deeply divide the public.  Although we have survived difficult issues before,  The challenge we face now is different—  our very in... More

Sep 22, 2004  - The Committee will come to order. I would like to ask unanimous consent that opening statements be limited to the Subcommittee and Full Committee Chairmen and Ranking Members. Without objection, it is so ordered. September is National Preparedness Month, an effort to heighten the importance of Ameri... More

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