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Policy Subcommittees Announced
May 25, 2005  - Washington – Changing times demand a new focus for the House Republican Policy Committee. That is why Chairman John Shadegg has reorganized the committee, with six subcommittee chairs ready to meet new challenges. “Our job is to help the Republican members of Congress do their work for the American ... More

Shadegg Supports Schiavo's Right to Live
Mar 16, 2005  - U.S. Congressman John Shadegg strongly supports legislation passed late last night to save the life of Terri Schiavo, the disabled Florida woman who has been without food or water for three days as a result of a court ruling. “Since Terri did not have a living will and her exact wishes are impossibl... More

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Shadegg’s Podcast

Stay tuned for the latest podcasts from Congressman Shadegg.

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Contact Information

  • Washington Office

  • 306 Cannon House Office Building
  • U.S. House, Washington D.C. 20515
  • p. 202-225-3361
  • f. 202-225-3462
  • District Office

  • 301 East Bethany Home Road
  • Suite C-178
  • Phoenix, AZ 85012
  • p. 602-263-5300
  • f. 602-248-7733
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