News Item

Contact: Abby Winter (202)225-3361

Shadegg Returns to Washington to Continue his Fight for American-Made Energy
Shadegg: “Republicans believe that a viewpoint held by a majority of the public deserves, at the very least, a vote on the floor of the people’s house.”

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Washington, Aug 4 - This afternoon, Congressman John Shadegg (R-AZ) will return to Capitol Hill to continue the protest he and several of his Republican colleagues began on Friday against the House Democrat leadership decision to leave for the August recess without first permitting a vote on increased American energy production.

“We’re not giving up,” Congressman Shadegg said.  “Over 70% of Americans favor increased domestic drilling.  Republicans believe that a viewpoint held by a majority of the public deserves, at the very least, a vote on the floor of the people’s house.  Congressional Democrats have repeatedly admitted, by requesting that President Bush open the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, that an increase in supply will decrease prices.  Yet, over the past several months, they have barred from the floor any legislation seeking to increase domestic supply—and now, they’ve gone on vacation.  This isn’t just about gas prices; this is about our economic and national security.  We spend billions of dollars, every year, on foreign oil, dollars that could be invested here at home, creating jobs and stimulating the growth of American industry.    

My colleagues and I are committed to an energy policy that increases the domestic supply of fossil fuels to power the American economy of today, and aggressively pursues a variety of alternatives, including solar, nuclear, wind, and hydropower, to drive the American economy of tomorrow.   We can, and we must, lower energy prices, create American jobs, and cease our funding of Hugo Chavez and other unfriendly governments.  Speaker Pelosi may believe that Americans can wait until September for relief, but if you ask the average family of four, living paycheck to paycheck, relief can’t come soon enough.”


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