Animal Welfare

Congressman Blumenauer strongly supports protecting both wild and domestic animals. He is working in Congress to help cities and states manage their growth and build livable communities that better protect precious habitats of threatened and endangered species, as well as companion animals.  His support for animal rights has earned him a 100% favorable rating from the Humane Society of the United States and a reputation as one of the foremost advocates of animal welfare in Congress.  He was recently named Humane Legislator of the Year by the Humane Society for his wide array of work on Animal Welfare issues in 2007. 

Protecting Farm Animals

Protecting Wild Animals

Protecting Research Animals

Protecting Domestic Animals 

Protecting Farm Animals

Animals raised for human consumption deserve humane and compassionate treatment. Farms that raise and process livestock by more humane means give consumers the ability to choose food products that are of superior quality. Additionally, treating animals humanely helps prevent the spread of diseases like salmonella, BSE (mad cow disease), and bird flu.

Congressman Blumenauer spearheaded the effort to increase funding in the Agriculture Appropriations Bill to enforce the Animal Welfare Act. Joining Congressman Blumenauer were over 140 other members who supported increased funding for veterinary programs and disaster planning for animals, as well as enforcement of regulations that require humane conditions in slaughterhouses and prevent illegal animal fighting.

Congressman Blumenauer is a co-sponsor and outspoken advocate of H.R. 661, the “Downed Animal and Food Safety Protection Act”. Downed cattle – those who are too sick or injured to stand on their own -- are fifty times more likely to have mad cow disease than healthy cattle. This legislation would make the temporary ban on slaughtering downed animals a permanent law.

Protecting Wild Animals

There is a growing realization that the health of wildlife, including those in urban settings, is directly linked to the health of the ecosystem. By managing growth and supporting livable communities, we can better protect precious habitats, threatened species and all wildlife. Congressman Blumenauer is widely recognized for his environmental efforts and commitment to preserving an ecosystem for all the world’s animals.

Congressman Blumenauer continues to be a leader on H.R. 1422, the “Endangered Species Recovery Act” in the 110th Congress. This legislation offers a tax credit for expenditures related to endangered or threatened species incurred by homeowners whose land sits on critical wildlife habitat

Congressman Blumenauer was an original sponsor of H.R. 1507, the “Salmon Economic Analysis and Planning Act”. Salmon have a special place in the heritage and economy of the Northwest.  This legislation analyzes current recovery and restoration programs, as well as the effect of Snake River Dams on salmon populations.

Congressman Blumenauer has once again joined the Kansas delegation in co-sponsoring H.R 1497, “Haley’s Act”, a bill that allows the Secretary of Agriculture to deny or revoke licenses of animal dealers and exhibitors based on recommendations from state or local officials who have jurisdiction over captive wildlife. It also prohibits animal dealers and exhibitors from allowing direct contact between a big cat (tiger, lion or leopard) with the general public. The legislation is named after Haley, a Kansas teenage girl killed while having her senior picture taken with a large cat.

Congressman Blumenauer once again joined his colleagues in passing a bill H.R. 249, the “Horse Slaughter Bill”, to reinstate the prohibition on the sale and slaughter of wild and free roaming horses.

Protecting Research Animals

Congressman Blumenauer is a strong advocate for continued investment in new research technologies, particularly for medical advancements. He also realizes that Congress has a role to play in reducing the harm to animals used in research, testing and education, by promoting alternative methods.

Congressman Blumenauer is once again a co-sponsor of H.R. 1280, the “Pet Safety and Protection Act” which would ensure that all animals used in research facilities have been obtained legally through licensed dealers.

Protecting Domestic Animals

Congressman Blumenauer was the original sponsor of the Animal Fighting Prohibition Enforcement Act, H.R. 137.  This legislation makes animal fighting a felony, punishable with up to two years of jail time. It garnered major bi-partisan support with 307 co-sponsors and passed overwhelmingly by a vote of 368-39. The bill became Public Law No: 110-22 on May 3rd, 2007. Congressman Blumenauer has been active on this issue and has spoken on the floor about the link between animal fighting and the proliferation of avian influenza.

Building on this success, Congressman Blumenauer introduced the Dog Fighting Protection Act, H.R. 3327. This legislation currently has 107 bi-partisan co-sponsors and is strongly supported by the animal welfare community. The horrendous acts of NFL star Michael Vick and his animal fighting business became top news during the summer and fall of 2007 and Congressman Blumenauer’s animal fighting bills received many media hits and endorsements around the country as a sound response to the grotesque industry.  

Congressman Blumenauer also used his seat on the Ways and Means Committee to introduce legislation the Charitable Remainder Pet Trust Act, H.R. 2491. This legislation will provide a tax incentive for people to arrange for the long-term care of their pets, which will result in the reduction of society’s burden in caring for “unwanted” dogs and cat after the guardian dies while also encouraging people to engage in charitable giving.
Over sixty three percent of American Households have pets, and many consider them a member of the family. The federal government can play a role in helping families keep their pets safe and setting up mechanisms to allow that they are cared for in the future.