
A strong public education system is the very foundation of a democracy because of its ability to offer equal opportunities to all citizens. However our country’s commitment to its education system has continued to shrink and now makes up a diminutive portion of the federal budget. Studies have shown that those who complete at least a high school education will be more economically productive, more likely to vote and be civically engaged, less likely to commit crimes, or become a burden to the state. Therefore each dollar invested in education is an investment in the overall economy. Congress can make this investment by renewing their commitment to funding K-12 education, work to keep higher education affordable and take steps to prepare students for a globally competitive marketplace. 

Solid Commitment to K-12 Education

Affordable Access to Higher Education

Improving American Competitiveness in Higher Education 


Solid Commitment to K-12 Education

Funding for all education programs currently takes up less than 1% of the Federal Budget; it’s not surprising that we are seeing a crisis in our public school system. Lagging test scores, growing class sizes, consistent cuts to arts, music and physical education are only a few of the symptoms of an education system in distress. With the reauthorization of the No Child Left Behind Act looming, there is great opportunity to renew our commitment to America’s children. Congressman Blumenauer supports addressing key problems in NCLB such as increasing federal investment to meet its promises, using growth models to track student progress, measuring students with disabilities differently, recognizing the challenges of English Language Learners, and others. Congressman Blumenauer does not support the shift toward private vouchers and heavy handed sanctions against already disadvantages schools.  
A solid commitment to K-12 education also includes helping kids be prepared for school through early educational programs and providing support to at-risk students throughout their K-12 career. Additionally, we must give students healthy and safe places to learn by investing in the building and maintenance of school facilities.

Congressman Blumenauer has had an active voice in the Congress’ effort to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), more recently known as No Child Left Behind. Representative Blumenauer met with OR Schools Superintendent Susan Castillo to learn about Oregon’s successes and challenges under the NCLB rules, and advocated for those recommendations to both Chairman George Miller and education Secretary Margaret Spellings.

Congressman Blumenauer has also actively supported many Congressional initiatives to improve our schools and education system for the children that attend them and the country who depends upon its success. Some of those include the “America’s Better Classroom’s Act” which provides school districts a credit against interest on bonds issued to finance school construction, and the “Child Nutrition Promotion and School Lunch Protection Act” which updates nutrition standards for foods sold outside of school meals such as vending machines and snack shacks. Sensible nutrition has shown to markedly improve children’s performance in schools. Congressman Blumenauer is also strongly supporting diversification of K-12 curriculum by co-sponsoring bills such as the “No Child Left Inside Act”, which federally funds environmental education and teacher training resulting in more globally competitive students. Lastly, Congressman Blumenauer is an active member in the newly formed “Green Schools Caucus” and has supported many legislative proposals to advance energy renovations, the use of nontoxic materials, day-lighting, and other greening initiatives for the health and betterment of both our students, teachers and administrators.

Affordable Access to Higher Education

A college education has always served as a passport to success and as America moves to a more knowledge-based economy, a college education is becoming more essential for even entry-level jobs. Unfortunately a college degree is growing increasingly out of reach for many. Skyrocketing tuition costs and waning government investment has added to the problem. During the 2006-2007 school year, the average tuition, fee, room and board charges for in-state students at public institutions was $12,796. To attend a four year private college, the average tuition was $22, 218.

More than two thirds of students now borrow to pay for college and their average debt has more than doubled between 1993 and 2004, and 39% of students graduate with levels of debt that are unmanageable.


Congressman Blumenauer has continued his commitment to keep higher education affordable for all by advocating for, and successfully passing the College Cost Reduction and Opportunity Act which will cut interest rates on student loans in half over the next five years. The Congressman also fought for major increases in Pell grants, the most successful program for getting financial aid to low-income students, as well as Perkins Loans. He has also consistently supported legislation focusing on investment in programs for veterans and part-time students.

Improving American Competitiveness in the Global Marketplace

As the marketplace become increasingly global, American students are competing worldwide for not only the top jobs, but to keep the United States on the cutting edge of science and technology. Unfortunately recent trends have shown that American students are falling behind in test scores in core subjects like math and sciences, as well as strategic subjects like foreign languages. While we must work to improve the basics, cutting schools programs like arts and music stymies the innovation and creativity that has traditionally spurred the entrepreneurial spirit that has made the United States a global leader.

Congressman Blumenauer is the lead sponsor for the bipartisan bill, H.R. 3637, the “Higher Education Sustainability Act of 2007” aimed at keeping American students on the cutting edge of the green industry. The bill establishes a competitive grant program to fund 25 ‘Sustainability Education Centers’ at colleges and universities across the country.  The centers will play a pivotal role in educating current and future leaders in business and government about the linked environmental, economic, and social challenges facing the nation today.  This knowledge will help businesses and government more fully embrace sustainability as a way to improve productivity, profits and our future.  The legislation has 24 bi-partisan co-sponsor and dozens of endorsers from both the business and education community, and has a counterpart bill currently in the Senate. The Congressman has consistently supported initiatives to increase student competitiveness in areas such as math, science and foreign languages.
