Statement of Congresswoman Mazie K. Hirono of Hawai‘i
in the U.S. House of Representatives
Recognizing the Success

of the University of Hawai‘i's Undefeated Football Team

December 4, 2007

I rise today to pay tribute to the University of Hawai‘i, my alma mater, and to congratulate its football team for an undefeated season.

Over the weekend, the Warriors completed their perfect season with a dramatic comeback victory over the University of Washington before a packed crowd of 50,000 at Aloha Stadium. Many more throughout Hawai‘i – and indeed across America – watched the game on television, staying glued to the TV even though the game ended after 3:00 in the morning on the East Coast.


Once again, the team was led by star quarterback Colt Brennan, who holds 20 NCAA records including most career touchdown passes. Colt is among the top players in the nation and is my candidate for the Heisman Trophy.

Coach June Jones and the entire team deserve recognition for all that they have accomplished this season. Their perfect record of 12 wins and no losses is the best in school history, and UH won the championship of the Western Athletic Conference.

Of more than 100 college teams competing in the top division, UH is the only unbeaten team in the nation. As a result, the Warriors have qualified for a BCS bowl game, which is usually available only to schools in one of the major conferences. On January 1st, they will play in the Sugar Bowl in New Orleans against the University of Georgia.

I am holding footballs signed by June Jones and Colt Brennan. I keep them prominently displayed in my office in D.C. as reminders of the Warriors success.

I join the rest of the Aloha State in cheering on UH and wish the team good luck in the big game next month.

[A video of Congresswoman Hirono's floor statement praising the UH football team can be viewed at]

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