Statement of Congresswoman Mazie K. Hirono of Hawai‘i
in the U.S. House of Representatives
Testimony before the House Budget Committee

Expressing Concerns about the President's Proposed Funding Cuts

and Requesting Funding for Vital Programs

February 28, 2008


Chairman Spratt, Ranking Member Ryan, and members of the House Committee on the Budget,
I am very grateful for this opportunity to provide my input as you work to prepare the Budget Resolution for Fiscal Year 2009. I am deeply concerned about the many cuts to vital programs proposed in President Bush’s budget, including those affecting veterans, Medicare, Medicaid, homeland security, medical research, education, environmental programs, and so much more. In fact, given all of the problems with the President’s budget, one hardly knows where to begin or end. I’ve decided to focus my remarks on some of his proposed cuts that, if sustained, would severely impact the economies of my state and yours. I am deeply concerned about the effect the current economic downturn will have in my district and want to be sure that the investment we made by passing the economic stimulus package is not undermined by under-funding critical federal programs.
I represent Hawaii’s second district, which is comprised of seven inhabited islands. Most of my district is rural. Many of the challenges facing my district are unique because it is spread over many islands and is so remote from the mainland United States; however, I know that we share many of the concerns of rural communities throughout the country.
I ask that the Committee ensure that vital federal programs that help support economic development in our communities are maintained at least at FY2008 purchasing levels in FY2009. Since the release of the President’s budget, I have heard from many nonprofit groups in Hawaii that rely on these federal funds to leverage their ability to raise additional funds for economic development, job training, job creation, and other vital programs to move our economy forward; they are deeply worried about the proposed cuts. The following are among the most important programs for localities in my district:
This list of programs is just a sampling of the many successful and valued programs that Congress has created and supported over the years to help our communities and to encourage economic development. I ask that the Committee build on the excellent work it accomplished last year and reject the President’s proposed cuts.
Finally, I ask that the Committee reject the proposed cuts to educational, health, and housing programs benefiting Native Hawaiians. As one of only two members in the House representing Hawaii, I ask that you support continued funding for these authorized and longstanding programs.
Mahalo for listening to my concerns.



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