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t: (202) 225-4811
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Spotlighting Mt. Hood Legislation
Friday, 12 September 2008


When Oregonians first put their heads together to determine the fate of Mt. Hood, they came up with a lot of ideas. Farmers wanted to cultivate land for growing cherries and pears, Native Americans wanted to preserve their natural heritage, and hikers wanted to keep their trees and trails pristine. And why not? This Oregon landmark has something for everyone to enjoy.

That’s why this week I was proud that the House Natural Resources Subcommittee had a hearing on my comprehensive legislation for protecting and preserving Mt. Hood’s natural resources. This new bill, HR 6290, the Lewis and Clark Mt. Hood Wilderness Act, will designate more than 130,000 acres as wilderness, more than 30,000 acres as national recreation areas, and up to 80 miles as wild and scenic rivers. What’s more, it will uphold Native American treaty rights, and address transportation and recreation challenges.

There is no question but that Mt. Hood is an icon that must be preserved for our children, and our children’s children. I stand firm in my commitment to moving forward with this legislation. And I will fight to make sure that the dreams so many of us have for this mountain, are realized.  Click here to read more about this legislation.


Blumenauer Fights to Protect Mt. Hood at House Hearing
Thursday, 11 September 2008
Commemorating 9/11
Thursday, 11 September 2008

On the seventh anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, I join every American in honoring the innocent men, women, and children who lost their lives to those attacks. I pay tribute to their memory, and extend my deepest sympathies to the loved ones they left behind.

I also honor the brave first responders—the firefighters, policemen, and ordinary citizens—who so courageously risked and, in many cases, gave their lives for others.

Over the past seven years, Americans have worked tirelessly to prevent further attacks and protect the American people. We remain steadfast in our determination to uproot and defeat terrorist organizations worldwide.

To help keep our country safe against future attacks, the 110th Congress has passed legislation that requires 100 percent of aircraft cargo be screened and 100 percent of seaborne cargo be scanned before it arrives at U.S. ports. Further, this legislation improves security on our rail and public transit systems. But today's threats – terrorism, the upheaval caused by global economic change, worldwide epidemics, and environmental devastation – cannot be addressed by military force alone.  Protecting national security also demands providing aid to developing economies, addressing poverty, and preventing further damage to the environment.

It is the first-order duty of Congress to keep Americans safe. As we commemorate the seventh anniversary of 9/11, I join Americans across our nation in grieving for loved ones lost, and in honoring the heroes among us. I resolve to do all in my power to prevent a tragedy like this from happening again.


Blumenauer Bill to Establish College Sustainability Curriculums Passes House
Thursday, 31 July 2008
Thursday, 17 July 2008

After seven years of dangerous energy policies, Oregon families are reeling from the effects of rising gas prices. When we should have been investing in renewable energy and becoming more efficient, the Bush administration kept walking the same, dangerous path. They’re doing it again by proposing we drill in the Arctic and along our precious coasts.

Opening up new areas to drilling can take 10-20 years to produce oil, but people need relief today. This is why I propose we release oil stored in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, which is now 97% full. This has been done before, and in 1991 it reduced the cost of oil by one-third.

Although we urgently need a long term strategy to remedy the Bush administration’s failed energy policies, Oregonians also need immediate relief.  This week I introduced a bill that would immediately reduce the impact of high gas prices by providing Americans with a range of transportation options.

Read More about my Choices for Gas Price Relief Act of 2008.


Blumenauer Introduces Bill to Help Provide Relief from High Gas Prices
Wednesday, 16 July 2008
Transportation and Housing Choices for Gas Price Relief
Wednesday, 16 July 2008
Blumenauer Resolution Honors Oregon National Guard Youth Program
Friday, 11 July 2008
Blumenauer to Bush: Release Oil from Reserve
Friday, 11 July 2008
Blumenauer Commends Administration for Meeting Iraqi Refugee Admission Target
Wednesday, 02 July 2008
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