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Sponsored Legislation: Legislation that Congressman Zack Space has authored.


Co-Sponsored Legislation: Legislation that Congressman Zack Space has co-authored.


Committee Hearings: A list of the Committee Hearings in the U.S. House of Representatives


Committee Reports: Congress divides its work among over two hundred committees, each of which issues regular reports on its activities.


Congressional Record: The Congressional Record is the official record of the proceedings and debates of the U.S. Congress.


Currently on the floor: Current House Floor Proceedings


House Rules & Precedents: Rules and Precedents of the House


How Our Laws Are Made: This brochure is intended to provide a basic outline of the numerous steps of our federal lawmaking process from the source of an idea for a legislative proposal through its publication as a statute. The legislative process is a matter about which every person should be well informed in order to understand and appreciate the work of Congress.


Roll Call Votes: A roll call vote guarantees that every Member's vote is recorded, but only a minority of bills receive a roll call vote.


The House Today: The Majority Whip's Daily Whipline.


U.S. Code: The Office of the Law Revision Counsel prepares and publishes the United States Code, which is a consolidation and codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States.


Weekly House Program: The happenings on the House Floor by week.