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Statement of Congressman John D. Dingell, Ranking Member
Committee on Energy and Commerce



May 4, 2005

In our great land of opportunity and wealth, there are many Americans who have no access to one of the most basic needs: health care. In our Nation today, nearly 45 million Americans are uninsured. Today I offer a way to begin addressing this problem by introducing the FamilyCare Act of 2005. In conjunction with the Medicare Early Access Act and the Small Business Health Insurance Promotion Act that my colleagues are also introducing today, the enactment of these bills could cut the number of uninsured in half.

The FamilyCare Act of 2005 is a family-centered bill that aims to provide coverage for the 7.5 million working families with incomes below 200 percent of the Federal poverty level. This act builds upon two programs, Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, that have successfully covered many low-income persons, individuals with disabilities, and children. It would ensure families who move from welfare to work do not lose coverage and makes it easier for low-income working families to obtain health insurance.

Improving our Nation’s healthcare system continues to be a complex challenge that must be a matter of national priority. By taking these first steps, it is our hope that in the future all Americans will be able to meet their healthcare needs.

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(Contact: Jodi Seth, 202-225-3641)

Prepared by the Committee on Energy and Commerce
2125 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515