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Blumenauer Votes to Insure 10 Million Low-Income Children
Wednesday, 26 September 2007

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Blumenauer Votes to Insure 10 Million Low-Income Children
Washington, DC – Today Congressman Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore) voted in favor of a plan that would reauthorize the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and give 10 million low-income children health care coverage. This bipartisan bill renews and improves CHIP – preserving coverage for the 6.6 million currently covered by CHIP and extending coverage to 3.8 million children who are currently uninsured.
“What good is the best health care system in the world when it is inaccessible to 10 million of our most vulnerable children?” asked Congressman Blumenauer. “I am pleased the House and Senate have come to an agreement that not only renews CHIP but insures an additional 3.8 million kids.
CHIP was created in 1997 to provide health care coverage for children in families who earn too much to qualify for Medicaid, but not enough to afford private insurance. Over the last ten years, CHIP has provided 6.6 million children with healthcare and has been a popular, successful program that has strong bipartisan support.
It costs less than $3.50 a day to cover a child through CHIP.  In return for this modest investment, children receive critical health care that helps them avoid more expensive care in hospital emergency rooms and ensures a healthier start for success in education and life.
The bipartisan CHIP reauthorization bill being considered today also has the broad bipartisan support of:

o       68 Senators, including 18 Republicans
o       43 Governors, including 16 Republicans
o       More than 270 organizations 

Responding to President Bush’s intention to veto the bill, Congressman Blumenauer stated, “Providing access to doctors and basic immunizations should be above politics. Sadly, however, the President wants to place politics above our children’s lives, demonstrating his misplaced priorities and denying a basic human right to our nation’s children.”

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