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Just For Kids

Welcome Kids,

Thank you for visiting this website. Here are some links for federal government web sites geared for today's youth. Please take this opportunity to learn about the government and our country by using these links. Maybe you can quiz your parents with all the information you can learn here.

Learn about how Congress works… 

Kids in the House- This page is full of facts about the House of Representatives.

The Legislative process- This web site covers the nuts and bolts of the legislative process. It can help you track legislation.

Congress For Kids- Congress for Kids is created by the Dirksen Congressional Center. This site provides access to interactive, fun-filled experiences designed to help you learn about the federal government.

Congress Q & A


This is the White House Kid's Page. You can use it to learn about the President and the White House.

Other interesting links...


Ohio Sites for Kids...

Department of Natural Resources for Kids Only

Emergency Management Agency Kids Zone

Environmental Protection Agency Kids Zone

Hazardous Waste Education Program for Kids

Nature Things for Kids



Public Safety for Kids

Rehabilitation Services Commission Fun For Kids
