Press Release

Rep. Duncan Statement from Hearing on Truck Weight & Length Regulations

July 9, 2008

Washington, DC – The following is the opening statement of U.S. Rep. John J. Duncan, Jr. (R-TN), Highways and Transit Subcommittee Ranking Member, from today’s hearing on impacts of the existing federal truck weight and length regulations.

“Over the last several decades there has been a steady growth in the demand for freight transportation.

“Over 20 billion tons of freight, valued at more than $14 trillion dollars, moves through our transportation system each year.  By 2035, these numbers are expected to more than double. 

“Federal regulations governing the size and weight of trucks on our major highways have an impact not only on the efficiency of freight movement, but also on interstate commerce, infrastructure construction and maintenance costs and highway safety.

“Federal size limits were first set in the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956 that initiated the construction of the Interstate highway system.

“Over time these limits have evolved to the current framework of laws and regulations governing the size and weight of trucks on the Interstate highway system and the National Network.

“These subjects can be very controversial.  For instance, I recall working on the issue of triple-trailer trucks and the effort to expand the operation of those beyond the states where they are presently allowed.  I look forward to how today’s wide variety of witnesses can address these complicated issues.”

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