Press Release

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Funding Included in Commerce-Justice-Science Bill
July 16, 2007

Washington, DC -- U.S. Representative Michael A. Arcuri (D-Utica) announced today that he has secured $500,000 in congressionally-directed funding for sex-offender registration research at Utica College to help law enforcement agencies track sex-offenders using false identities.

“As Oneida County District Attorney for 13 years, I know first-hand how important it is to be able to track and monitor sex-offenders who are a threat to our communities,” said Arcuri. “This funding will enable Utica College to take part in critical research and analysis to help federal and state law enforcement catch sex-offenders using false identities and other tactics to avoid registration.  I am glad to see taxpayer dollars coming back to the area not only to fund research at a great local school, but help law enforcement development the tools necessary to keep our children safe.”

The $500,000 secured by Arcuri for Utica College will be used to study and provide solutions to the problem of sexual offenders “managing” their identities to avoid court-ordered registration.  The project will collect, analyze and report on all available data regarding the extent and manner to which registered sex offenders use false identities, false identifiers, and/or false identification documents to avoid legally imposed registration and notice requirements and/or detection by federal or state law enforcement authorities. The project will also identify available identity management techniques that might address deceptive activity and help law enforcement.

“I would like to praise the representatives of the House CJS Appropriations Subcommittee and particularly Congressman Michael Arcuri for their commitment to protecting the safety of our children and young people against the threat of hidden sexual offenders,” said Utica College President Todd S. Hutton. “This appropriation in support of the Sex Offender Authentication Research Project is an affirmation of the ability of Utica College and our Center for Identity Management and Information Protection partners to provide law enforcement with the knowledge and tools needed to address this critical problem. The Utica College community is deeply appreciative of Congressman Arcuri’s dedication to Utica College and to the Upstate economy.”

The funding secured by Arcuri is part of the fiscal year 2008 Commerce-Justice-Science Bill Appropriations Act, which was approved by the House Appropriations Committee yesterday. The legislation is expected to be considered by the full House of Representatives next week and by the Senate in the coming weeks.



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