Press Release

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Marion Read 202.225.3665


March 21, 2008

Washington, DC -- U.S. Rep. Michael A. Arcuri (D-Utica) will lead a Congressional fact-finding mission to the U.S.-Mexico Border at Tucson and Nogales, Arizona, next Tuesday, March 25th to see first-hand Border Patrol and National Guard operations to prevent illegal immigration.   

“Illegal immigration is clearly an issue of concern for many Upstate New Yorkers. I am making this trip to the Southern border to find out first-hand what operations we have in place to prevent people from entering the country illegally,” Arcuri said. “This tour will provide me the opportunity to see and hear the difficulties our border patrol agents face every day in their efforts to secure the southern border.”

Arcuri will tour U.S. Customs and Border Protection Activities in the Tucson, AZ sector and receive informational briefings by agency officials and staff.

Arcuri’s itinerary includes:

Briefing and tour of the Nogales Point of Entry (border crossing)
Briefing and tour of the Nogales Border Patrol Station (technology, evidence, and processing capabilities)
Tour of Nogales Border Area (video surveillance and border fence)
Briefing and Tour of Nogales Border Patrol Checkpoint on Interstate-19 (30 miles from the border – second layer of enforcement)
Tour of Tucson Area Sector Headquarters and briefing on SBINet technology

Arcuri will be joined by fellow New York Representative John Hall (D-Dover Plains) and Representative Bruce Braley (D-Waterloo, IA). 


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