Press Release

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Arcuri Named to the Powerful House Rules Committee

January 12, 2007

Washington, DC -- U.S. Representative Michael A. Arcuri (D-Utica) today secured a seat on the powerful House Rules Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives.
The Rules Committee oversees operations of the debate on the House floor, controls the agenda of legislation on the floor, and determines which amendments will be offered to legislation.
“I am honored that Congresswoman Slaughter and the other members of the House Rules Committee sought my membership on this important committee.  I look forward to the opportunity to better serve my constituents through this position the Rules Committee, where I will be a strong advocate for the 24th district of New York.  I am proud to continue the proud tradition of prominent New Yorkers serving on this prestigious committee.”
Fellow New Yorker Rep. Louise Slaughter (NY-28) will chair the committee during the 110th Congress.  Rep. David Dreier (CA-26) will serve as ranking member.
In accepting this position, Arcuri will take a temporary leave from his recent appointment to the Science and Technology Committee. 


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