Press Release

Media Contact:
Marion Read 202.225.3665


March 9, 2007

Washington, DC -- In Congressional power rankings released by Knowlegis today, freshman U.S. Representative Michael A. Arcuri (D-Utica) came out in the top third of all Representatives, top 15 of the New York delegation, and tied for third in the freshman class.

“It is a great honor to be recognized for my hard work on behalf of the constituents of the 24th district,” Arcuri said. “Through my positions on the powerful House Rules Committee and the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, I am able to make a difference for the hard-working families in Upstate New York that I am privileged to represent.”

Arcuri is ranked:

• 165th among all Representatives in the 110th Congress (of 435 total members of Congress)
• 15th in the New York Delegation (of 29 New York House members)
• 3rd in the Freshman class (of 42 freshman House members)

Knowlegis, in consultation with academic experts and congressional staff, develop “Power Rankings” based on three key factors: 1) Position; 2) Indirect Influence; and 3) Legislative Activity. 

For more information regarding how Knowlegis calculates power rankings, please visit:


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