Press Release

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Opposes US-Peru Trade Agreement
November 8, 2007

Washington, DC -- Today, U.S. Representative Michael A. Arcuri (D-Utica) voted against the U.S. – Peru Trade Promotion Agreement in an effort to stem the tide of local job loss to foreign nations.

“Having lived in Upstate New York nearly all of my life, I have seen first-hand the devastating effects unbalanced trade can have on the economy – major businesses closing their doors, job loss, and families struggling to pay their mortgage and send their kids to college,” said Arcuri. “Since 2001, our country has lost over three million manufacturing jobs – nearly 200,000 in New York alone. I refuse to accept that the loss of manufacturing jobs is ‘inevitable.’ It is time to take real action in Washington to protect local jobs, empower American workers, and build the economy here at home. My vote today is not a vote against free trade, nor a vote against Peru, but rather a vote to get our priorities straight.”

Last week, Arcuri (D-Utica) voted for bipartisan legislation to overhaul the Trade Adjustment Assistance program - improving health care benefits and strengthening job training to ensure displaced workers have the tools they need to succeed in today’s rapidly changing global economy.  Since 1974, employees of businesses in the 24th district applied for Trade Adjustment Assistance 227 times – more than one application every two months. 

“The Trade Adjustment Assistance numbers are a crystal clear indicator of how trade has impacted our region,” Arcuri said. “No matter how you cut it – businesses in our area have laid off employees or shut down completely 227 times over the last 30 years.

“Before we embark upon new trade agreements, we must first look at the consequences of previous trade deals. We have the greatest economy in the world and every other country wants to be part of it, but everyone should play by the same rules.  We cannot sacrifice our jobs in the short-term at the expense of questionable new opportunities in the long term.

“Our trade laws are the last line of defense for U.S. companies and workers competing against unfair foreign trade practices. I will continue to fight so that the interests of American workers are protected in international trade deals. Our laws need to be updated and strengthened so there is fairness in international trade and domestic workers don’t lose out.”

Earlier this year, Arcuri testified before the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Trade in support of legislation to address China’s unbalanced trade practices and currency manipulation, which negatively effect local manufacturing companies. 

On behalf of Nucor Steel, which employs 350 people in Auburn and Revere Copper Products in Rome, Arcuri also testified before the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) earlier this year regarding the importance of enforcing and strengthening U.S. trade laws to alleviate the adverse impact of foreign trade practices on domestic industries and workers.


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