Press Release

Media Contact:
Marion Read 202.225.3665


March 28, 2007

Washington, DC -- Today, U.S. Representative Michael A. Arcuri (D-Utica) announced that the Oneonta YMCA will receive a total of $50,000 from the Department of Agriculture’s Rural Development Community Facility grant program.

“I am pleased to announce this grant which will allow the Oneonta YMCA to continue to provide a safe and affordable place for families and individuals throughout our community,” Arcuri said. “Grant and loan programs like these are important tools to help local communities renovate facilities and embark on new expansions - creating economic development and providing vital community services.”

“We’re pleased to help the Oneonta YMCA improve their facility,” said Patrick H. Brennan, State Director for USDA Rural Development in New York. “USDA Rural Development is dedicated to improving rural New York’s quality of life and supporting community projects such as the Oneonta YMCA is one method we use to accomplish that goal.”

The grant will be used to help purchase and install a new energy efficient heating system as well as remove old steam boilers at the YMCA.  These renovations are in response to an energy audit which presented new options for the YMCA to control high energy costs and inconsistent heating problems.  The Oneonta YMCA facility currently serves 1,627 members and reaches out to surrounding counties where service is unavailable.

The USDA’s Community Program is designed to develop essential community facilities for public use in rural areas -including schools, libraries, childcare, hospitals, medical clinics, assisted living facilities, fire and rescue stations, police stations, community centers, public buildings and transportation. Through its Community Programs, the Department of Agriculture works to ensure that such facilities are readily available to all rural communities.


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