Press Release

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Arcuri Statement in Response to President Bush’s Iraq Plan

January 10, 2007

Washington, DC -- In response to President Bush’s national address this evening regarding the ongoing activities in Iraq, U.S. Representative Michael Arcuri (D-Utica) issued the following statement:

“We must find a way to get out of Iraq immediately that does not involve jeopardizing the lives of more brave American men and women. 

“I stand with the generals on the ground who are well equipped to craft an exit strategy. They say it is critical that we begin a strategic redeployment of our troops out of Iraq.  Unfortunately, after listening to the President’s speech, it is abundantly clear that he has not heeded the advice of our generals.  In addition, he has not set forth a definitive and articulate strategy that would allow the Iraqi people to stand on their own and allow us to bring our courageous soldiers home. 

Now is the time to ask the tough questions, to demand an attainable goal, and to develop a clear path toward achieving that goal. The job of this Congress will be to hold hearings and demand answers on those tough questions.  I believe the American people deserve answers.” 




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