Press Release

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Marion Read 202.225.3665


November 15, 2007

Washington, DC -- U.S. Representative Michael A. Arcuri (D-Utica) voted again last night to safely and responsibly end the war in Iraq and bring our brave soldiers home.

“As the true cost of this misguided war tops $1.6 trillion, we as a nation must insist on a new direction in Iraq,” said Arcuri. “Now is the time to halt this Administration’s endless demands for more lives, more resources, more sacrifices, and more time.”

The Orderly and Responsible Iraq Redeployment Appropriations Act of 2007 (H.R.4156), which passed the House of the Representatives yesterday evening, would provide $50 billion to meet the needs of the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and require the redeployment of U.S. troops from Iraq to begin within 30 days of enactment, with a target for completion of December 15, 2008. It would also strengthen troop preparedness and safety by prohibiting deployment of any troops not fully equipped and trained.

“I voted once again to begin a safe and responsible redeployment of our troops - bringing our brave men and women home as soon as possible, and refocusing on priorities here at home,” said Arcuri.

The bill calls for a transition of American forces in Iraq from primarily combat to: force protection and diplomatic protection; limited support for Iraqi security forces; and targeted counterterrorism operations.

“This war continues to drain precious resources away from key domestic priorities like health care, education, and investing in our economy. The American people know what is best for America: bring our troops home, provide for our veterans, and invest in our local communities.”

“This summer, I visited Iraq and it was overwhelmingly clear to me that we must return responsibility for Iraq back to the Iraqis, with a true redeployment of troops. Iraqis will stand up when we stand down.”

H.R. 4156 would also extend to all American government agencies and personnel the limitations in the Army Field Manual on permissible interrogation techniques.


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