Press Release

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Marion Read 202.225.3665


April 18, 2007 

Washington, DC -- This morning on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives, U.S. Representative Michael A. Arcuri (D-Utica) spoke about the service of Utica Police officer Thomas Lindsey who was slain in the line of duty on Thursday, April 12th.

His remarks, as submitted for the Congressional Record, are below.

The Honorable Michael A. Arcuri (NY-24)
In the House of Representatives
Floor Statement in Honor of Slain Utica Police Officer Thomas Lindsey
April 18, 2007

            Mr. Speaker.  On Thursday April 12th, 32-year old Utica Police Officer Thomas Lindsey was shot and killed in the line of duty during a routine traffic stop in Utica, New York.

A five and a half year veteran of the Utica Police force, Tom Lindsey served for more than a year with an elite squad tasked with handling special assignments.  As a teenager, he traveled to Mexico one summer to build churches.  And prior to his tenure as a Utica Police office, Tom served our nation honorably as a member of the U.S. Marine Corps, during which time he was stationed in Korea, Australia, and Bahrain as an Embassy guard.

Tom is remembered for his fun-loving-personality - constantly striving to bring smiles to the faces of his family, friends, and coworkers.  His dedication to the community and his love of travel, paint a vivid picture of a man who came back to his hometown after touring the world with the U.S. Marines because all his life he wanted to be a Utica Police officer.

            Many of Tom’s friends and fellow officers talk about Tom’s size—he was a big guy who worked out regularly and maintained a bodybuilder’s physique.  But it wasn’t just Tom’s height and weight that made him a big guy, he was a caring person with an even bigger heart who exemplified loyalty and friendship.

            As a former District Attorney, I had the distinct privilege of working hand-in-hand with the dedicated men and women of the Utica police department.
This loss affects those brave men and women, and their families hardest of all.

Tom put his life on the line, in the Marines and as a police officer, and he paid the ultimate sacrifice to protect his country and community. Losing someone like Tom Lindsey is a great tragedy.  But in this tragedy there is a lesson: we must learn from the way Tom Lindsey lived his life, and his commitment to public service, his community and his country.

My prayers are with Tom’s mother, Carmella Lindsey-Schisler, his girlfriend Lisa Karpowich and his family, friends and coworkers during this difficult time.

            I hope everyone can take a moment today and thank the men and women of their local police departments, who selflessly put their lives on the line day-in and day-out to keep our families safe.

Thank you, I yield back the balance of my time.


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