Press Release

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CNY Labor Council Applauds Rep. Arcuri for Voting to Protect Local Jobs

November 8,2007

Utica, NY -- The Central New York Labor Council praised U.S. Rep. Michael A. Arcuri today for his vote against the U.S. – Peru Trade Promotion Agreement, which stands to threaten local jobs.

“We commend Rep. Arcuri for his efforts to put the people of his district above all else”, said Pat Costello, Council President.  “The Upstate New York region has been hurt by unfair trade deals for far too long – leaving thousands of displaced workers without adequate employment opportunities.  Our members employed at Revere Copper, Remington Arms, Special Metals, Utica Corporation and other work sites in Central New York appreciate the Congressman’s efforts on this issue.  Before we move forward to embrace globalization we need to slow down and readdress our nation’s approach to trade so not to threaten more American jobs.  The Peru Trade Promotion Agreement does nothing to protect the interest of American jobs, and we are so pleased that Rep. Arcuri is willing to stand up and fight.”

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