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Congressman Jim Moran, Representing the 8th District of Virginia
Alexandria, Arlington Fairfax County, Falls Church, Reston

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Congressman Moran talks with youngster Taylor Buckle during a recent visit to Capitol Hill as part of Family Advocacy Day for Children's Hospitals
Congressman Moran talks with youngster Taylor Buckle about childrens' health issues during a recent visit to Capitol Hill as part of Family Advocacy Day for Children's Hospitals. Photo courtesy of Ken Cedeno.

September 17, 2008
Military Families Lose Health Care Benefits for Autistic Children at Retirement
{Washington, D.C., September 17th – Congressman Jim Moran (D-VA) and Congressman Jeff Miller (R-FL) introduced legislation today, the “Military Family Autism Equality Act” which provides retired military families with autistic children the same health care benefit as families of active duty service members with children suffering from autism.

“Caring for an autistic child is expensive,” said Rep. Moran.  Military families already stretched thin by the high costs associated with the disorder and long deployments overseas are often left with a choice no parent wants to face: provide expensive treatments for their child or keep... Full Story »

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8/1/2008 House Reaffirms Strong Support for Veterans, Passes $1.5 Billion for BRAC at Ft. Belvoir, Ft. Myer
7/30/2008 Sick Leave Benefit for FERS Employees Passes House
7/23/2008 NOVA Tops in New Human Development Report
7/2/2008 Moran Statement on Alexandria Settlement with Mirant Power Plant
6/26/2008 Statement on Supreme Court Decision Striking DC Gun Law
6/25/2008 $1.5 Billion Included for BRAC at Fort Belvoir
6/18/2008 Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA) Leads Bi-Partisan Call to Shift from Fuels that Rely on Food
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