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Tuesday, July 08, 2003

IAEA Letter Raises New Questions about Administration Use of Forged Iraqi Evidence

New information from the International Atomic Energy Agency reveals that for over six crucial weeks in December and January the Administration withheld from the international agency important information about Iraq’s purported attempts to obtain nuclear materials.

Tuesday, July 01, 2003

Letter Questions USDA Promotion of Tobacco Trade

Senator Durbin and Rep. Waxman write to the Department of Agriculture regarding a new GAO report that finds that the Foreign Agricultural Service has analyzed the potential opportunities foreign tobacco markets, including the market for "younger smokers," offer U.S. tobacco companies and participated in negotiations that led to the elimination of tobacco tariffs. These actions appear to violate the law that prohibits the Foreign Agricultural Service from promoting the sale and export of tobacco products.

Wednesday, June 25, 2003

FTC Asked to Address Youth Targeting and Industry Self-Regulation in Alcohol Advertising

Rep. Waxman and eight other members of Congress ask that the FTC, in its upcoming report on youth exposure to alcohol advertising, address new evidence on whether children and teenagers are disproportionately exposed to alcohol advertisements and whether current alcohol industry self-regulation on the targeting of underage consumers is proving sufficient.

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

HHS Asked for List of Unapproved Prescription Drugs; FDS Urged to Regulate Cystic Fibrosis Medications

In a follow-up letter, Rep. Waxman asks HHS Secretary Thompson for a complete list of marketed prescription drugs that do not have FDA approval as well as those that in the past lacked FDA approval and were subsequently either approved or taken off the market. Rep. Waxman also urges Secretary Thompson to instruct the FDA to require approval of the pancreatic enzyme drugs used by patients with cystic fibrosis.

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

Army Corps Questioned on Plans to Mortgage Iraq Oil to Fund Reconstruction

The Administration is considering a plan to mortgage future Iraqi oil revenue to pay the expenses of U.S. contractors, such as Halliburton and Bechtel, now operating in Iraq -- despite past Administration claims that Iraq's oil "belongs to the Iraqi people."

Monday, June 23, 2003

Supreme Court Strikes Down Law Compelling Release of Policy Information

The Supreme Court struck down a California law that would have required insurance companies to release information on Holocaust-era insurance policies.

Monday, June 23, 2003

Questions on DOE Reimbursement of Contractor's Legal Costs

Rep. Waxman writes Energy Secretary Abraham to request information on the Department's policies for reimbursing DOE contractors for legal defense costs, particularly those of Lockheed Martin in the ongoing whistle-blower lawsuits involving a plant in Paducah, Kentucky.

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

Smokeless Tobacco "Gift" Puts Profits Before Welfare of U.S. Troops

U.S. Smokeless Tobacco's recent distribution of free samples to Marines serving in Iraq is irresponsible in its disregard for the health of American servicemen and women and is an apparent violation of Marine Corps policy.

Thursday, June 12, 2003

New Questions on President's Use of Forged Nuclear Evidence

The Administration's new account of why the President cited forged evidence about Iraq's nuclear capabilities in his State of the Union conflicts with known facts and is clearly incomplete.

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

President Urged to Reverse Decision to Fund Anthrax Vaccine with Resources Devoted to HIV/AIDS, Other Health Threats

Senator Bingaman and Rep. Waxman urge President Bush to reverse the decision to fund the development of a new anthrax vaccine by robbing funds currently devoted to finding cures for HIV/AIDS, West Nile Virus, SARS, and other serious public health threats.

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Administration Statements on Iraq Nuclear Evidence Contradict Known Facts, Raise New Questions

In a letter to National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, Rep. Waxman details contradictions in recent Administration statements about the President's use of forged nuclear evidence in the State of the Union address and urges full disclosure of the relevant facts. * Typographical errors corrected (June 11, 2003).

Friday, June 06, 2003

Reports: Army Corps May Drop Plan to Issue Competitive Contract for Iraq Oil Work

Rep. Waxman asks for more information regarding reports that the Army Corps of Engineers may, contrary to its prior assurances, drop its plan to rebid the secret contract awarded to Halliburton for oil work in Iraq.

Wednesday, June 04, 2003

Members Request Information on Homeland Security Department Involvement in Texas Legislature Dispute

Nine committee members request that the Department of Homeland Security provide information about the assistance the Department provided in tracking down Democratic lawmakers during a dispute among members of the Texas legislature.

Tuesday, June 03, 2003

Risks of New "Reduced Risk" Tobacco Products

Rep. Waxman and Rep. Schakowsky release a new report which finds striking parallels between the marketing of new “reduced risk” tobacco products and the deceptive marketing 30 years ago of “light” and “low tar” cigarettes.

Monday, June 02, 2003

President Asked to Explain Use of Forged Evidence

Rep. Waxman asks the President to explain why he cited forged evidence about Iraq's efforts to obtain nuclear materials in his 2003 State of the Union address. Rep. Waxman also releases an ambiguous one-page letter from the State Department regarding the use of the forged evidence.

Sunday, June 01, 2003

Proposed Head Start Overhaul Jeopardizes Progress in Dental Care for Low-Income Children

A report released by Rep. Waxman finds that the Administration’s proposed changes to Head Start would worsen existing problems in access to dental care for low-income children in the program.

Thursday, May 29, 2003

Halliburton Subsidiary Received $425 Million under Obscure LOGCAP Contract

Rep. Waxman reveals that a Halliburton subsidiary has received $425 million from the Army for work in Iraq under a little-known but lucrative contract called "LOGCAP." It appears that much, if not all, of this work was awarded to Halliburton without competition from other qualified companies.

Tuesday, May 27, 2003

FDA Plan to Lower Food Health Claim Standards

Sen. Boxer, Sen. Bingaman, Rep. Waxman, Rep. Markey, and Rep. Price protest an FDA plan to lower the scientific standards for agency approval of food health claims.

Friday, May 23, 2003

Bipartisan Bill to Protect Consumers from Unsafe Contact Lenses

Rep. John Boozman and Rep. Waxman have introduced legislation that would reverse an April 2003 FDA decision to classify noncorrective lenses as cosmetics, a move which weakened safety standards. Manufactured improperly or used without medical supervision, colored contact lenses can cause serious eye infections and loss of vision.

Friday, May 23, 2003

Administration Urged to Take Evidence-Based Approach to HIV/AIDS Prevention

Democratic Leader Pelosi and Rep. Waxman urge the Administration to take an evidence-based approach in their new HIV/AIDS prevention strategy and not be influenced by those who may be trying to politicize science and public health policy.

Wednesday, May 21, 2003

EPA Fails to Study Mercury Emissions

Rep. Waxman asks why EPA has failed to conduct an analysis of toxic mercury emissions from power plants, a move which threatens to derail the Clean Air Act rule on controlling these emissions.

Wednesday, May 21, 2003

USDA and OMB Asked About Influence of Meat Processing Industry on Listeria Testing

Rep. Waxman writes to USDA Secretary Veneman and OMB Director Daniels to seek information about whether the meat processing industry may have inappropriately influenced the development of USDA's directive on testing for Listeria contamination.

Thursday, May 15, 2003

Privacy and Security Risks of P2P File-Sharing

At a Committee on Government Reform hearing, Rep. Waxman and Chairman Davis released a report on the privacy and security risks posed by the use of popular peer-to-peer file-sharing programs like Kazaa.

Thursday, May 15, 2003

Waiting Times for Veterans Health Care

Concerns over waiting times at clinics run by the Department of Veterans Affairs have been increasing for almost a decade. In response to these concerns, Congress passed legislation in 1996 requiring the VA to provide “timely” care to veterans, and the VA established a national goal of scheduling all nonurgent primary and specialty care appointments within 30 days. The VA pledged to meet this goal by 1998. A series of Special Investigation Division reports investigate waiting times at VA primary and specialty care clinics.

Friday, May 09, 2003

Cabinet Members Receive Average Tax Cut of $42,000 Under House Republican Plan

A new analysis shows that Vice President Cheney, President Bush, and other members of the Cabinet would receive an average tax cut of over $42,000 under the House Republican proposal to cut taxes on capital gains and dividends.

Displaying Items 1001 to 1025 of 1318:

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